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FC Azaele May 2021
Paperworks and junks pilled into mountains
on top of my ruined desk
“I wonder what had went wrong
for me to stack up such a mess?”

Indolent, Oh! so petulant!...
But still I digress
Saying I didn’t have time
To sort out the cluttering hefty mess

Jesting around with the things that avert my gaze,
Such a child I was,
I paid no mind to it all day

Night came too soon,
and instantly I say...
“When will I ever sort out this mess?”

Perhaps never, but still I say
“Someday, okay?”
Hip Hip Hooray!
Rae Oct 2021
Anger always makes me feel so empty, like
I'm pushing and pouring my insides out
into the air around me, hot
and sticky and humid and
the world shakes and groans at the sudden
change in atmospheric pressure.
When I'm all done, when the air
and my head are hot and my face
is wet and my ears ring,
I am empty. My face is stiff. My nose is running.
And nothing is better.
itsshelbygrace Apr 2021
I can't seem to find the right words to say exactly what i'm feeling.
I can't seem to the energy to write anymore.
I can't seem to be a good girlfriend
Or daughter
Or friend
Or sister.
The world we live in today, it's
it's so broken.
Teenagers stay up late, later than the rest of their family, just to break down.
We will remember what you said on July 19th, 2019 at exactly 2:19 pm.
But why can't we remember how it felt to be happy?
They say numb is an emotion,
But is it?
When your leg goes numb, do you still feel it?
Tell me what I need to do,
To be fixed.
Is there even such a thing?
All I know is
I literally hate myself and would give anything to be someone else.
To be pretty
To be smart
To be loving
All the things i'm not.
People ask me one thing,
Every day.
And every day it's the same answer
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, i'm fine."
Sarah Flynn Apr 2021
I keep telling everyone
how beautiful they are
and how much they matter
and how much I love them.

I spend all day motivating
the people around me.
I say such encouraging things,
and I mean every word,

but why can't I say
the same things to myself?
Nonsense Apr 2021
You sleep peacefully unbothered. Whilst I lay in agony next to you. God I can’t stand it.
Your supposed to make everything better but it feels like your irrelevant to that purpose.
Then why am I still here?

Where do I go?

I can’t depend on YOU. I’m learning that. I hope that changes because I want to.
Surprisingly regardless of how useless you are I still love you.

I knew from the beginning you couldn’t do for me what I prayed but yet I stayed in this course with you.
What do I see in you?
You can’t provide me with my basic needs
What do I see in you?
Just what **** is this?

Is this all based of science in which I can’t help but need you?
I don’t want anyone else. I don’t feel like I need anyone else to be with. There is no other option but you and why is that?

Maybe I am blind at the moment with thoughts that push aside my feelings, because I’m not getting anywhere. This is a mystery yet to be solved.
I’m going to sleep now.

Good Night to the love of my life.
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