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Big Virge Jun 2015
These days it seems ... ?
weapons are ... seen ...
NOT JUST ... on screens ...
but now ... in streets ...
Murders Here ... !!!
Murders There ... !!!
These days it's ... CLEAR ...
They ... "FILL" ... Nightmares ... !!!!!
" Nightmarish " ... dreams ...
for those ... " Now Left " ...
with ... memories ...
of friends ... Now Dead ... !!!
or ... A Relative ...
for which ...  
There's ... NO FIX ...  
while the media sings ...
the ... " Same ol' thing " ...
"We need more police
with weaponry,
to stem the tide
of violent crime !"
while ...
Governments ... " Feed " ...
DIFFERENT ... stories ... !!!!!
"Violent crime is down,
across our towns !"
Maybe where they are !!?!!
with their .....  
" Six Car Garage "
and ... " Entourage " ...
of ... Security Guards ... !!!!!
No ...  
" Hoodies " ... round them ...
or .... " Terrorist Threats " ....
Yet our youth are ... " Investing " ...
in ... " Possessing " ... more weapons ... !?!
A ... " New Age Trend " ...
that ... NEEDS TO ... " Lessen " ... !!!!!
as time ..... transcends ..........
there are many who ... " Threaten " ... !!!!!!
to .... Use A Weapon ....
from ... Violent Youth ...
to these ... Terrorist Crews ...
but ......  
Is that true ... !?!
Who's Foolin' ... Who ... ???
The U.S's ... " New Weapon " ...
ISN'T .... seen as a threat .... ???
Well ...  
Not just ... " Yet " ...............................
Could it be that ... Obama ... ???
is worse than ... " Osama " ... ?!?
Questions like ... THAT ...
may get me ... attacked ...
By BOTH .... white and black ...
but ... THINK ... before you ... FIRE ... !!!
A president is ... " Hired " ...
and RARELY ... ever ... " Fired " ...  
and .... most of them ....
are just ... " Figureheads " ...
who tend to be ... " BIG LIARS " ... !!!
"But Barack's Black !"
is what's being ... said ...
by his ... " Supporters " ... YES ... !!!
BOTH ... White and Black ...
But .....
Which way will they sway ... ?
if things ... Don't Change ... ?
I bet blacks starts saying ...
"Well he is mixed race..."
while the ... " Liberal Whites " ...
will probably be playing ...
the ... CLASSIC ... old lines ...
"He's messed things up !
He ain't one of us !"
Of course ...  
Blacks will cuss ... !!!
and ... " Run Their Gums " ... !!!!!
"Why you saying this stuff ?!?"
because ....
In .... " My View " .... !!!
it's the ... ******* Truth ... !!!!
because .....
this brother's got colour ....
that makes him ... " Cool " ... ?!?
That's a weapon they've ... " Used " ...
to keep you ... FOOLED ... !!! ...
So Don't ... get it confused ... !!!
Don't it seem a bit strange ... ?
that after .... " Uncle George " ....
Who ... CLEARLY ...  Waged War ...
on ... " immigrant Hoards " ...
that a man called ... " Osama " ... !!!!!!
"Excuse me .... OBAMA's .... !!!"
Gonna .... " SAVE THE DAY !!! "  
Clearly NOT ... !!!
for the folks down with ........ B.O. ........... !?!?!
Wait a minute man ... Whoaaaaaaa ... !!!!!!!!
I can smell something ... " Funny " ...
and I know it ain't me ....... !!!!!!! .......
B.O. .... SHOULDN'T BE ....
in the ... " White House Seat " ... !!!!!
but I guess that was left ...
by good ol' ... Georgie B' ... !!!!!
who's been in the news ...
for avoiding ... " SHOES " ... ?!?
Now .....
What kind of ... " Weapon " ...  
are they to ... " use " ... ?!?!?
I know ... Iraqi Dudes ...
gotta have ... More Venom ... !!!
It's ... Always the way ...
How you bringing a knife ... ?
to a F'ing ... " GUNFIGHT " ... !?!
"Son, you shouldn't play games
when it comes to your life !"
That's why ... " My Weapon " ...
is used to ... " STRENGTHEN " ...
NOT ...  
Leave me ... "weak" ... !!!
like those who ... " Bleed " ...  
My Weapon's ... MY MIND ... !!!
and ... well though out rhymes ...
that require ... NO SWORDS ...
or .... " Physical Wars " .... !!!!!!!!!
Of course I recognise ....
that words .... Can''t Stop ....
Weaponry that's ... STRONG ... !!!!!
But i'd rather die .... !!!
than start ... taking lives ...
because I ... " Couldn't 'Find " ...
A ... " Better Way " ... to end ...
..... Petty ..... arguments .....
than ... using a weapon ...
to prove ... my strength ...
when ... all it's gonna do ...
is lead to .... " Death " ....  
So .....
Do the government lie ... ???
about ... Gun and Knife crime ... ???
I'll let you ... decide ...
but remember ... These Lines ... !!!
Things on ... " Prime Time " ...
are what .... " THEY CHOOSE " ....
and Aren't ... always true ... !!!!!
Think about your life ...
and where you reside ...
Does your neighbourhood ... ?
get the coverage it should ... ?
Does the news ... " Neglect " ... ?  
the things you wanna see ...
on .................Your T.V. ....... ???
You see .....
My Weapons are ... WORDS ... !!!
and .... poetic verse ....
Now I ... RARELY Curse ... !!!
but agree with ... Em' ....
When you face problems ...
Sometimes ... You ... NEED TO ... !!!!!
I'd prefer that move ...
than a move to ... " SHOOT " ... !!!!!!
I can't end this piece ...
without ... One More Theme ...  
The biggest weapon in use ...
is ... CLEARLY ... " YOU " ... !!!!!
The things ... " You Choose " ...
and things .... " You Do " ....
and things you ... FEAR ...
This move is ... CLEAR ... !!!
The media ... FUELS ...
A ... "Limited View" ...
OPEN ... Your Mind ... !!!
and .... RECOGNISE ....  
that what you're fed ....
is .... " Agenda " .... led ....
You really can't believe ....
everything that you read
or the things that you see
on your ... TV Screens ... !!!!!
There are ... Many Fallacies ...
and .... False Prophecies ....
aimed towards ... " Your Ears " ...
to ... " Fuel Your Fears " ... !!!!! ...
My Weapon ... Fa' Sure ...
" Supports " ... This Cause ...
Conscious Thoughts ... !!!
before acts of war ...
That Make ... Blood Pour ... !!!
So ...
My question for you all .....
............ is ...........
" What Is Yours ? "
Thomas EG Jun 2015
You are dangerous
A weapon of destruction
A gun

