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Tea Feb 2021
Why are we scared to breathe?
Is it because we are scared something good might leave?
Is it because we don't want to be heard?
Or do we see something that is feared?
It's so easy though...
Easy steps to follow:
And repeat...
Suddenly life is sweet...
Listen to that sound...
Isn't it a bit more peaceful all around?
Breathing is keeping us alive...
So soft, sweet, like a small wave...
Like the sea, going back and forth...
A soft breeze gliding over the earth...
Beautiful, indeed...
Like a small plant coming out a seed...
Continue lifetime-long...
You can because you are strong...
Tea Feb 2021
Into the unending
Always straight and bending
Out of the heart
Healing and tearing apart
Never fully explored
Brightly colored
A road into a foggy mist
Sometimes not to resist
Beating from soft to loud
Then, the other way around
Warm and firey
And clearly...
We are hopelessly lost forever
Scenery goes wherever
Blue as far as you can see
Deep into this ocean and sea
Sometimes a sighing forest
Mountains and desert
Heaven only knows where this will go
I don't mind, it's not for us to know
Tea Feb 2021
Are children smarter?
They often are enrolled in laughter.
Are babies geniuses?
They smile when they see different faces.
So is it smart to be joyful?
And stupid to be down and dull?
I like to believe so.
That we are sad when we need to be and let go.
Then, grow out of our mistakes and learn to walk.
We will make many mistakes before we can fluently talk.
It's not wrong to be wrong.
It might take us very long...
But eventually, we will run and not stroll.
We will easily be able to climb to any goal.
Just don't expect to run before you can stand.
Don't think you can draw when you've an inexperienced hand.
We must learn with the years.
Not always with laughter, but also tears.
We have been given more than a day...
To walk all this way.
Stand up when you fall.
When you can't, reach out or call.
People want to help, many do.
But we have all been lied to...
We have become so suspicious of strangers...
We make up all these scenarios and dangers...
We make it harder...
And people respond colder...
We think we protect...
But what do we really select?
We choose to be hard.
Cold, so we don't shard.
But... when we bend with what we can't change...
We widen our abilities and range...
We actually become better.
And even if it feels like we shatter...
We actually turn stronger than before.
We are softer but hard to the core.
We let people say hurtful things...
But we stay who we are and grow wings.
We stay quiet cuz that way they won't be able to reply.
We tell the truth, so people can rely.
We stand our ground when people go too far.
But we don't start a war.
There is a limit when people gotta back down.
They can't take your house when they have the whole town...
But yes...
Sometimes giving up the good for the great is best...
We sometimes go from ***** to grand.
And we don't always understand.
I don't think it's always necessary.
We might think it's unpleasant and scary.
But knowing everything has been impossible since the beginning.
The truth does sometimes takes away our singing.
The more you know, the more you carry.
But building on the hard truth is much better than...
Building on pillars of salt and sand...
We wilt if we don't grow...
So let's hug ourselves and be happy now.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2021
Think about your face all the time
Climbing the wall I'm stuck behind
Before you left felt so strong
Now just feel strung along
You spun webs of silken lies
I am the prey you caught that dies
One day say you love me
Next nothing at all
Since I've still been waiting for a single message or call
Something has changed the way that you feel
More likely
Feelings weren't real
Your words can con anybody with enough charm
What do you gain by causing me harm?
**** relationship with stupid mistakes
Suspect are choices you intentionally make
You are a person I don't even recognize
Where best friend stood is a stranger with blue eyes
Happiness stolen by time's vicious stare
****** up to the point beyond repair
We are both ruined
Ziku Otawa Jan 2021
One repeats this phrase with the keen of heart
Yet do not fully grasp the concept of its art
In the end nothing matters
Speculating the grand scheme of afterlife
Is there even an afterlife?

Fire rose from man’s heart
Enabling great fear and passion
In the end nothing matters
Yet a man can only push and hope for better
As he is in no control of his destiny
One can only cruise the ship with certainty
Certain of his own capability
Certain that one day his work will be seen by great minds
Bestow to mankind at the desperate time
Free the greatness within
Free the inspiring nature indeed
Is this merely a dream of a kind
You would not know until you arise

From ashes of the old one
Reminiscent of the death
In the end nothing matters
Tranquil yet fearful
Thus the nature of life
Unappreciative at its nature
Yet all is harmonious and righteous
As a bacteria can make imminent difference
All is connected and nothing is lost
One can only stand and accept it all

Feel free to contact me to discuss how this poem makes you feel.
None of my work have preconceive meaning, all done in a go.
Ziku Otawa Jan 2021
In the cabin I ponder
Upright arm crossed
Cheering for the reality of livelihood
Through the cacoon I rose
But what's the meaning of it all?

An old man stood before thee grand of death
A stick in his hand and a bag of deed on his back
Judgement day longing from the not so distant future
Chariots of fire accompanied by mythical features
At the end nothing matters
But your deed to the being and everlasting lust for the truth

As the words arose I sit and ponder
Imminent death
What's the meaning of it all?
Not a drop of answer will show
One finds his own destiny
When he chose the life of the enlightenment
Hardships follow though
People resent you
Yet the message is clear
"Just do you"
Feel free to contact me to discuss how this poem makes you feel.
None of my work have preconceive meaning, all done in a go.
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
Feeling numb from my head to my feet.
Like a musician who can't hear the beat.
But that's what happens
when you're making your name in the streets.
Can't trust anyone you meet.
So where do you start
when you can't trust anyone,
let alone your own heart?
You take your time.
Think everything through.
Because only you know
what's best for you
Thomas Patrick Jan 2021
Am i the water
Drifting, flowing within the mass
Sometimes rushing rapidly
At times stagnant

Or am I a rock
Slowly being eroded by constant pressure
Or a leaf
Cascading wildly until saturated
Thomas Patrick Jan 2021
My body is connected
To a sensory mind
As the heart beats faster
Tense with fear, or excitement
Like a wild animal frozen before flight
Until I center
Of recognition and oneness

Desiring the connectivity
To be beyond me
A soul collective
Despite differences and greed

Difficult enough to find love
In a partner, or friend
Let alone the thought
Of omnipresence between us all
As I struggle to tune myself
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