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Sam Hain Oct 2015
The tangents on my clavichord
Were fashion'd from a ****** sword
That slew a man who music made
Which ought like him to be decay’d.

Rachel Julia Oct 2015
In my life I have never been *****, sexually assaulted, or catcalled
But your **** jokes make the spark inside of me grow to a raging fire.
Because although I have never been *****, sexually assaulted, or catcalled there is a nearly 1 in 5 chance that I will ***** in my lifetime.
Your **** jokes are not funny. Maybe you thought it was okay to say it Because you were with people who had never been *****. But maybe they just didn't tell you. Only 16% of rapes are reported to law enforcement. Your seemingly innocent joke may bring back memories they battle every day. Your **** joke puts the abrasive words right back into the attacker's mouth as they cut at the victim's skin. Your **** jokes have the power to remind  them of being blamed, of feeling completely helpless, of wanting to die. The words of your **** joke will undoubtedly bounce around in a victim's mind. Pushing each part of the brain until everything is happening over again.
Sometimes I have stayed silent when I heard a **** joke but from now on let it be known I won't stand for it. It's not just that **** jokes aren't funny but **** is not a joke. So next time the words of a **** joke come try to be let out, roll the sentence around on your tongue, close your lips, and remember that your joke isn't a joke to everyone
Hunger and Desire grew
'til bellies everywhere were
ruined for sustenance,
so in went the troops to wage
war against ideas and
when they arrived there were no
soldiers to speak of

so they set up tents
and didn't go away

they sang drunken war-songs
until the moan of starvation bellies
sang louder and more terribly

"That must have been them
the whole time!" they said, and
suited up for the charge.
So they trained their shells at the city
excited to see if target practice
had done them any good

but all they did was mortar themselves to bits

squadrons of video-game experts
sent drones overhead to drop
Hallmark cards titled "Why it's your fault"
and coupon booklets for American
chain shopping outlets to come

but they only marginalized
and condescended themselves

"Bring in the reinforcements!"
they cried, even conscripting
their hapless targets. This mob,
too, was a hungry belly
bellowing for satisfaction,
a cannibal ***

So they set up tables and stacked
boring paperwork, filing away
spirits broken by shrapnel and white

but they only resigned themselves
to imaginary lines and the plunder
of Control, insensibly
****** themselves to death

while they watched,
“Two things are infinite:
the universe and human stupidity;
and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
olivia Oct 2015
the flames of the sky are flickering out and
you know ive been telling you to come home
time and time again
but for you its just another chain fence and
another blood nose
i can hold you this time and
wrap my arm around your weary shoulders
as your bruised knuckles become stained with blood from your face
but what happens when i cant
the other wounds haven't even healed they
still cover your cheek and
i remember the last time i tried to wash away
the damage but its back and its worse and im going away but it won't

b - (you'll get yourself killed and so will i)
I need something tonight
Something that isn't gentle.
I need teeth leaving marks on my flesh.
A hand pulling my hair.
I need a wall against my back.
Arms to lift me, bend me, control me.
I need to battle.
To hurt.
I need someone to moan in my ear.
To scream.
I need bruises and aches.
I need to wake up tomorrow hurting.
To see the evidence of beautiful violent passion.
I need to be painted black and blue.
I need to feel.
Oh God I need to feel.
Tarini Sudhakar Oct 2015
digs deep into her bony arms
curling like tendrils
of smoke
from her singed fingers.

lies shattered at her broken feet
flitting away like shadows
when darkness
comes her way.

remains non-existent
like the bruises
hiding under her sleeves.

plays hide-and-seek
leaving her
almost always
to get hurt in the darkest corners.

Roots of her hair
with every thought
of harbouring such

Her shoulder
every time she
to learn something new.

Throbbing limbs, cut lip,
face eternally powdered,
all these remind her
of the time she stood strong
and was pushed

tasting dirt for the
first time,
and then,
PaulSta SA Oct 2015
Sometimes i wonder,
Wondering wonders of wonderful
World,for i living in this awful
World,spiral of life with terrific

Unholy acts to the victims of
Xenophobic attacks,violence
Turns an everyday speech.
Government revolts gathers.
Towards poverty-stricken.
Diseases classic collide,remittance
Assassins rendered for intensely

Objection!!my lord,
Shysters bailing out
Evil-doers,juridical system
Not pertained.Poverty-trap
Pounding,chemical gases
Filling lungs of little

Somebody play nice to
This,God play part to
This,denote dualism of
Good and evil.
Yesterday they gang banged
One of your children.
Drugs co-operate infection of
Young minds,youth gangsterism

Father herd your sheeps
To the right path,we seek
Guidance from above.
Family horror-strucks unites,
Matrimony rending day by
Day,onto religion segregations
Strickes by ??????.

Keep holy to this life Life
and paste
oni Oct 2015
maybe you arent
against me
but you arent exactly
for me

since she is
such a doll
i would love
to be the
to her
china cabinet

smashing her
porcelain face
will cut my
but the feeling of
will remind me of
how much i am
Gun control?
You mean like not going crazy with it and be a responsible adult?
This nation has a apparent gun contingency
But the moment we take the guns away
Will be the modern fears of Communism striking us from within
We would be the Rome with no able army
The Founding Forefathers knew this
And would of handled this shooting problem with some extra assistance from the nation's defenders themselves
Mr President, employ the protectors to keep us safe
But do not take guns away.
My take on Gun Control. I understand why people want it, but it will do us more harm than good. Analyze Australia and England and you will see. They lost their guns.
Ren Oct 2015
fist full of her sweater
the blue with the white letters
nothing poetic about a first time beggar
I said “I wouldn’t hurt you, I wouldn’t
but I could you should know”

if you’re lightning I’m thunder
and this sky is our home

when you’re 18 and hungry
for how life was told
first time on your feet and feeling real bold
you say “I wouldn’t hurt you, I wouldn’t
but I could you should know”

when you’re 18 and foolish
and don’t want to let go

I could make this a letter; a sorry to all
I could have done better
and you’re not painted in gold
I said “I wouldn’t hurt you, I wouldn’t
but I could you should know”

if you’re lightning I’m thunder
and that sky was our home
First poem up! Glad to be here. Let me know what you think? Constructive crit  accepted.
*the lowercase makes me twitch too but it just happened that way...
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