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Sindi Kafazi Dec 2015
They say the stars rarely come out in New York
But have you been over it, while sitting in an airplane?
New Yawks a galaxy
A galactic city named atrocity
Urging people to find themselves, and learn about themselves
Narcissistic like astrology  

New York rushes me
And brushes me
New York is so inspiring
But yet
My thoughts are stuck in traffic
And trust me
We have writers on every block

*** holes
That mock

The tapping of your shoe
As you try and try to hush a crowd
Just so that you could get through

We got news anchors talking about how somebody got shot
and sometimes you feel your spirit beggining to rot
Because you can't stop
Imagining bullets
Shooting In every angle
Just dipping into your wakefullness like lullabies
Once in the heart
Twice in the eyes

And three in each ear
It's like **** what you think, feel, see and hear

But It's next year and your still here
In the city where the sound of an ambulance
Can be your alarm
and with a stranger you'll sit arm to arm

So come camp out in Brooklyn under the bridge because your heart will know exactly where those lost ideas now live

Come take the subway and study the map
It'll let you know where to go to get all your inspiration back

And if all fails head to the flea market somewhere sorta creepy downtown
And get yourself a muse
She'll show you around.
Jude kyrie Dec 2015
No One Dies In Lilydale


Driving through a misty autumn night
I lost my way with no one in sight
A ghostly town in the gloom appeared
Eerie visions in a haunting light
Old gingerbread houses on a silent street
The night wind it starts to wail
Not a soul about here to meet
A signpost foretells of a strange tale
Reading “no one dies in Lilydale”
Each home had a strange shingle
Reading them my spine did tingle
Talk you lost love step this way
We speak with the dead every day
Over forty signs on every picket gate
Lilydale is the center of the spirit talkers
My soul was troubled I had lost my love
If only I could speak with her from up above
How I would say what had been missed
Her perfect loving and her sweet kiss
Trembling as I knocked on the door
An aged wrinkled woman I saw
Come here my son come in from the rain
Your love shall speak to you once again
We sat on her sofa she took my hand
She said your love is here
Beside you she does stand
You two will meet again
When your time on earth is done
Now you must take care of your young son
Do everything that you can
To bring him up to be a good man
I could feel her, she is close to me
My terror is gone I lose my fears
My eyes are streaming loving tears
I say I love you honey please don’t go
Please stay with me how I need you so
The old lady said your love has gone
I drive away out of the misty place
Tears still streaming down my face
My task is now renewed
My son I will never fail
You know that no one dies in Lillydale
Lily Dale was incorporated in 1879 as Cassadaga Lake Free Association, a camp and meeting place for Spiritualists and Freethinkers. The name was changed to The City of Light in 1903 and finally to Lily Dale Assembly in 1906. The purpose of Lily Dale is to further the science, philosophy, & religion of Spiritualism.[1]

Lily Dale is a hamlet located in the Town of Pomfret on the east side of Cassadaga Lake, next to the Village of Cassadaga. Located in southwestern New York State,[2] it is one hour southwest of Buffalo, halfway to the Pennsylvania border. Lily Dale's year-round population is estimated to be 275. Each year approximately 22,000 visitors come for classes, workshops, public church services and mediumship demonstrations, lectures, and private appointments with mediums.[3] In recent years, guest lecturers have included Lisa Williams, Dee Wallace, members of "Ghost Hunters," Tibetan monks, James Van Praagh, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Deepak Chopra.
Joel Ochoa Nov 2015
These city streets are no place for me, this is what ive known all my life. This concrete jungle, this carnival of madness. This city is becoming a reflection of my soul, slowly engulfing me in its chaos. Not wanting me to break free of its shackles it tightens its grip hoping i will be defeated and submit. I am not so simple, i am no longer that young naive boy this city has raised. This passion is burning inside of me, my ambition will break those ties that bind me to the pavement. Success awaits me at the top of the world,
its form still unknown but my wings have just grown.
©Joel Ochoa|Nov.22.2015
E Townsend Nov 2015
Underneath the rushing world
our situation at a glance
has yet to quietly unfurl.
I am only a lonely girl
who's never had a slow-song dance
above the big rushing world.
And you, you look like you could twirl
me, and trap my heart in a trance,
which has yet to slowly unfurl.

