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dani evelyn Jan 2018
i had a dream last night that you kissed me full on the mouth.
we were in a room with pink wallpaper,
a room where everybody gets what they want.
i was someone other than myself,
someone stronger,
a girl with a gun in a briefcase.
you, on the other hand, were exactly yourself.
your beard was grown out just the way I like it.
you touched the soft place behind my ear
where i like to be kissed.
i’m afraid to stop running, i spoke into your hand,
a secret.
you don’t have to stop, you said.
you just have to change direction.
there was water pouring through the cracks
in the doorway, Titanic-style.
there wasn’t much time.
why did this take so long? i asked you,
and the water was pooling at my ankles.
the same reason the end of the world
is taking so long
, you said.
*we’re all afraid to collapse ourselves and become something new.
Johnny Parsons Jan 2018
Not accepted by who you are,
Not accepted by a friendship that has come so far,
Being turned twisted and tortured,
Just to become the person who people want you to be,
Trying to show the person everyone likes to see,
Holding every emotion close to your heart,
Just so no one sees a weakness has become an art,
Nobody knows what you go through everyday,
They just show selfishness and expect to see you fake.
No longer can I hold these feelings back towards people I hate, love and fancy,
Although by doing this will mean I'm taking some chances.
Not being accepted by who you are,
Losing friendships that have come so far.
Seema Jan 2018
He looked weird
With his long beard
Seems unshaven for many years

Walked like a turtle
With a shiny armor like metal
Hung around his neck were cups and kettle

Swagging with baby like steps
I heard Tip-a-tip-tap
With his walking stick and a whitered cap

I watched him from far
Away from my car
Hip-a-didal-do why you stare like am at a zoo

He mumbled loudly like a roar
From a lions cage somewhere at the core
I kept my pace to see him more

A small man perhaps a dwarf
Making his way towards the near wharf
I decided to head off

As I turned to go
He startled from behind
Saying Sip-aa-say-so

Leaving me speechless
With no clue
Of how he got me out of the blue

He taped his stick
And sat on a brick
He totally looked sick

I said "hello"
He replied "ello"
"I am a weird fellow"

He looked away
Far to the other way
Got up and started his weird song

Tip-a-tip-tap Tip-a-tip-tap
With a say of little
Here I see a cat in the middle
Whose with me...Whose with me
With cups and kettle
Sip-aa-say-so Sip-aa-say-so
With nowhere to go
Hip-a-didal-do Hip-a-didal-do
I have no clue...

Creative writing. Fictional write, spilling imagination.
Asominate Jan 2018
Someone's knocking at my door
In the middle of the night
From a warm be into the cold
I think I got my first frostbite

As I opened up my door
I saw a ghostly figure on my porch
A lady all dressed in white
With an unlit torch as her light

Her jet black hair was flying wide
She looked so feeble, oh so mild
Her dress was dancing everywhere
And on her face showed fright

She had such a perfect face
And she came from a mixed race
She said,"Please help me,
I'm being followed by a plight."

I led her into my home
She ran away from my statue gnomes
And when I held her hand
It was so cold and tight

Her lips were bleeding, so was her head
On her dress was drops of red
I let her sleep on my bed
And slept on the couch that night

We danced and we pranced
In my dreams
I was awoken
By the sunbeams

I ran to her
For I heard screams
And at her foot
I saw blood and shaving cream

She said that is wasn't what it seamed
It's cherry syrup and whip cream
I thought that she cut herself while taking a shave
I felt so ashamed and naive
to be continued? I know naive and shave doesn't rhyme. Looking at this poem now that I'm older, I'm wondering "What was I thinking when I wrote this"
Asominate Jan 2018
So weird,
So unaccustomed,
I see it clearer now
That good can't really blossom.
The fear,
It really runs on
My state of mind,
I find
That soon I will be done, down.

Been knocking on the doors for help like bang, bang, bang.
The alarms always sound that way, they always rang, rang, rang.

Just like this
Things always have been
It is so
Foreign to me.

So weird,
So unaccustomed,
I see it clearer now
That good can't really blossom.
The fear,
It really runs on
My state of mind,
I find
That soon I will be done, down.

Been knocking on the doors for years like bang, bang, bang.
The alarms always sound that way, they always rang, rang, rang.

