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To some, love is just A game today,
The people involved, are just toys, they play,
The world is the field, where the moves are made,
When they are finished, they find another to play.
Is love, just another four letter word today,
What happened to the meaning, has it just faded away,
I'm sure It's still out there, It's just so hard to find,
When you do, you will feel the signs,
Those involved, must be trustworthy, and care,
No matter what happens, in life, while you both are there,
Stand by each other, side by side, have no secrets you hold inside.

Tom Maxwell copyright 10/16/2002 AD
Blue Mavii Umber Mar 2021
In a world where a lot of things happend, fake smiles are old fashioned
These days I don’t trust
I don’t trust smiles
From the inside they’re distrust
How long will it take to combust?
Alicia Moore Mar 2021
The dawn of humans unknowingly sparked a debate in sincerity.
While praising dexterity, one may neglect the warmth of a tender heart.

Is it better to ablate the ***** —
do we intend to berate its kindness?

I wish to travel to the beginning of evolution,
when no pollution of such harshness is clear;
that may be our only solution here.
Dave Robertson Mar 2021
Friends cause ructions,
liminal and otherwise

but the constancy of those
who count neither shaven off
nor with fingers on the scale
are the whole of my heart
Soumia Mar 2021
Hundred people around me,
laughing, singing and talking.

Why do I still feel empty,
why do I still feel lonely?

So many friends, so many family
and yet I still feel lonely.
Love, so hard to explain,
Hopefully, all involved, are thinking the same,
For many, these day's, use the word, as a game,
Causing another, to drop tears, like rain.
To  Love, you have to totally trust,
Love , does not appear, from hours, of lust,
You have to keep feeding the relationship, to keep out rust,
Actions, and words, have to match, that's a must.
Payton Hayes Feb 2021
The way a child trusts so blindly, I will close my eyes and fall into your every word.
The sugary-sweet  scratch of every consonant and the friction of each vowel.
I will trust you with no hesitation.
If I fall, I know  that you will catch me.

The way a child clings to it's favorite blanket or stuffed toy,
I will hold onto you and never let go of the feeling you put in my heart.

The way a child finds no sorrow in it's days, I will too, look at the world in a sunlight so bright, there is no room for darkness.
When I am with you, I can know no sadness.

The way a child sleeps with a guardian teddy bear at it's side, to fight off every night terror, I will rest easy knowing you are beside me.
Your body pressed against mine, like perfect puzzle pieces.

The way a child day-dreams of anatomically incorrect hearts, and
cheek-kisses, I will dream of you and all of the butterflies you give me.

And the way a child believes from the bottom of their heart, that everything will be okay, I will give you my heart, and believe that you will not break it.
This poem was written in 2016.
Jason Feb 2021
Are you looking for the hook,
That you just know is inside that worm?

Would you eat an apple,
Before giving it a hundred turns?

Could you have a bite of fish,
Without looking for a bone?

Would you tear down your house,
To be sure termites haven't made it a home?

If offered a spoon of honey,
Would you bee seeking the hive?

If you saw a cloud with a silver lining,
Would you smelt it down, looking for '925'?

Are you searching for a game,
Because you expect a player?

Do you think I'm the Monopoly guy?
Is it the suit, the cane, or the lack of hair?

© 02/22/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved

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