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In words I can embrace you only to destroy all in flesh.
Are torments shared often compare are we not flawed my dear in love and charmed in life?

My monster of ego knows no weakness except the tears of your eyes I'm so sorry for the man I've become from demons I've cast we couldn't bare the flame yet in this dead of winter may we know are warmth.

Those eyes that I've seen fade now spring still my hearts wraith are the nights now colder alone or is my emptiness to much to bare?
Scars I have traced upon the flesh never mend that of this emotional drain you are that which I can never be .

You know the man not the image and I see through the past to what's of a bitter sweet embrace we have stood as enemies and loved as immortals.
A sunsets reprise often is the deepest sadness for in pain I see the beauty so few ever cared to know.

I am a villain to most and simply John to you.
Are roads cant be imagined yet I never would cast aside the wreckage for another to replace .

We understand what so few could ever fathom.
Together we are addicts of the abyss sometimes you realize the darkness brings far more comfort than the light .

I whisper to you in this night gentle for only you to hear.

Little girl do you grasp all that I can never say in words?

To most I am a monster but to you I am only John.
This will probably be taken wrong .
But as always I believe it's better to let the reader make up there own ideas for when we put out work it takes on a  life of it's own.
"O, how Light
doth so verily well as Ink
upon canvases of Darkness,
as Darkness
doth so verily the same
by Light.

do I beseech of thee
to speak at any length with me
of this 'good' and 'bad.'
over which you toil yet so."
Let's call it "following a whim~"

*Just in case anyone's curious: the asterisk in the title is wholly intentional as a facetious appeal to a theoretically-requisite-though-nevertheless-inescapably-non-existant footnote of a disclaimer signifying that this is, in fact, somewhat likely to be a hypothetical scenario where someone, for some senseless reason, actually wanted to know the author's viewpoint; or, that it could indeed be otherwise fictitious.

Resemblance to any person, myself or otherwise, is favorable.

Just to clarify. ;)

Egeria Litha Nov 2014
Nothing can influence
A Man
Than a Woman
It's a difference
Through yin
That causes
Yang to become

It's like the beast
Crawling towards
The beauty
She need not
Use force
Or violence
To get the animal
To draw closer

Her prescence -
A flower
So sweet
Anything with a nose
Wants to inhale

The influence of
A woman
Is a journey inward
Where the flow
Comes in

I could show you where
You begin
Where it begins -
In the formation
Of a wave curling
To form
An infuriating
Soaring through
the wind

She gets him
Her words
Sound like Sanskrit
She knows what he needs
Beyond what his ego

And maybe gentle
Or crying
Should not be forbidden
The influence of women

A females touch delicious
A Man's counterpart
And producer of souls
The answer to family
The true love gaze
An access to divinity
The missing ingredient
Of the recipe

A Woman's influence
On a man
Is the way the world
Spencer Dennison Sep 2014
I have grown, all around me,
gardens and hedges of barbed wire.
My heart is a grease fire,
constantly pumping fumes
that exit through each eye
every time I try to stare someone down.
I suppose that in this circus act of anger,
even I will start to look like a clown.

I have always known, in spite of myself,
that anger is not a civilized emotion.
But the motion put behind it
moves nations.
Allowing us to take vacations
away from sense and logic.
Just letting vengeance be an object to be obtained,
not letting our better judgement be stained
with petty things like love and trust.

I suppose even an executioner's blade,
will at some point begin to rust.
Because anger is a grease fire
that burns for a long time,
but not forever.
I don't think myself to be too clever
to fall victim to these pitfalls
and make my words into spitballs.
We all do at some point in life,
it's part of the human condition.

I've never been good at math,
but I know enough about addition
to know that if you take away
more than what you give,
you'll in the end be left with less.
Sometimes, all we are is a bubbling hot mess
and we feel we have nothing.
But if you have nothing to give,
give nothing as if it were something.
You might be surprised by what happens.
A rose that only knows sunlight
Can never understand rain;
A heart that's only known gladness
Can never understand pain.
Eyes that have never seen darkness
Cannot comprehend hope;
Passions that have never felt torment
Are fires that can not be stoked.
But wisdom that hearkens to anger
Will someday turn its cheek;
A bold king of cruelty
Will someday join the meek.
Though the good and the bad
Writhe in confliction
Inside us all
Is a whole conviction.
Two parts to a whole,
Two sides in the glass,
The push and the pull,
The future and past.
We stumble about
Our hearts divided in twain
Eking out answers
In our fight to remain.
We ask ourselves
Whatis wrong?
What is right?
Too scared of the dark
To embrace the light.
We cannot be happy
Without having been sad
We cannot have good
Without the bad.
Dhaye Margaux Jul 2014
There's a woman seeing much trouble
but she's always grateful of this life

She could be living in miseries and pain
but she never forgets to smile

She knows that life is a **** duplex
yes, she believes in life's duality

The yin and yang, the bad and good, black or  white
she could be sad or happy

But such reality of life, one cannot change
but understand and accept

For if she will live with objections
would it give her peace and won't regret?

Oh human, the war within oneself
must be treated with care so you'll understand

That life's gift after winning a battle
is best enjoyed when you don't always demand.
Within oneself...
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