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Symbol of all that’s good.

Little wonder of nature
Four little leaves in one
Every leave holds its t own
Crutches of life under the sun
On peaceful living
With innerpeace of mind.
That it will be better tomorrow
Hope on life of  better kind.
In each other always
To live together as one,
Looking after each other
the key to become one
By which everything good begins,
Everyone together  
An era , a  new begin
     Good luck
To everybody
to each and every one
Who ever you are or where ever you’re from

Little Green clover of nature
A present  to life in all its ways
Beautiful symbol of mankind
Freedom in every way .☘️

Good luck symbol
arCamm Jan 2021
Last time I trusted someone,
I ended up being an animal head
on their collection wall.

a victim to their survival
renamed “trophy”

- a.r. Camm
I have trust issues.
degzvdg Jan 2021
We are linked with the hope of yesterday.
Like hearing noises filled with decay.
I still embraced us, only to find us in dismay.
Why must your trust be always in display?

Having enough of you is all I wanted.
But created only you wanting more of what lasted.

As the twilight sets in, I only see what's ahead.
Lines breaking, thoughts wrecking, grieve pressing.
You, and only you should know that you are missing.

I may not be for you, but in time you will see.
that an Impostor will steal from what you guarantee.

Should you find this, I hope that the ink filled in this page reaches you in time.
Like a light giving brightness to the unsure tomorrow.
Know that you will be fine.
Anemone Jan 2021
I was never dumb
just naive
to wear my emotions on my sleeve
to walk so free
without my barricades
surrounding me

there are many things that I wish
but the truth comes down to this

i am fine
i am alive
i will survive
not just that
i'll thrive
Eli Jan 2021
I don't know this feeling.
All I know is that
I'm drowning...

in a mixture of
bliss and agony...

Is that it?
Because, if so, then...

Oh my ******* God...
is this ever so confusing?!

10 years

20 years

30 years

40 years

50 years?!


That's a really long time.

Will it last?
No ******* clue.

But still,
when you
find someone
meshes beautifully
with your quirks,
You at least have to try...


I know what you're thinking...
"I can't do it."

"I'm scared."

"What if something happens?"

I understand.
You're bruised.

I guess some people
never got the message,
"Hearts aren't punching bags."

Those *******
don't deserve you!

But, you know who does?
Someone who respects you.

A person
sees your worst
and still *******
loves you.

if anything,
I'm sure
they're close by.
I wrote this in 2016 while in the throws of relationship anxiety.  It was a message to myself at that moment.  Ultimately, the person I was referencing is no longer close by, but that's okay. The universe had different plans.  I also cringe at my usage of the word "deserve" cause I've since then found an issue with it... one that perhaps one day, I'll write a poem about.  But, I decided the keep the original format, excluding a few spacing and punciation fixes.
Mystic Ink Plus Jan 2021
Is just a word
It consumes you
Adds madness
Wiliness to surrender
And die a thousand deaths
For a single accord
One trusts for

Love is
Genre: Observational
Theme: True Love
M Vogel Jan 2021
D Vanlandingham

My hands..
gently around her throat
as she momentarily
slips away, from the pain--
her beautiful doe-eyes, a full
submittal of trust..
(and I am worthy of it all..
so very very worthy, my beautiful)
and deep within  her release

she takes love in
she takes it in

There is a rope in the garage
that has her name on it
the bannister at the top of the stairs
(so very, very unworthy)
to provide support
for her beautiful body
that  now, only wants
to no longer  have to carry the pain
The rope does not  carry within it
the warm-blooded pulsings
of my own, heart's love--

  (it does not feel your trust,
   at the moment  of release..)

but    like me,
it has no concept of how to let go..
my hands--  they release
at the moment  of your own..
the tears in your eyes, say it all to me--
that you don't want me to  ever
learn how to let go.
The rope,  being pain's release
in to the final

Mine, a never-letting-go
into  the  forever

my hands  they ease their grip
but my heart--

      no   not,  ever.

Anemone Jan 2021
You were my muse
you were my mooring
always sailing away
ignoring-- me
now I see

so tell me I'm nothing
and I'll smile for a while
Owen Jan 2021
And now I keep my distance.
Unable to trust,
to believe I'm worthy of love,
that I am anyones only one.
All  faith in good intentions
was torn out
when you left.
I cant share my heart anymore,
with anyone.
It's ******
and scarred.

So congratulations
you broke something
deep inside me,
punched through flesh and bone
to pull the plug
on my world.
Left me drowning
in insecurity.
And now
I flinch at the kindest touch,
and laugh at sincerity.
Trying to let people in again is hard she really did a number on me.
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