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I saw the gust of winter
Walks a billowing shadow across the field
Unmasking all covers of a happy summer
Whispering a once cold secret untold.

The dire wolf leashed under a leafless tree
Warns the old wise moon for omen
Has she come to betray me for a visit?
Or, steal me a kiss of vengeance.

Skin as pale as snow
Flowing in a cosmos of abyss
Thought ocean devours everything
Flesh with rocks can't rise above.

Has justice been this early winter?
Knocking on every door
Warranting about Summer 1990
Of a wrath under a sycamore tree.

Three wise men under the stars
A girl dances with the corns
Happy feet can't help but wander
Leading her to where daddy is.

Safe on these arms of forever
Carry me over where home is
Lit the light up unveils
Two shadows under the stars.

Seeing through a thick fiber
A nameless fear of silence
Not even a single drop of needle
Till her breath has faded.
this is part 1 - to be continued...bizarre events of Summer 1990.
Lying under a tree,
Waiting for an apple to fall down on me.
I know it will never happen today.
Nothing seems to be working anyway.

I am done trying. I'm done.
It makes me sad to see how fragile your happiness can be.
I wish I could see you smiling for ever.
Not because you are the most beautiful when you smile, you are still beautiful in your pain.
I just wish you never had to know pain.
I want you to be happy because you deserve it.
For each and everyone of you, you deserve to be happy
Don't think for a second I am going to wear a dress and watch Titanic or The Notebook with you- We are going to have a Firefly marathon whit too much food and I'll wear a hoodie, or Watch Mad Max Fury road, but darling, don't expect me to be like the other girls- on somedays I even ain't one, and even when I am- Star Wars and Harry Potter are still favorite- Star Trek and Supernatural, Sherlock and Doctor Who, so you better keep up with my geekyness or you won'the know when I love you.
I love you- I know
Because sweetie I am a geek and a fangirl ;)
A pretty random poem, but I am such a geek/nerd so yeah
I used to be that happy little girl who danced trough the streets, smiled at everyone she met.
Now I am that depressed boy who locks himself up in his room, never comming out, because people might notice his *****.
Oh, the difference between this two.
But both are part of me and my past.
Who will I tomorrow be?
In the mirror,
Sadness reflected.
Shattered dreams,
And hopeless smiles.
In the mirror I stare,
seeing thousand of broken pieces.
Empty eyes,
waiting for death to come out of the mirror.
Am I loosing myself?
Or did I years ago?
Is that why I feel so empty inside?
You can beat us to the ground, hurt us.
Ignore our screams.
Pretened that we are fine.
Because kids can't be depressed.
You can tell us how to live and feel.
Tell us our demons are not real.
But we are just other human beings.
Looking for their own indentity.
Going trough darker times.
Just younger but not untouched by pain.
Just because we are younger doesn't mean we can't be hurt.
So yes you can be ignorant.
You can tell us that we lie.
But that won't help us.
Won't change a thing.
We are the depressed teenagers.
And we can't do anything about it.
So please stop reminding us that we should be happy.
That our teens are the best times of our lifes.
Cause if depression is the best we will get,
how much must aldult life **** then?
It is annoying that people think you can't be depresed until you are a legal aldult. 1 out of 5 people will ever experience depression (how long, how bad and how many times depends per person) and some of them will do that during, or even before their teens.
 Aug 2015 Tomlinsonsgun
sanch kay
think of all the people you've ever met,
and all the conversations that have ever left an impact on you.
think of all the thoughts that those words prompted in you,
and all the actions they led to,
which went and touched more people than you can count.
innumerable words and thoughts,
little cosmic representations of the
souls of people touching us
your life is forever and inexplicably interconnected with a million others.
forever intertwined, forever in tandem; forever solitary.
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