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Mane Omsy Sep 2017
Attitudes, can I change theirs?
Yes, they told
I ripped their souls with words
Did I change?
Not yet, they are still criminals
They rob people on their roads
They **** for wealth, properties

What should I do? Report?
That would be so polite of you
So legal and peaceful
Will I get immediate response
Sure, within two or three
Two or three what?
Years, they said

I might do it myself, next time
I said
Then you’re among them
I think, correction, I believe
They are among them too
Yeah, could be
Are you?
No, no. I like justice against crimes
But, it’s just crime
People need better police services. Criminals get protection instead of for people. Innocent lives get killed and the murderers are being sent to jail. These jails have made cops and criminals more closer than the ordinary people. When justice is announced in the courts, it becomes a positive jury for the suspects. They don't deserve an extra ordinary life hurting innocents. Millions of cases still on hold because of the friendship between high officials and notorious criminals. This must end some day.
Ron Gavalik Aug 2017
Sitting in traditional wooden pews
back in the mid-2000s,
a guest priest from the heart of the Congo
delivered a homily in broken English
about how his country had been torn to shreds
by warlords who control that region's
vast and valuable mineral deposits.

As the priest spoke in gentle passion,
a sea of sympathetic white faces listened
to him describe the rapes and murders,
the poverty and oppression.
One middle-aged woman in a yellow dress near the front
quietly sobbed at the reminder of true suffering,
a torture greater than mere death.

Out of a sense of courtesy
or possible humble generosity,
the priest did not disclose the minerals
that had brought on such gluttonous violence
were the very elements that make our electronics
flash and glow as perpetual escapes.

Instead, the priest requested
we pray with him
for future mystical solutions
to immediate physical problems.

As we filed out of the church
the older woman who'd wept
discussed driving to the local mall.
Apparently, there'd been a sale on mobile phones.
The crisp spring breeze had dried our tears,
and the power of the almighty dollar
wiped away our curiosity
and our short-term memories.
A memory I had today.
Mane Omsy Aug 2017
In this reign, every counsel members
Burning their brains to **** the rebels
Thousand ways to damage their spines
None of them dare to interrupt them
Watch them incinerate to the highest
Clouds blown aside, let them through
If the revolution reaches the blue sky
Carrying every helpless to the heavens
Their interest to keep them suppressed
Would add on to their misery to rule
Brainless, heartless, shameless to ****
Even hide the emotions inside the masks
If you could stare at their burning eyes
You could plainly extinguish the flames
Where the hell rises from the ground
Destroying wishes from shooting stars
And the molten flowing on the streets
Turning houses into ashes and spread
The atmosphere will fill with dark clouds
Once it will rain their greedy reign down
Hardening the bottom hard enough
Now the rocks you've created carelessly
Will be thrown at your hollow faces
Sense the aftermath before the stupidity
When the rich rise above the majority
for the progress of the poor societies....
Lizzy Sharples Aug 2017
A poem!
About that?!
Won't help this time
Don't be a ****!

Twisted grinds
Anger seething
Justice seeking
Heart aching
Images playing dark
games with my mind

Unable to move on
Go on absently
Clinging desperately
To humanity
- too much
Has already been stolen

Afraid of
Being altered
Nothing stopped
Time didn't falter

Writhing, contorted
With physical
Manifested pain
Can't digest
The anguish
I'm fraught with

This darkness
Blacker than night
Like thick tar
Engulfing all
Snuffing out all light

One breaths
Who shouldn't
Dead inside
Breathing as he struck
Till another couldn't

My breath
Taken away
By violence
Still intruding
God help me lest
My good heart I betray
I shouldn't have adulterated poetry with this darkness. Maybe it helped me I'm not sure.
My brother was murdered and the murderer smiled in court?!
The injustice that he still breaths and still smiles!
Angelina Aug 2017
Life, in a mannerism, they proclaim
Is fragile, untouchable, limitless, rather a chain
Life, the folks sing, as delightful and indescribable as it is, is only here to stay

I do not know where, I do not know why
But thoughts mingling within my nerves apply
A paradox of significance within the definition
Of the purposeful journey we call life

Albeit the good, we choose to focus rather unwisely
Precisely of course, over delusional mastery
Understanding only comes in hand when necessary
When it threatens our existence, calling Bravery

You see, humans as smart as we are perceived to be
Might as well be a laughing stock to the rest of the scene
What we value, we fail to pursue, what we preach, we fail to reach

Would it hurt to let go of Prejudice?
An individual who has been imagined by generations beforehand, woven by bits of uncertainty and; well, where is he?

Hold on, here comes another
Violence and Destruction stand on the porch
Should we let them in? Should we not?
They are there, ready, ready anytime temptation hits now

Humanity degrades what she has created
Humiliates what she has achieved, and criticizes her dignity
Worth has lost its value, hence wonder
What have we done to help save her?

Sense has lost all contact
With wicked games being played, selfish pact
Response no longer yearns for Suffering
Such that, we deceive our own sect

Where is Understanding when we need her?
A few doors down the street, go ahead and wake her
She has not heard from us for a while now
Last time we spoke, I reckon, was when our own path was in danger
Alan S Bailey Aug 2017
I have never tried harder in my life
Just to accomplish the so-called "easy,"
This world is so full of hate and violence,
Why can't we ever believe in making things
The way that they are meant to be?

I've been doing the same things for years
I guess I still **** at "easy,"
I guess I wasted all of my years it seems,
Losing so much now, or they just want to
"Easily" overshadow you and me.
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