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Procrastination is the thief of time
And that's why I make the most of it when I put together every rhyme
With my words I'm committing a crime
Not satisfied? Then here's a dime

These lines are too bitter, let's add some lime
Be quiet like a mime because I'm
breaking down these words like an enzyme
I'll grime your dignity because I'm sublime

Well I might be exaggerating a little bit
But nevertheless don't fiddle with it
Come here and let me tell you a riddle, sit
No one wants to watch an infidel spit

There's no use being a flagrant hypocrite
So I advise you to just grit your teeth, and quit.
#uh #hello
Do you know that feeling,
When hot water,
Feels cold?
That is like your love.

You give the illusion,
Of being good,
When deep down,
I know you're bad.
What is love?
I thought I knew, but I guess I was wrong
We were once each other’s everything
But life got in the way
And we grew in different directions
I wish it could have worked out differently
If it had we might still be together planning our future together
Now I’m living a life without you in it
A life that is cold, dark, and lonely
I wish I could go back to when everything was perfect
And we were still together
To say I miss you is the understatement of the century
I would do anything to be able to hold you one more time
And tell you how much I Love You
But that’s not happen, I know
I am here all alone in this empty place

I want to go further, leave this place behind

This is not where I want to be

But something is keeping me here

I am attached to strings

Strings painfully attached at my back

Right where my wings should have been

Pulling me back down

Keeping me from flying

Giving me nothing but pain

As I cannot move without getting hurt

They will not let me escape the tragedy of this cruel world

I have nowhere to go, but here, I know, I cannot stay

Yet I cannot go

And this strings do not only tear my back apart

But also my heart
I hope the music works, this was what I was listening while writing this poem, I hope you guys like it.
the song I listened to is another beautiful song
I am trapped,
Locked up like a bird in a cage
My wings are clipped
I am hidden away,
under hunderd of layers
I locked my true self far away,
afraid to be seen
I hide in this world of lies,
Afraid for what others may think
I am locked up like a bird in a cage,
a cage build by myself
I can't go away,
I am trapped,
In this web of lies and secrets
I am locked away,
not to be shown,
afraid for what others may think
They cannot know
They cannot see
Who I truly want to be
the voices whisper

they call out to me

They scream

They laugh at me

Should I listen?

Should I care?

The screaming won't stop

I can't tell the difference

between the screaming in my head

and my own

Stop it, stop!

I can't ignore them anymore

For the voices whisper

They call out to me

They scream

They laugh at me

I can't ignore them anymore

No, don't pity me

They are right

and this is my goodbye
I am locked up in this body,

In this world of lies,

And deep down I know,

I will never be free
My body is a curse,
A boundry I cannot cross,
for tommorow it will be a bless,
my body is a cage,
my mind the captived one,
my body is like a prison,
for my very own soul
this is a poem about being gender fluid
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