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xavier thomas Mar 2021
with drunk words
Sober thoughts
forming generational curse
Grace Haak Mar 2021
To start your mornings with
blood on your hands
smearing across pages
and inspiring
And you must know
if you were to slice open
my veins would also
spill black fountain ink
If you were to sever my tongue
my hands would speak
for me
Go ahead and gouge my eyes
I can still see
And when I die I desire
to be cut as a cadaver
All the words visible
under paper-white skin
so they will know, too.
I do not aspire to be a skeleton
with brittle bones
I want blood
to pour with every pinprick
of a pilot pen pressed
on a page
But blood makes people squirm
Blood makes people gag
so I intend to
leave this world
with a crime scene behind me.
Let them shake and shudder
for they know not
the life they’ve lost
They live in fear of papercuts
and I carve myself open
again and again
And I will continue to
until I bleed out
and my ink dries up
If it sounds violent it’s
because it has to be
The world could use a
few more bloodstains
Makes it more uncomfortable
Makes it more interesting.
Hex Feb 2021
Depravity dines, corrupt calamity,

Twisting lines, vile virality,

Prophets scream and children listen,

Deceptions deem what we may christen,

"The world is dying--have they no morals?"

Eternally spying--I observe the laurels,

Gold that glistens, tightly weaved,

A blight of ricin, so slays the leaves,

The **** does not wither, it does not collapse,

With chill comes a shiver, consumed are the scraps,

"The world is dying--have they no charity?"

Eternally prying--At last, I have clarity,

The world, I had swore, may one day find peace,

The world, it's at war, a war that shan't cease,

Weapons need not, we fight with mind,

Nary a lulled thought, serenity is blind,

"The world is dying--can our home mend?"

Eternally trying--I can't stop the end.
A tale of humanity, and all that comes with it.
starlit ash Feb 2021
i told the stars
about my struggles
about my worries
about my thoughts

i told the stars
and they listened
and they winked
helping from afar

i told the stars
how you hurt me
and what I felt
and what I didn't

i told the stars
and they listened
when nobody else
One of my proudest works (:
FS-30 Feb 2021
Being on your own
Those thoughts seem loud,
But sometimes the loneliest place
Is being in a crowd.
Emily Feb 2021
Who are you? Who have you become?
Who are we? What have we ever done?
angelique Feb 2021
Isn't it beautiful how we know what is right for us after too much of the wrong energy, after too much time spent with the wrong soul?

Admittedly, I sometimes think that if I  had persevered, everything would have been 'love'. But I was blindsided. And I was trying to pass this denial off as a form of 'love' - but it was absolutely far from it.

A spiritless kind of love.
FS-30 Feb 2021
If you look over the fence
And happen to see,
That your neighbours grass
Looks as green as can be,
Don’t find yourself full of envy
And wish it be gone,  
Instead, water and nurture the very grass
That you are standing on.
Tea Feb 2021
We learn out of hurt.
Saying I don't want to hurt
again, is not wise.

pain is not a bad thing if
you can heal again.

Healing is simple.
We can forget the pain once
we decide on it.

Sometimes it takes time
it is not always easy
since we overthink.

We think we are the
special case and sink into
self pitty again.

We accept our bad
parts and fail to see that we
can improve instead.

Special cases are
rare and the chance that you are
one is very slim.

So don't think the hurt
is too big for you to take
since you are stronger.
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