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Dark lover Sep 2023
Sometimes, we look without seeing, no we see but the conscious is submerged....
Beyond consciousness
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
I am a hypocrite and I hate it

Transparency exposing every flaw

Remain unable to stop myself becoming everything I tell others not to be

Submerged in frequent failure
More and more as of late
Yanamari Aug 2020
Body submerged
Black ink swirls into clear water
For every inhale
The world recedes slowly
A price paid
Purchased unknowingly
Used unthinkingly
Moments of awareness
Feel unaware
Movements sluggish
I'm tired
More than not wanting to live
More so not knowing what living means
What living feels like
The air that I inhaled
Feels unsatisfying
The need for more becomes
A question of worth
Just going with the feeling, not sure what I'm writing
WJ Niemand Jun 2020
Slowly it descended into the depths
Its hull integrity, not much left
The crew became captives
prayers left unanswered

a moment ago they were hunting steel
With an arrow many a fate would seal
But on this occasion they were
By an invisible sonar wave

Their foe consecrated a watery grave
The sea only happy to oblige

Light passes on to dark
The creaking coffin
As those below
Bid their new host welcome
kain Dec 2019
I wish to live
Deep below the sea
I'll spend my day
Wandering and search
Exploring different
Water ways
Stopping often
To watch the Drowned
Never speaking
Just existing
Never to be found

I won't show my face
To the light of day
Only surface at night
To let the moon
Bathe my skin
Then dip back under
Legs pumped
Hands thrusting
Swimming on

I'll dance around the coral
Followed by dolphins
Switching in and out
Never alone
Yet never too close
No houses
No belongings
Just ocean
And swimming
Legs pumping
Hands thrusting
Never to be found
Land and sky will never find me
Oceans and rivers will always hide me
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2018
I tried to bury past regrets
Hide them in the dirt
No matter how deeply submerged
I still feel the hurt
Start watering flowers and stop watering weeds
its bitter Feb 2018
I'd like it if you
wrestled your fingertips under my ribcage and
pressed your palms
against my sides and felt,
conveyed across
the gauze of my skin,
my heartbeat racing in
my kidneys and
if you traced,
with two little toes,
four tendons
entwining my ankles and
if your eyelashes pretended to be
newborn jellyfish
toying with newfangled tentacles
across my bare shoulder blades and
if your tongue was a diving board
for lovely words plunging
into the ebbing oceanic air pockets
between us and
if your hands were seakelp,
leathery tendrils impossibly woven into my scalp,
a short tether
ensuring my submerged lips and nostrils
never shatter the glassy surface
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
My veins are rivers;
you're a fast swimmer,
but you love taking
your time
Lately I'm been searching for lost parts of my self
in the deepest part of you
So the true lessons of love
I only feel when I'm a part of you
dreams of finding my sustenance
As explore these unknown depths
As our passion bubbles
Grasping for air as we dive in these
lustful hues of ourself
I would rather be submerged in your love and never come up
But these foreign waters
Sometimes trouble me
So I contemplate pulling up
Lost in you my curiosity
brings me deeper
This pressure and current is combatant
My ship is tattered
My oxygen is getting weaker
Shall I take residence in your being
Or Shall I call it quits for today
And Make tommorrow my sequel
Each I day I may search deeper
Or shall I perish searching and battling all your doubts, insecurities,secrets and demons
If I do perish I'm hoping this message reaches you
Then suddenly there is breach
The ship it starts to sink
Water filling my apparatus
It's getting harder to breathe
the pressure crushing my ribs
Nothing visible
All I can think about is your lips
And whispers of your affection
Guess This is the end
With my last words
I wish to kiss on your reflection
ryn Jan 2015
"You love them
With all your heart and soul
Yet, you can't be with them
But you'll never let them go...
And it hurts..."*
- The Girl Who Loved You

Submerged and gasping
Swept away by the immense wave
Thoughts of you I'm painfully drinking
To my heart I'm but a slave

Caught in the undertow
Find myself submitting carelessly
Brushed aside all that I used to know
Drowning in emotional debris

There's strength in me yet
I need not be killed today
I could break free, I could forget
But fight I do not, instead still I lay

Because you see... You are the ocean
And I am but an invisible speck
I, too, want a place in heaven
Not wallow an inconsolable wreck

I'd get washed over but I'd swim deeper
So we could exist only in memory
My heart betrays but never will I sever
Even if you're the love that was never meant to be
Line taken off TGWLY's "To All The People Who Can't Have The One They Love:", for Frank Ruland's "Let's Do A Line!" challenge.

TGWLY is one of the first friends I made here and she's such an incredible writer!

This line of hers bears so much that I'd shed a tear everytime I read it. It rings so true for most of us. It made me made me feel human.

Thank you TGWLY for the inspiration and Frank for setting up the opportunity for me/us to acknowledge and give credit to those who've penned down solid lines embedded within amazing writes.
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