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Michael Amery Sep 2014
You warmth slips past my eager lips as I take you in,
Your fall spice tickles my senses as I sigh, falling into the joy of our annual ceremony.

I am not alone in my adoration of you, but I do not grow jealous as others call your name,
Rather I find a sort of community in our shared appreciation,
Like a perfect song you were meant for the world, not one,
Yet each of us singular in the definition of our experience with you.

And so I wet my lips, again tasting the hint of a memory of your last kiss,  I prepare to brave that soft beacon hill of whipped cream topped with a seasoning so familiar yet unknown.
I really love PSL
J A M Aug 2014
The answer to life's problems
Is in front of your face
It is pie indeed
Make no mistake

Pies of all sizes
Take your place
Delightful to gaze upon
If even not so great

How can you mess up
Something in a round plate?

Meringue or not
They are all so yummy
Just thinking about them
In your tummy

The thought alone is
Oh so yummy!

For now I will retreat
To something not so grand
But soon I will rejoice
With pie in hand
Silly, I know. For my son who loves pie! :)
My tummy needs a yummy,
Like a plummy tasty gummy.

I'm in a slummy feeling crummy,
Give me something in my tummy.

Please don't treat me like a scummy,
And don't look at me like a dummy.

I don't want to drink a rummy,
But a yummy in my tummy.

Mommy can I get a yummy,
I don't want to starve my tommy.

Please offer me some plummy tasty gummy.
I am starving, can someone offer me plummy yummy.
Martin Feussner Jun 2014
Ice-cream here
Ice-cream there
Ice-cream everywhere
Through happiness
Through sadness
And through loneliness
Oh ice-cream
Oh ice-cream
Oh ice-cream
What would life be
Without you?
Don't we all love ice-cream!
I've always wanted
To write a poem about it
Because, just because.
I don't know why, but I guess
I really like it.

— The End —