And yet I still wish
To be your bullet
Your only one
*** poem (I wanna be inside you)
My emotions are a ball and chain
A weapon of longing and pain
as i'm held hostage by righteousness and pride
as i'm longing for my long lost bride
the world around me sheds its shell
and i'm stuck here, in my lonely hell
found this in one of poem journals, the pages were stuck together xD
Courtlyn Quay May 2015
We must use words in the same tone we handle weapons
hoping never to hurt the wrong person
To protect those we love
To entertain friends
To master its blade is impossible
Thats not true though
No ones took the time to.
AJ Mar 2015
When you hear the word "hammer" you may think of it as a tool for pounding a nail onto a wall, to hang a beautiful painting done by a beautiful girl, or to hang a beautiful family photo of a beautiful family.

Or maybe you think of building. Building a house, building a swing set, just those stupid belts those stupid builders hold those stupid hammers in.

But it's rare to have someone think of a hammer as a weapon.

To think of a hammer as a ****** weapon, as the weapon that's bagged, locked deep in the chambers of the evidence room.

As the weapon used by the murderer, and how their twisted mind thought of using a hammer to take someone's life away.

But it's even more rare to think of a hammer as a self harm tool.

It's  even more twisted to think that a person would take a hammer to their own skin, and pound it over and over again until their skin turns red, and then to such a scary bruise you would think it belonged in movies.

That they would keep bruising themselves with that hardware tool until they're shaking so hard they can't even hold the hammer anymore, it feels too heavy in their shaky hands.

Until they fall to the ground, covered in bruises just because they think they'll go away faster than what a razor blade could do.

But little do they know, the shaking is worse than any bruise or cut could ever be.

Why can't a hammer just be a simple hardware tool again?
1:00am-******* twisted I might as well say
Dallas Hogue Feb 2015
When you walk like you have 12 gage shotguns for lungs,
Your very breath is a weapon.

When you walk like you have pistols for hands,
Your very touch is deadly.

We did not ask for such a violent biology.
But we were born in the tide of oppression and forged in discrimination.
We did not ask for this.
This skin is a painting we do not get to wash away.
This story does not end when we wake up.

We live with the audacity to think we belong, knowing.
This was never out fate
A little something about what it means to be colored
Romeo Dec 2014
What I have in my hand
Does what I say
What I have in my hand
I’ve had for more than one day

I’ve held it close
Yet never afraid
I’ve held it close
So it stayed
Close to my heart
Where I always pray
That I don’t lose its sight
Any day

It keeps me happy
That I don’t have to use it
It gets me sad
When I see others abuse it

He told me
I made him proud
That one day I could be
Just like him and receive

A present
From him to me
To show his love
Of the family
He gave me
His father’s heart
From son to son
It’s his father’s heart
In the form of a gun
first poem

im currently writing an essay that has a few things to do with gun control im attaching this to the back
it just popped in my head and I couldn't stop
P F Rutledge Nov 2014
A war is going on.
Yet no one notices.
There are soldiers everywhere.

Here a kid brings a gun to school.
There a girl offers her friend a drug.
They are soldiers.

Here a friend sways the kid with the gun.
There the sister brings the friend from the drug.
They are soldiers.

The war continues.
Some see the puppets but not the puppeteer.
Some see the wound but not the weapon.

A war is going on.
And I'll be getting those,
Who hear the horn of heaven.
If ever there was a time to stop breathing I chose a clearing at dawn.
A deer appeared right as the gleam of the sun touched the top of the forest line.  
I heard a chipmunk scurrying across the oak roots rising from the ground.
A cardinal group begins to sing in the distance--as their sounds reaches me,  I realized I have been distracted and turn my attention back to the fourteen point, white-tailed buck in the clearing.
I slowly lift my weapon.
I set my aim,  positioning the cross (in the scope) at the shoulder of this magnificent creature, and I catch my breath.
The situation itself is far beyond a man simply taking the life of an animal--exceeds   the thrill of a firing pin striking, creating an explosion that builds pressure, sending a six centimeter long,  one and a half centimeter wide copper-coated bullet through the rifling pattern and into a target one hundred and fifty yards away.
I believe that Destiny brought us together based on the choices we both made.
I can only guess the animal's intentions (running away from a predator, looking for a mate, etc)
Myself?  I am here because I argued with my wife of 25 years.
The deer drops to the ground.
We all make choices.
I am not a hunter!!!  I just wanted to try writing from a different perspective!
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