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Sarah Lane Jan 2021
I’m walking on my failure
Like the water in the sea
Out there I see my Sailor
He is calling out to me
All I need is meager trust
That His grace won’t let me sink
On His boat is written Just
No water removes that ink
Armand Jan 2021
One day the gods will stumble,
The universe will crumble,
Death tolls will be double,
Earth will only be rubble,
And gravity will be fubble

The same day the oxygen will become toxic
As will trust
Become trustable
Never understood how those closest to you, are never as close. Growing up *****. Noticing things more delicately, *****. Life in general *****, but every now and then something to appreciate comes along
Nicole Jan 2021
I wanted love and a soulmate
He was kind and really funny
And with a smile that could have females swooning over him
As i got to know him more
He became distant and toxic
I was blind to it all
I keep telling myself that he wasn't like the rest
I heavily believed in forgiveness
And second chances
I really thought he was the one
To sweep me off my feet and away from the crude world we live in
But i was living in a dream, hoping on a fairy tale to come true
But the real world is cruel and fearful
He eventually got tired and bored of me
And threw me anyway like i was trash
Like i was a little game for him when he got bored
Tell me Why should i trust or try
When everyone leaves and breaks me in the end
Jason Jan 2021
Love is bitter from age and neglect
Chains to bear breaking my back
Eyes deceive, thoughts betray
Tongues lie, souls decay
Words, like fire, torture and burn
Fire is soothing, pain must be earned
Ears distrust like lifeblood flows
Time is unending, destructive, and slow
©1994 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved

Ok, I lied, maybe ONE more throwback!
Mystic Ink Plus Jan 2021
I wish
Everyone should know
A basic

A basic
Recipe of happiness

In love
One naturally trusts
And when
The soul is in fire
Let there be love
Let there be us
Genre: Almost Romantic
Theme: Regardless
Author's Note: Soul gazing is not a month or a year long project. It is for this lifetime and then after. And it remains.
This should have never started, you and I.
Got lost in all the feelings and the moments of lies.
Now all I ever know is the pain deep inside, I tore my heart open just to keep you alive.

I always put you first and forgot who I was deep down inside, drowning in the fear of letting go of what we could have had, we should never have happened and you know that I'm right. This love we had changed both of our lives.

Now I think I've learned my lesson trying to keep you by my side, I never needed you all along and lost myself in the process to make you feel loved and you're the one.

I blame myself because I knew that I deserved better but I kept falling for you and your promises of a happy life just because I wanted to feel a love that I never had.

I never thought I'd find myself again after I lost myself because of you, but now the fog has lifted in my head and I see the real you. Changes are made by the ones that want it, but you... I don't think you'll ever change yourself to be the best version of you.

Don't expect to come back again now that it's all clear and makes sense to me, I put you first because you just wanted to use me, now I know that everything that happened between us was just a way for you to cope... Because you needed my love to pick you up and make you high when you needed it most.

It all makes sense now the way you treated me... Was just a reflection of how you couldn't see, see your own worth and your ability to love yourself so you needed me the most as a lifeline to save yourself from your own insecurities.
Alice Jan 2021
you told me I don't have to be okay all the time
you told me you still loved me no matter what

its hard because I want to believe you
god, I want to trust it so badly

but every time I've put the walls down
lay down my defense

the only thing i've been left with is
ash in the wake
Jason Dec 2020
She lies

Because I lie

I lie

Because I am insecure

She lies

Because she no longer trusts me

I lie

Because she hurts me

She lies

Because she doesn't want me to see her pain

I lie

Because I fail to understand

She lies

Because she can no longer see the truth of me

I lost her

When I could no longer see the truth of her
© 12/29/2020 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Symbol of all that’s good.

Little wonder of nature
Four little leaves in one
Every leave holds its own
Crutches of life under the sun
On peaceful living
With innerpeace of mind.
That it will be better tomorrow
Hope on life of  better kind.
In each other always
To live together as one,
Looking after each other
the key to become one
By which everything good begins,
Everyone together  
An era , a  new begin
     Good luck
To everybody
to each and every one
Who ever you are or where ever you’re from

Little Green clover of nature
A present  to life in all its ways
Beautiful symbol of mankind
Freedom in every way .☘️

Good luck symbol
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