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aniket nikhade Sep 2015
For me it’s not over
It’s far from over
The day still remains as the day continues

Agreed and accepted
Result was not as per expectation
Still the battle continues
The battle is far from over
It was just a stumble, not even a fall
So nothing to worry deeply
Nothing much of concern

Winning and losing is part of the game
Games are played for a long period of time
The final game is yet to be played
The final word is yet to be said.

For me it’s not over
It’s far from over
For me the day still continues

No, not all
It’s not the ups and downs
Highs and lows
Something, which has always remained a concern
The right approach makes the real difference
Definitely approach remained a concern since long.

A change in approach will definitely make the difference
Something which will let me give my best
Something which will change the future course of time.

No, not all
Everything is not yet over
Definitely things are far from over.

For me it’s not over
It’s far from over
For me the day still continues, the day remains.
AlluringEnigma Aug 2015
on the dark night
You will hear the nightmares
ntohing more just shuhhhhhh!
insects, frogs, traaa traaaa,
extremely dark,
you will get stumble
because you'r fast asleep
"dark" first relax then sleep
Liam C Calhoun Jun 2015
It was an early night –
1:00 AM early.
The police passed by
For the bigger problems
And the clubs roared
A little louder than usual.

Loud and aloud while I danced
And danced
The Saturday night stumble –
To the left, to the right
And twice back,
Destination: Home.

I continued too tripped,
Or ripped,
To have a friend,
A little lonely,
But feeling a little famous
All the same and all the while.

I strode with swagger,
Head held a little higher than usual,
Made my way home, slept
And started over tomorrow,
Or was it the day after; the, “numb,”
Could be such a nimble little feat.

It’s a good thing that a cold beer’s
Always just around the corner,
So to, the stumble may begin once more,
And the tip-tap, tip-tap,
Stammer, side-step, fall will
Lead me once more unto rest –

Fallen and without dreams.
* Published in something, but I don't remember and to be frank, still too obsessed with that little something labeled, "numb."
Ami Shae May 2015
If ever I stumble upon your soul
I will find a way to let you know
and I'll do my best to give it to you
so that you and your soul can travel through
this crazy life united as one--
as a souless life seems (somehow) so undone...
Erin Atkinson May 2015
you told me once
my words could move mountains,
but i've been stumbling
over stones so often these days
i wonder if what you said
was ever even true.
Baylee Apr 2015
You know how,
In those moments
Right before you fall,
The earth starts to
Crumble beneath you,
And you can see your fate
As it happens almost
In slow motion,
But not slow enough to stop it from happening,
Or even to brace for impact.
So there you are contemplating
Your fate of falling,
As it happens right before your eyes,
Unable to protect yourself,
Or prevent the impact;
Helpless in a sense;
Like a calf just learning to walk,
But it stumbles,
And you want to help it,
But you know that it has to learn
How to walk on it's own,
Or it will never be able to run.
NitaAnn Mar 2015
I look around me
Everybody seems so comfortable
They know how to interact
They can talk easily with each other
They know how to treat each other.

Me, I stand here...stupid
Mute, afraid to speak
Everytime I think I have it figured out
I stumble and fail.

When did I miss the lesson on functioning in life?
Why is so hard for me to talk, interact?

Tired of failing
I am just gonna stand here
In the corner, mute
Don't mind me.
Daniel Mashburn Feb 2015
I write in fragments,
Becoming more stagnant
'Til I write nothing at all.

And so I falter:
Stammer, stutter, stumble.
Mumble. As my words crumble.

These notebooks I've filled?
Toss them. Tear pages out.
Destroy it; fury unbound.

Let's dissect the hate.
I'd hate to disappoint.
Disappointment? I digress.
not gina Feb 2015
i stumble on my words when i talk about you
but my heart no longer flutters

because as we were running
you promised you would catch me
but when i stumbled you weren't there
and i fell

so now i stumble alone
with no one to catch me

but words are easier to handle
than a broken heart
Jaimi M Jan 2015
I'll admit,
I've stumbled
more times
than I could
possible count,
I've sat on the
cold hard ground
and nearly
convinced myself
that this was it,
I was done,
and yet each
time I have
managed to
pick myself up
and give it
another shot.
I don't know
how many
chanced I'll
get in my
lifetime, but I
do know that
until my body
I will continue
to stand
back up.
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