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ln Dec 2014
This is a note to everyone,
It's words I could never bring myself to say,
And my invisible shield being ripped away willingly.
It's emotions I was too afraid to show,
And now I bring them forth for each and every single one of you who feasted your fiery eyes upon every word that came out of the deepest valleys of my worn out soul.

To the ones I've loved & lost,
Every one of you thought me different things
Some of you were blessings,
Some of you were curses,
I'm sorry I couldn't keep you in my life,
But I hope you found people that could.

To the ones I've ignored & deleted,
I wish I never met any of you,
For the pain and despair you made me feel,
For the regretful decisions you made me make,
But I wish the best for all of you,
I hope you achieve your dreams and see the light, in the places where darkness was all I felt.

To the ones I love & adore,
I don't know what I'd be without any of you,
Thank you for being my rock,
For always guiding me and filling me with laughter,
For making sure I never go back to being who I was,
I hope to never misplace any of you while searching for some of my missing pieces to fill this puzzle I started making, 17 years ago.

To the ones I've forgotten & ignored,
I hope you know how tremendously sorry I am,
I didn't make the decision,
I ran out of options.
Think about where were you when all I needed was to feel wanted,
Think about the day you told me I was part of you,
Only to find out that you lied; the very next day,
I hope you find better people that will fall for your venomous words that still pierce through every vein in my aching body, as I struggle to find freedom; in what used to feel like home.

To everyone I have met,
To the words that shifted my perspectives,
To the waves that churned my thoughts,
To the strangers I failed to have gotten to know,
To the strangers that I used to know,
To the strangers that now are; everything I am made of

I only have two words;

*Thank you.
KD Miller Dec 2014
princeton, nj
part of no series
chainedwhore Dec 2014
its my birthday and in like over 15 yrs ive never been sober...

But I am today........finally.....can start doing things the way normal people do....
im just emotional and don't like that I get so emotional .....but I guess when you've lived one way for so long its hard at first .....but I will do it..
I have to.

But no gifts today.....only gift is to my self and that's the best gift of all...!!!
its my bday and im sober for once in along feels scary but a good scary.
Chris T Dec 2014
Coke holiday commercials got me drinkin',
New Years day, expect to pass a kidney stone.
aviisevil Dec 2014
Remember who we were,
I know it has been so long.
Take my memories with you
And I might come along.
So many miles to walk back on,
Even the smiles will haunt.
Wish I could tell you-
There's so much more to this life,
Than just our needs and wants.
Hear me for the last time-
All of my rights and wrongs.
Wish I could sing to you-
For every old man has a song.

Yesterday we were young-
Now even tomorrow feels so old.
Left so much unseen and unheard,
Now there's nothing left but-
An incomplete tale to be told.
I still can't remember your face,
So much to accept and be-hold.
How is that you're still so beautiful,
Even after watching so many springs-
Die and be cold.
Do they ever remind you of us,
Back when we were whole.
Wish you could tell me then-
That love is meant to die for.

When does it all change,
An old man has not a clue.
And the time never waits,
We all have to pay our dues.
From the summer mornings-
To the winter blues.
The moments-
Are so far and inbetween,
In our hearts and few.
There's not much left within-
To hang onto something new
And even when it lay all around me,
All that mattered was you.

When the darkness held me-
I heard myself whisper your name.
Your face was all I could see-
And I knew I was in love again.
Like I've always been,
I felt the same.
An old mans dream-
To be young once again.
Like the last page of a book,
That wants to be read once again.
Only without the questions
And the answers-
I wish I could've changed.
And when I'm gone-
I'll know deep in my heart,
That a story remains.

Embrace me for who I am
And what I am,
Will be yours to keep.
I wish I could make you understand,
When I'm gone -
There's no need to weep.
Look at me like you always did,
For I'm just falling asleep.
Kiss me for I'll need it,
Before you leave.

Love me O' love me
And I would happily be alone
Kiss me O' kiss me
And I might find my home.
Notes (optional)
Makenzie Marie Dec 2014
I miss you already
And I can't say
That I wish you would stay
But I do wish
That the time
will pass quick.
So there's won't
Be too much time to miss
Your perfection.
Suzy Hazelwood Dec 2014
The old woman who lives next door
she asked of you today
she guessed you’d gone
she knows our world has broken

She heard our voices raised
the slam of the door when you left
and me
wailing in the hall at this ****** hollow life

You thought she was mad
an old *****
self obsessed
with flea ridden cats
that’s because you never took the time
to discover the woman

She told me
he left forty years today
without a word
slammed the door
just like you
and she waited
waited in the company of her cats
waited...for him

Cats are her love
she cares for them
and in return they adore her

Isn’t love what matters
even if it’s only a cat
who loves you?

If every person you’d ever known
turned the other way
wouldn’t you also be grateful
for the love of a cat?
B Dec 2014
I dreamt of her many years ago.
She didn't have a face.

But when she spoke,
it was the sound of music.

As I lay beside her,
all the ******* of my life started fading away.

Something about the vague dream kept me going.
It inspired me to keep fighting.

And then I woke up, happy,
for the first time in forever.

She could be anyone..
Sometimes good dreams help in hard times
KA Dec 2014
You know our years are not lost
our children
our laughter
the blood
the breathe
the tears

the loneliness just got to me
that's all.
I just couldn't take it anymore.
ignored and dying.

you will be happy.
you will meet someone nice.

our years wont be lost,
you are you
and I am me.
Madeysin Dec 2014
Make something of yourself son,
Cause you know daddy ain't gonna.
I know you aren't bitter boy
Wipe them tears from your cheeks
Be the man your poppa shoulda been
Sonny don't cry yourself to sleep
But mom, walk in my shoes
A disaster
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