On these tracks, there is a pearl
among the others in a stance,
underneath the rushing world.
Suddenly the train stops and hurls
you toward me. This is my chance.
I should take it. But it unfurls,

I need to say before this whirl
    I have not met you. In advance
underneath the rushing world
our love will not ever unfurl.
Molly Greenhood Oct 2015
Curled under blankets
with the shades pulled tight,
I'm hoping for rain
so I can't witness the beauty
of the summer day.

I think I hate it here but I don't know.
I find myself wondering why I had to leave.

I wish I was on the wind-shorn coast of Kilcar,
tasting garlic flavored seaweed and drinking tea
on the bluff after a long day of harvesting.
Noah A Baker Sep 2015
I'm on the Empire State Building.
The air has never felt so thin,
my clothes so light,
almost weightless in the way they fit.

It's rush hour.
Below me, the bustling pace
of the Big Apple. New York City
never sleeps, so they miss things often.

It's a Sunday morning.
I can hear the bells...
They're louder than usual today.
Is there a wedding?

Everything's black.
The dresses, suits, the ties, the back of my eyelids.
I'm at the peak of the city that never sleeps.
The angels have begun descending.
I'm ready.
Jordan Sterling Aug 2015
Dark murky air hangs low
over grimy, slick asphalt.
The stale air thick with heady perfume,
every corner dripping with ****** frustration.
Down, through dismal, dark alleyways,
each click of her heels holds a feeling of self importance.
Like a Broadway star’s bold steps –
But life is not a cabaret.

A mysterious energy dances
on the biting edge of the wind,
smelling of car exhaust and
carrying with it a feeling –
the sweet feeling of glamour.
Thrill of broken bottles,
beer soaked clothes,
lonely desperation.

Tousled dark hair,
filled with glitter from the night before,
a cloud of intoxicating whisky scent
heavily laden over her shoulders.
Through her jaded, glassy eyes
She sees only darkened shades of gray.
The neon signs flicker –
like a beacon of faltering hope.

As she pulls the last cigarette from her pack
The ruin floods into her veins.
Stumbling through the streets,
Fuming colors flash by,
Their images leaving imprints
in her tender, bruised, mind.

Surrounded by a dark shroud –
Silhouettes of black, grey, brown;
a dreary collage,
Accented only by the bright lights,
flashing signs,
and endless advertisements.

She notices the familiar,
The grounding,
The taste of the nicotine on her tongue,
Another poison laced drag,
Warming her from her numb complacency.

She tried to escape her lonely heart and empty bed –
Looking for love in the abandoned, crumbling buildings
plastered with
lights, success and fame.
Yet there they are,
Haunting every step,
Delicately tapping out her tale of heartbreak.
This was her new life in the spectacular New York City –
The beautiful land of decay.
This was originally a short story I attempted to convert into more of a free form poetry format.
Leigh Jul 2015

Blurred hibiscus
Sit alongside the
Bravest boy in
New York but
Offer nothing of
The judgement
He feels in his heart.

Sitting on the
Red brick steps
Of a porch which
Opens to the world
He pours himself
Through the focused
Lens of a life changer.


Erin Atkinson Jun 2015
Dear New York,
          I think of you often.

Dear New York,
          In a parallel universe,
                  I am holding you tightly,
but in this one
       I am only grasping
                                        at empty air.

Dear New York,
          Do you read
the love letters I write you
          in my sleep?
                                     Do you sleep at all?

Dear New York,
          I hope you enjoyed your coffee today,
and that it was not bitter,
                                            if it tasted like me.

Dear New York,
          I hope it tasted like me.
Nicholas Fogle Jun 2015
New York rush is it's own lust.
Got cars,
all sorts of Planes,
Lights Flashing,
It's New York Action.
That's my life all right
N-Y-C is all I see  
Manhattan is where I be.
New York
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