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We sit beneath the stars
Asking to mend our scars
We keep each other's secrets
Hoping we'll get a new experience
But here we are, drifting and singing
Only to feel empty
I'm sure we'll make it through the night
We have each other
So it'll be alright

You are everything I want, everything I need
A bond that we'll keep down here in the flames
Here, where our souls are set ablaze
But it'll be okay
I'll be with you
Need someone to do remote work but want to pay less than minimum wage? then I'm your guy! just email me and I'll be happy to help!
Take me away, lead me astray
I obey
I bend the knee
Can't see, please
Get away from those that be

Poetry and Solitary
Help me, I'm stuck in purgatory
Save me, I'm lost in glory
It was just a hobby
Now I'm feeling lonely, empty
I can't escape my destiny

It's just a neverending downpour filled with stress
Then there's me who's fallen in the abyss
Poetry, why'd you do this to me?
I wanted more but you gave me less
Lost my soul and lost my friends
I thought you were bliss but that wasn't reality
You were just another step towards death
Another step in losing my humanity
Why'd this have to be?
Why me?
If you have any questions then feel free emailing me:
Michael R Burch Jun 2020
Yasna 28, Verse 6
by Zarathustra/Zoroaster
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Lead us to pure thought and truth
by your sacred word and long-enduring assistance,
O, eternal Giver of the gifts of righteousness.

O, wise Lord, grant us spiritual strength and joy;
help us overcome our enemies’ enmity!

Translator’s Note: The Gathas consist of 17 hymns believed to have been composed by Zarathustra (Zoroaster), whose compositions may date as far back as 1700 BC, although there is no scholarly consensus as to when he lived. These hymns form the core of the Zoroastrian liturgy called the Yasna. The language employed, Gathic or Old Avestan, is related to the proto-Indo-Iranian and proto-Iranian languages and to Vedic Sanskrit. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy deems Zoroaster to have been the first philosopher. Zoroaster has also been called the father of ethics, the first rationalist and the first monotheist. In the original texts, Ahura Mazda means “wise Lord” or “Lord of Wisdom” while Vohuman/Vohu Manah represents pure thought and righteousness and Asha represents truth. Angra Mainyu was the chief evil entity, a precursor of Satan. Keywords/Tags: Zarathustra, Zoroaster, Yasna, Gathas, Avestan, mrbtr, Spiritual, Prayer, God, Righteousness, Holiness, Purity, Grace, Protection
I wish I could rewind time, wish I was outta my mind
Give me some sunshine, give me a reason to be alive
I'm tired of this life, tired of rhyming
Just want to escape but it's too late, I fell
Now my soul is on the decline

What has become of me?
Not a moment ago I was free
But then they came along and took it all
Now i'm a husk, completely empty
Just **** me already
I don't care, gonna die anyway

Just leave my friends, I love them to death
And I'd do anything to protect them
Please, no, not my friends
Not again

I wish I could rewind time, wish I was outta my mind
My friends are dead
Now there's no reason to be alive
Please, wake me up when i'm in paradise
Maybe then i'll feel alive, smiling while bathing
In that wonderful sunshine.
If you have any questions then feel free emailing me at
james nordlund Jun 2020
'      Life's signs

'               and meanings

'      perceived by

'               all our senses

'                       and being's

'      foci of attention,

'               can divine

'                       from within

'                             and without.

'      That's if our inner-eye

'            isn't clouded by

'                  false-ego,

'                        self-conscious self,

'                              or doubt.
The mostly Confucian work, 'I Ching, The Book Of Changes', accurately relates that change is constant and eternal, while, 'The Tao Te Ching', the Taoist venerable text, relates that those changes patterns, and flow are discernable, alterable, and predictable; 'you can't win it if you're not in it', while a cliche, applies (i.m.h.o.)- if one truly is curious then they would want to study change astronomically more than others.  Most are satisfied with steering their perceptions, thought, and life.  Brava, for a great contest; thanx.  Have a nice day   :)   reality
Kelsey Banerjee Jun 2020
she said:
don’t forget!
milk, oil, flowers
our offerings, our worship.
my hands are broken
but still you kiss each finger.
I remember
milk for kheer,
oil for the lamp,
flowers for Shiva.
to me these are nothing.
in your eyes the world sleeps
can I sleep in them, too?


वह कही:
मत भूलना!
दूध, तेल, फूल
हमारा प्रसाद, हमारी पूजा
मेरे हाथ टूट गए हैं
लेकिन अभी भी तुम एक एक उंगली चुंबन।
मुझे याद है
खीर के लिए दूध,
दीपक के लिए तेल,
शिव के लिए फूल।
मेरे लिए ये कुछ भी नहीं हैं।
तुम्हारी आँखों में दुनिया सो रही
मैं उन में सो सकते हैं भी ?


ও বলল:
ভুলে যাবেন না!
দুধ, তেল, ফুল
আমাদের নৈবেদ্য, আমাদের পূজা।
আমার হাত ভেঙে গেছে
তবুও আপনি প্রতিটি আঙুল চুমু।
মনে আছে
খিরের জন্য দুধ,
বাতি জন্য তেল,
শিবের জন্য ফুল।
আমার কাছে এগুলি কিছুই নয়।
তোমার চোখে পৃথিবী ঘুমায়
আমি কি তাদের মধ্যে ঘুমাতে পারি?
Sometimes I like to create poems to practice my languages...perhaps they aren't strong, but I'm looking at using simple images and words to create meaning. Started with Hindi -> Bengali and then translated back to English.
I still run, I still hide
But there's no getting away from the light
The light that burns ever so deep
I just wanted to be free
But got caught by pride, now I'm terrified

I was told I needed a sacrifice
A sacrifice to stay civilized, how could that be?
A moment ago I was on the grind
Now I'm blind, blinded by those that be
They just sit there, smiling happily
I was stupid and deprived
Now I'm just another person whos been victimized
I don't apologize, It's what I wanted
I'm now a god, totally idolized

Good things come to those who are wicked
So don't pray for me and don't demonize me
Remember, I didn't just fall
I leapt
So worship me
Maybe then you'll be my favorite
And become Illuminated.
I'm falling and will continue to fall forevermore
So please, hold my hand and take me to wonderland
My soul may be gone but I'll hold on, I'll stay strong
anything for you, whom I adore.
Wash away my sins, stitch up my wings
Hunt all my demons
I'm tired of their presence

I know I'm a good person
My soul just got poisoned
Dark embraced, mistakes made
The blood on the wall has been written
It's what happens when you're chosen

Going through the motions, running in circles
my home
A coffin
Heaven, a delusion
So many temptations, so many consequences
And so little care given

I'm sorry, I got lost and he found me
Lost my soul, lost my humanity
I'm so, so, sorry.
Kelsey Banerjee Jun 2020
it has been over a decade
since my last confession;
in fact,
that crisp lenten day,
you in your purple,
I refused to come in,
because I had committed nothing
worth an intermediary.

under lock and key,
anxious not to make trouble,
a natural people pleaser,
what could I child do but
laugh at sin?

today my prayers are mingled -
a clutter of languages and deities:
my god is one but also many.
I’m not even Catholic anymore,
But for old time’s sake,
will you listen?
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