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-elixir- Aug 2020
The old habits set in
like the moss on stones,
clinging to my brain.
                                    Waiting to inhale my
                                     remaining soul that I
                                     grew last summer.
Poetic Eagle Aug 2020
lm tired of looking in the mirror and failing to recognise myself
lm tired of having a voice but l cant speak
lm tired of speaking only for me to listen
lm tired of dreaming , waking up to see a different reality
lm tired of looking exactly like the person next to me

At times l ask myself if friendship was the only thing l had to offer
how big will my circle
how many people will still be will to roll with me

Not everyone who is rolling with you is rolling for you
some are rolling against you
if you fall today how many people in your circle will still be willing to as much as you do for them

Now l ask again do l really have to be like
you so that you be for me
l thought being different was the beauty of life
My colour together with yours combined to make a beautiful rainbow
but no we all have to sing the sane song
lm tired of dancing to the same rhythm
l need a different melody

So society lm sorry
But lm setting myself free
society has taught us how to live that we have lost ourselves on the way. you don't have to be anything but yourself
-elixir- Aug 2020
The plane was her last ride,
back to her home
from the deserts of dreams.
The modern plague of her times
drained the last bit out of her.

The ride began as she huddled
her child and spouse close
as if the she knew it was their last
embrace and warmth.
They fell into the indefinite slumber.

The rain lashed it's fury and
winds howled death.
The pilot's last breath was put into
stopping the airborne casket of hopes.
As it skid and crashed them.

Their hopes to live remain immortalized
in their indefinite sleep,
as we mourn their loss,
through the tears of pain that
tear out our folly.
My soul grieves for the families of the plane accident in Kerala. The stranded children make me cry as they try to find their parents. The landslides and floods add up to the worries. Not to mention the covid-19 virus.
The blast in Lebanon was also another terrible mishap, a huge number of people have lost their home and belongings and have become homeless in a matter of seconds. My heart is laden with sadness, is there any hope at this point? where is the world heading to?
Matt Aug 2020
Sometimes I get tired
And I don’t feel like driving anymore,
So I let my emotions take the wheel.

They don’t drive as well as me.

They hit every pothole in the road
And we always end up crashing,
Far from where I set out to be.

Then it’s the long walk back,
To a place I recognise,
Past broken fences
And angry faces.
Isaac Spencer Aug 2020
It's a-
Rainy day,
A brilliant night!
It's a-
****** life,
A dirt-***** fight!
Give me the knife,
My veins are ready to open wide,
This is my life,
I'll live it like I died.

It's the-
Broken city,
Shredded streets!
It's the-
Bomb blast,
Knocks us from our feet!
Hand me the needle,
I'll sew us up again,
Take back the knife,
This isn't how we end.
KT Torres Aug 2020
Dimetapp all glistening cherry,
Flonase with its vibrant green cap,
Day old Campbell’s chicken noodle soup,
Scattered unripe oranges over the counter,
How many days can a person lay sick?
Cold mug of coffee with almond milk inclusions,
Watered down yellow stained tissues,
Eucalyptus tinted steam clouds from the humidifier,
Muted television talking heads spouting delusions,
The ragged edges of a quilt around the shoulders,
Enigmatic envelopes with bills within,
Perhaps someday they’ll see the light,
Forks in occultic formation,
Spoons in opposition of the forks,
Bamboo shoots staring from above,
Blush Yankee Candles cower,
I’ve been sitting here for over an hour,
Watching these objects has made me grow sour,
After all, there is not much to do in a fever dream,
So I will just stare, sniffle, and drink my cold coffee with cream.
Being sick *****
Mansi Aug 2020
I create clutter
In my head and around me
When I'm stressed
Because I have no energy
To clean it up

As the clutter increases,
My frustration increases with it
Until I can no longer function
Till I clean it up

How long before I finally
learn the lesson
To take care of myself?
Mansi Jul 2020
Have you ever wished time would stop?
Like everything coming to a

Just so you can have a moment
To catch your breath
Thewallflowerguy Jul 2020
I am famished but don't feel like
I am exhausted but I can't
I am alive but don't feel like
I want to cry but the tears never seem
I want to move on but my legs are
glued together.
I want to say so much but my lips are
sewn shut.
I don't want to look at her anymore, but my eyes are
wide open.
I feel like writing but my hands only come up with
I feel like dying but don't have the
I feel like reaching out for
Can anyone just
Fix me?
Ellie Jul 2020
Spinning and swirling
round n' round I go
crumbling to the floor as my walls begin to break
my stomach churns as ***** threatens to rise
hot tears come pouring down
my head feels like a hurricane
why am I like this?
why am I so broken?

old monsters are returning
pushing away the new ones
bringing back the ****** daggers that once stabbed at my skin
walls break inside my head
the air is thick and suffocating
nothing will stand still
nothing will let me breath

I'm overheating again
my body turning to fire
I can't breath
I'm tired of trying
I just want to lay here and rot away
let my world crumble
let my mind fall apart
let me turn to dust
help me stop...
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