Just like this
Things always have been
It is so
Foreign to me.
frankie Jan 2018
a what was to be a stifled yawn escapes her lips
fingers rubbing at tired eyes as if if she rubbed hard enough she could make the purple rings underneath blend in with the colour of her skin
body feeling weighed down on my some force to be reckoned with, one much stronger than gravity
a sleepy haze overcomes, but she doesn't seem to  mind this kind of tired

being so well trained in the fine arts of what tired can be
she smiles knowing that this tired is one of the good kinds
this tired isn't like the kind of tired you feel when depression becomes you rbest friend and no matter how long you sleep the sight of the sun still burns your eyes and you feel like deadweight being pulled by a string
or the tired that follows a fit of tears and shaking, the tired that made a love affair with anxiety and you hope for nothing more than for this affair to be over for your sanity

no this tired, is different.
this tired keeps the smile on your face when you wake up from three hours sleep knowing that it was all worth it just to get a simple hello from the one person you've been dying to talk to all day
an I love you from your best friend all the way across the ocean
the tired that reminds you how you felt while your eyes were burning and begging to be **** when you saw that your world and his had met up o the same day even though the time zone would beg to differ that he's not as far away as he seems anymore

this tired i do not mind
this tired can overcome me any day
as long as this tired continued to feel like the tired you get after you've soaked in rays of golden sunshine for a bit too long
jace Jan 2018
On the cold ground here I lay,
Swallowing the feelings I can't convey,
And I cry a silent cry,
For forever I say goodbye

My dress soaked with red,
My eyes only perceive dread,
My blood filling my throat,
My life ceased to devote

Then a sudden gift from fate,
The black that began to dominate,
Fear is not a word to describe,
My dead heart began to feel alive

From his ankles to his shoulders,
Dressed in aristocratic attire,
As dark as the sky at night,
As noble as the Duke's delight

I felt my admiration,
When he approached without hesitation,
My cheeks stained with blood,
But never a trace of disgust

Then, my eyes began to close,
Such precious moment for me to lose,
There is so much to say...
In my next life, on my dying day
This was actually the first poem I've ever finished. Actually just last year because most of the time I didn't finish my poems prior to this
yours truly Jan 2018
I don't always need to go out
i cant even think of how it would be.
conversating with other when they have no room to think;
no room to think about the most important things in life,
only room to think "hey, do you think i can get that guy?"
No i cant do it, not at all;
to busy stuck communicating with the people in the wall.
There more open minded,
more wise... more alive.
                                                       yours truly,
                                                          ­           . . .
i dont know what this is tbh.
Melodie Fowles Sep 2017
I don't think I ever wrote anything that scary
But just because you happened to dare me

I'll weave a tale of fear and dread
A story so vile it'll stop your heart dead

Deep in the night when you're asleep in bed
An creature most foul enters your head

He slits open your papery eardrums with his claws
And sneaks on through without even a pause

He runs his sharp nails along your tympanic cavity
And blood rains down as he licks at it absently

A slit he cuts in your middle temporal artery
Then he slides on in like a thief on a robbery

Riding the current on twists and turns
On the crimson tide he is now a foreign germ

When he reaches his prefered destination
It is here he will wreak his final devastation

Behind your eye he works his claws and drills your bone
Until he hits his mark and lets out a gleeful moan

From his mouth comes a proboscis long and sleek
Then out it's tip a rancid fluid it does leek

Turning your eyeball into slimy mush
He ***** up the fluid in one long gush

Then he squeezes through the hole that he made
And in the eyes remains is where he lays

When he wakes it's through your eyelid he tears
His furtive scrambling's on your face does pierce

As you wake up and the pain you can feel
Screams of terror as to your mother you appeal

The blood streaming slowly down your face
Is acidic and burning as it leaves a furrowed trace

Looking into the mirror in shock and dismay
You realise in horror that in your eye eggs have been laid.
Melodie Fowles Sep 2017
I'll give you a nightmare so raw and true
For all the stress you put me through

Drag your body to the ground
Stab you once, don't make a sound

As your blood starts to pool
And your breath begins to cool

I'll cut your neck from side to side
Sink my fingers in as the skin divides

Grasp your ****** flesh with my fingertips
Pull down hard, watch your skin rip

The slower I pull the harder I play
As your lifeless face starts to grey
And your worthless life fades away

Slicing along your ***** bone
Is the most satisfying feeling I've ever known

I hold above me my treasured prize
My gleeful face I can't disguise

From your skin I'll fashion a light
It'll shine and make my darkness bright
Forever mine, always in my sight.
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