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jas Jan 2018
drug me up
ice in my veins
chills down my spine
a twitch in my eye
like a fire
burning slow
filling my lungs with a leftover residue
towards a suffocation
of my body

I'm sick..
day 17 of 365
Sam Jun 2017
He watches the world turn from his window.
He sees the beauty as the trees bloom, and dance with the wind.
Birds sing and fly freely. It's a gentle place he thinks. A warm smile on his face. Despite all it's hardships, all the ugliness and turmoil it holds, it's still beautiful.
It seems like the world is miles away from him.
Every now and then, he lets out a few tears, but does his best to stay humble. He wants to run through the meadows, swim in the oceans, climb the highest mountains, but the I.V. in his arm simply won't let him.
He watches the world from his window.
Just wishing he could be a part of it.
AD Snail May 2017
I have told everyone about those strange miss-matched shapes,
That litters my skin,
And tell a tale but I make sure their words are twisted.

No one needs to know the pathetic truth,
The little tale, that repeats back to me, "Your unwell."
That's fine by me; as long as it doesn't come from someone else.

I am still incomplete; still not well enough to look myself in the mirror.
Lacking the focus, to understand that I should be disappointed.

I have tattered the skin upon my body with purple and blue.

This dotted bruising I should feel ashamed of,
But I can never convince myself to stop or be disappointment.

The gently miss-match, unhealthy color to the tone of my skin,
Tells the tale's of my self-hatred and rage,
And all the unwell thoughts that dance around my mind.
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Evoke me
Provoke me
But don't ever poke me

Thumping, repetitive

Ticker tape parade
No quiet but no silence

Acid house rock
Acid house tabs
Thumping repetitive

I see things, I hear things
Real or not real

I plead you, I need you to bring me back from the brink
Have to drink from the fountain of reality
Franz Bartolome Jun 2016
Being okay is not something you can just achieve overnight, or over a day, or even over a week. It's not something you rush, it's something that takes time, an uncertain length of time.

It would take you on some sort of uncertain journey knowing yourself, like knowing what makes you not okay today, or what makes you feel alright again the next day.

You will really never know when will you be completely okay, that's the truth; but the good thing here is this: you have all the time in world to finally be.

You have all the time for yourself to use it, to take the chance to  finally learn how to say "I'm not okay." at times you're not. Denying the truth to yourself won't help, accepting it and embracing it, would. You have to treasure that downfall moment, everyday; every weekend, in a midst of everything.
You have to do something about it, and what's more to create something from it, of all people; for yourself.

It can be a messy puzzle to fix, it can be a long process to be done with, but remember this:  It's okay to work on being okay, it's okay to find out what would work for you or what would not;

than to fret and work on nothing at all.
Just a thought
Emilio May 2016
**** happened;
The stillness of the night,
The ****** ****** life.
Everything happened
because it happened
No ***** and **** the
Sometimes, you just have to do it.
Emily Chambers Apr 2016
My heart's not what it used to be
My heart feels something strange
Something goes and makes it flutter
Not necessarily in a good way

My heart is like a little kid
My heart likes to play around
Something goes and makes it skip and jump
Not a game I like to feel

My heart doesn't like me much
My heart throws temper tantrums
Something goes and makes it close on me
Not very nice to know

But my heart is my heart
It might be a little unwell
But it is mine
And I think I'm getting used to it
I just recently found out I have a heart murmur, and it just happened to start really acting up. But I'm coming to terms with what I have to do to keep it from hurting, and working really hard to stay healthy.
Tahirih Manoo Nov 2015
Why is it that whenever I am not well

                                                           ­                 I tend to reflect on my life,

                                   How i treat others

It's as if I not only want to get better from the illness

                                                        ­       but need to be better in general.

Is Tahirih today not good enough?    :(

Silly fever, illnesses are for mortals, so why you trouble me so?
The tiniest sickness, has me regretting that one mean word I said last week.

perhaps it was way more than just one word.....perhaps.

7:17pm , 8th. November, 2015.
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