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Glenn Currier Aug 2021
In the first light of this day
with too little sleep
I am feeling tired and vulnerable
but I have entered the dreams, fears, and pains
of other poets from far and wide
and it seems
we are all growing and dying together
maybe just a little at a time
line by line
these spirits enter me
and assure me I am not alone
in this drift.
I came into our garden room before dawn this morning and read several poems of my friends and fellow poets on this website, the last one ( from Khoi, my South African friend, who seemed to be telling me, in his beautifully poetic way, that some kind of end is near. Lately I have been feeling my age both in body and mind. So this poem is what came out of this sense of angst early this Thursday morn.
Dereaux Aug 2021
Two hearts astringent
as one love combined
two souls emerging
grasping to get entwined

Solid love connected
sadness can't break through
as one memory imprinted
the thought of me and you

After many amorous years
our hearts still beat as one
Two folded loving feelings
the day our lives begun
Dikshya Aug 2021
I posses you
Is that such a bad thing to do?
You wanna get your **** together
I understand that
But what the hell
I wanna be with you
In all the countries
We can travel
Or visiting each other
Build connection
Step by step
But I’m already connected
You’re my lover
But what’s about me?
Will you wash that shirt
Which I was wearing
So you can wash
The memories away
Forget me faster
But I don’t want you
To forget me baby
Please don’t forget me
Tell me you’re care
Say it again
Ken Pepiton Jul 2021
Okeh, three ways, in the opening pitch,
the plan is novel, in itself. Okay, ok, si yes da ja.
We know, we do this part,
as words in mind, nada mas, a thought caught
as a poesy fallen star,
from Lawrence Kansas, not too far from
Shawnee Mission,
now that the meme and its meaning meet once
more, realizing a time kept hidden, for fear
of believing more than a Marvel Mind,
straight from first edition, Boom, era, of fully
Disneyfied American Mind, sponsored by
Mattel its swell
and Mars Candy Company and other child aimed ads,
though there was this unaffiliated

- channel, I was about to say, of course
- groove, rut, a grave - with its ends kicked out,
Can you
Imagine, he said that
and we all agreed at once, and what do you know,
there is a mind in the grand linkage system,
forged from ice by iron plows,
balance demands, optimum life on earth calls
the call to us all, be the thorny issue ye be
ye nanifestations of Romans 8, taken in minds
conjoining to attain, peace made
for temperature equilibrium,
just right…
think of it from an angelic anthro-myth-ledged being,
see the book of life talk to you, and say,
look, man, we made it, and we made it back.

But unless the temperature is going up, we failed.
Try again,
but no war this time. That's proven too self willed
a thing to give children premade.

My stick men were all Audie Murphy, when I was six.
The last page of some plan.
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2021
Toxic together
They both want it to work out
Love is so unfair
Opposites attract I guess
Asuzx Jul 2021
We were born alone
And we will die alone.

But as long as we're here
We can be together.
Together or only an illusion?
Farsolatido Jul 2021
What a lovely day today,
time goes by because of the perfect weather today,
tingles through my heart,
will keep it as a beautiful memory today.

What a lovely day today,
if only we can see each other,
laughing and having fun together,
it ***** to stay at home to miss out on a special event today.
happiness is a choice
Farsolatido Jul 2021
There's a day that I saw you right in front of me,
Smile, laughing and crying.
However, it is just only a glimpse of my memories with you during our times together.

There's the day that I had heard your voice echoes in the house, car and the place we used to hang out together.
However, it is just only my feeling that still missing you.

There were times, I wonder how are you doing ?
Are you happy ?
Do you live well?
Do you still remember me? Missed me ?
Even though we not talking to each other anymore, I'm still missing you ***
Maja Jul 2021
I don’t want to be alone,
and don’t want to feel lonely

I want to fly with somebody,
to rise with somebody,
to cry with somebody
to die with somebody,

To be able to be,
never alone,

And when I fall,
to have somebody to fall with me
Brett Jul 2021
I want to build a rocket ship, but this full moon blanket,
keeps me tangled up in bed.
Maybe a sun shower ,will birth a rainbow,
and I could build a bridge with that instead.
A walk with the weather, may be what I need,
to clear the clouds above my head.

The soggy sounds of rain, strum the chords,
that sing a song inside my brain.
A violin or guitar riff, to untwist the tornadoes,
my heart’s stuck with.
Who needs the stars, when I’ve got the sun,
to shine for me when bad times come.

My sandy feet always have the waves, to wash away,
the darker shades of cloudy gray.
These lonely lips even have a kiss, and the warm caress,
from her outstretched fingertips.
I want to build a rocket ship, but today,
I’ll just exist.
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