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Storm Raven Jul 2015
Empty swings.
Playground left behind.
No children playing or running.
No people here laughing.
Or just talking.
Just a mother alone with her mind.
All the happiness gone.
Blown away by the cold northern wind.
The same wind that chilled you.
Killed you.
Took you away.
My sweet child.
And now I am here.
Just me.
A childless mother and her mind.
Standin by the empty swings.
At an empty playground.
Left behind.
I just stand there.
Mourning your untimely death.
Missing your beautiful smile.
Your warm laugh.
Oh my sweet child.
Every day I mourn your death.
Curse the cold norther wind that took you away.
The wind that took a mother's child.
The most precious thing.
Oh my beautiful child.
And every day.
I come back.
To watch the empty swings.
And look back at the past.
To mourn your untimely death.
And every day I watch this empty swings.
The swings you used to play on.
Till this cold northern wind took you away.
Now a mother comes to the empty swings.
Every day.
Crying for the lost of her son.
A childless mother at an empty playground.
All  happyness long forgotten.
There by the empty swings.
If I could escape,
I would go to a place -
A place that’s not far,
but a place that is rare.
The place filled with black-eyed susans
and wild orange lillies.
There’s buckets of rain water
and spider plants inside.
Daisies and hostas line the porch
where that green swing hung.

My feet were always too short,
so Dad had to help
keep that swing swaying
while I watched the beautiful blonde.
She had brown eyes and a kind smile.
That woman was my mom.

We kept all the flowers pretty.
All together, my little family,
     We were so happy.
Will laird May 2015
“Do you see me daddy , I’m going so high!”
I did, in fact, see her, going so high, and my hands tapped and fidgeted on my chest in a nervous display of fatherly concern as I fought the urge to rescue her from the swing that, I was sure, conspired to dump her unceremoniously onto the hard concrete beneath her.
“I do see you baby!!” I assured her, forcing a note of excitement into my voice that I was sure bordered on hysteria.
She gracefully kicked her legs, gaining momentum, and the blue sky welcomed her as she soared toward the clouds.
I watched her, the wind kissing her hair, as she smiled in the freedom of flight.

“Daddy,can you push me?” She asked gently.

My heart soared with her in the clouds as my hand touched her soft back, encouraging her escape from the confines of the wingless, flightless things held captive on the ground. I knew that she would fly alone one day, but for now, she was taking me along for the ride. My beautiful little girl.
Pokkuri Feb 2015
Torment, guilt, and regret.
These are the fruits of today.
These poisonous fruits,
grow on every tree in my garden.
Aching inside, they laugh at me,
taunt me

These three feelings combined,
wrapped in silk,
ruin my love,
my life
my dreams
BPD is a killer
Ceida Uilyc Feb 2015
I oathed never to share that space,
Either because I pretended to hate it.
All the while,
secretly reserved it for you.
Songbird Hermit
My friends ask me
All the time, they'll be checking on me.
"Hey! How you feelin' today?"
the way you'd ask a cancer patient and his family.
And I tell them frankly,
"Oh, you know,
some people here,
some people there.
Some corpses here,
some corpses there."
Poetic T Aug 2014
The swing, moves unaided
Back and forth,
Forth and back,
Where children played,
Fun was there only worry of the day,
But the rain fell, and play no more,
The spinning wheel a tangled mess,
Metal blooded dry in the sun,
A place of fun,
Now of silence, only the rain falls
Then there is fear in others eyes
Craters left where each one ruptured,
Where each one fell
It destroyed the fun as
Twisted metal,
Earth runs red,
Laughter now screams,
The fun is at an end,
Hiding from the noises
Seeing things not meant to be seen,
The swing, moves unaided
Back and forth,
Forth and back,
The rain fell near by,
Pushing the swing,
That the children no longer use any more.
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