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They told me I was loved.
Said it like a fact, like a given, like air.
And I nodded, let the words settle on my skin
but never sink in.

Because love—love is hands reaching,
but understanding?
Understanding is knowing why mine pull away.

I sat in rooms full of people who swore they cared,
but no one asked why my laughter always came half a second too late,
why silence fit me like a second skin.

They called me beautiful, said I was smart,
but never saw the way I flinched at echoes of my own thoughts.
They held me when I cried, but no one ever asked
what the tears were trying to say.

I used to think I was ungrateful—
to have love but still feel lost.
But now I know:
Love can be loud, can be warm, can be everywhere—
and still not speak your language.

So if you’ve ever felt this way,
like you exist in translation,
like love is the ocean but you are still thirsty—
I need you to hear this:

You are not wrong for wanting more.
You deserve to be understood.
Elaina 6d
Understanding but
Not really feeling, the need
Others have when they
Absolutely cannot be
Without someone else around.
Savva Emanon Feb 26
What do you see, nurse, when you look at me?
A frail, weary man lost in time's endless sea?
Do you sigh as you dress me, as you lift, as you feed,
Thinking my silence is nothing but need?

Do you see only hands that tremble and shake,
A mind lost in shadows, a body that breaks?
Do you see the dim eyes, the slow, shuffling gait,
A soul out of time, just awaiting its fate?

Look deeper, dear nurse, beyond this old skin,
Past the wrinkles, the frailty, the world closing in.
For once, I was young, with fire in my chest,
A heart full of dreams, unburdened, unpressed.

I was a child, with laughter so bright,
Running through fields bathed in golden-hued light.
I was a lover, my pulse racing wild,
Holding her close, love's innocent child.

I was a father, strong, steadfast, and true,
Teaching small hands what life could undo.
I built and I shaped, I gave and I grew,
Watched them all flourish, then bid them adieu.

Now time plays its tricks, and my body betrays,
Yet inside I am dancing through long-ago days.
My spirit still soars, though my body is weak,
My voice still longs for the words it can't speak.

So look at me, nurse, not as fading, not done,
Not just a burden, not just anyone.
See the years, the love, the battles, the scars,
The dreams that still shine like forgotten stars.

For within this old man, there's a soul fierce and free,
If only you'd look, if only you'd see.
Copyright 2024 Savva Emanon ©
The Poets Loft is my new YouTube Channel.
Take a look:
The light, a fractured prism, paints a wall,
But what hues dance there, is not for all.
My eyes, a filter, stained by memory's trace,
See crimson where another finds a gentle space.
The scent of rain, to me, a promise kept,
To you, a ghost of tears, a sorrow wept.

The mountain's peak, a triumph, sharp and bold,
To those below, a story yet untold.
The river's flow, a journey, smooth and grand,
To those it floods, a vengeful, grasping hand.
A whispered word, a lover's softest plea,
To jealous ears, a sharp conspiracy.

The canvas vast, of moments spun and frayed,
Each stroke of sense, a different truth displayed.
The taste of wine, a vintage, rich and deep,
To bitter tongues, a poison they will keep.
The touch of skin, a comfort, warm and true,
To those betrayed, a wound they can't undo.

The rustling leaves, a symphony of sound,
To anxious hearts, a threat on hallowed ground.
The city's hum, a vibrant, pulsing beat,
To weary souls, a suffocating heat.
The silent stare, a gaze of pure intent,
To guilty minds, a judgment heaven-sent.

The world unfolds, a tapestry of sight,
Each thread a truth, held in a different light.
Beliefs and values, woven, tight and deep,
Shape how we see, the secrets we will keep.
A half-full glass, a beacon, shining bright,
A half-empty void, consumed by endless night.

The bridge we build, between our separate shores,
Demands a language, that forever explores.
No single map, can chart the human heart,
Each landscape shifts, and tears the world apart.
And so we ask, and listen, and explain,
To find the common ground, to ease the pain.

The silent spaces, where our visions clash,
Require the gentle touch, of understanding's flash.
To share the stories, that our senses weave,
To bridge the gaps, that time can never leave.
To build a world, where empathy can thrive,
Where different eyes, can learn to keep alive.

And in the quiet moments, when we’re alone,
We ponder the foundations, we’ve always known.
We seek the answers, in each other’s gaze,
To navigate the labyrinth, of life’s complex maze.
Though we look at things from a glass half full or half empty – perhaps the question should be - is there a glass?
Author's note:
I remember a conversation years ago, where I had acquaintances - uber-nerds that all attended undergrad studies.  They started a discussion to egg the high school-educated Marine into a debate - whether to belittle me or embarrass me.  And the quantum state postulate of Schrödinger's cat was the subject.  Though it is a physics question, it rang of a psychology question I had once concerning Perception versus Perspective - and I remember being asked to leave by my professor after disrupting the class with my answer in the form of the question in the poem.
I posed the same question to the uber-nerds, and it shut them up.
Is there a box, Is there a cat?  Is there a glass???  prove it.....  Perception vs. Perspective
Phoebe Feb 10
I say things I do not mean.
It is the effect of the anger I feel.
You said words that upset me,
so I wanted to upset you.
But now, I feel shame.
I did not mean
to cause you negative emotions.
I now look at your point of view.
Guilt is in the bowels of my stomach.
For this, I am apologetic.
Let the saints be my witness.
Man Feb 9
It is a fair assumption
To believe that truth is habitually withheld,
In the daily routine of "inconsequential,
Miniscule" white lies.
As in larger defeats
Where the sting of humility or embarrassment linger,
In plans gone awry.
To understand this is not to condone this,
But never to engage in it.
To do so any different
Would only prove otherwise.
I'm that girl
When it rains
Carrys her umbrella
But won't use it
She'd rather get rained on
I was injured as a child
By an umbrella
I opened it and it sliced
My finger
I remember the pain too well
So now I fear being
Injured by the one thing
I had to protect me
From the storm
So I may still carry you
With me
But I might not
Let you protect me
This is how I am.
This is why.
Today it's raining
Jose H Jan 15
Love is difficult to explain

Irrational, illogical, crazy

We say we love

But when do we understand what love is

In future days

When we wed, when we grow old and wrinkly

I'll know when I speak of love

I'll speak the truth

No matter to whom

They'll understand the love I have for you

It is irrational, illogical and crazy

Seeing you only moments ago, you're missed

A day without speaking to you is an eternity

To give you my life is easy

No matter your faults

No matter your mistakes

I will love you

I will cherish every second with you

I will sacrifice for you

A life without you

Is no life at all and I cannot bare to live it

You are my happy ever after

My fairy tail

When we're old and wrinkly

I will be proud and honest

When telling anyone you are the women I love

I only hope they will understand

My love for you

Is true, honest and unbreakable.
Yanamari Jan 15
"Forgive me lord for I have sinned
No words forget that I beginned
To seek that which I could not have
To love whom I couldn't

And my heart yearns
And my heart learnt
That these feelings were remiss
How could I understand how these feelings
Cause kin to reject one another
Like how Moses parted the seas
And my heart mourns this lack of understanding
Mourns this preference for hatred within
What am I to do, with these feelings of mine
Silenced, to whispers we fling
Immerse ourselves in
And we sow with these words
Enmity long-lived
How could I begin to unravel
That which flows through the minds of many
As if intertwined impossible
Knotted from within

For I cannot cut down these thoughts
Stitch new threads in
And so I choose to let go
And yet hold it all in
Forgive me my Lord
And lay me in your favour
Your mercy holds me safe
Please love me and care for all that is hidden under my flesh and skin
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