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Alexis karpouzos Apr 2021
You can only find out
what you are from what you are not
which is everything and nothing.
Your home is everywhere and nowhere.
Your true identity is no identity.
You aren't an owner but  
a messenger of the infinity,
The no-thing is open to everything,
timeless and Free.
Alexis karpouzos Apr 2021
Time is the architect of fate,
fleeting omen, pure phantom
in enchanting light of absence,
and our life the play of love and death,
only love will never die,
because In love no longer ‘thou’ and ‘I’ exist,
only the blossom of sacred unity.
Jennifer DeLong Apr 2021
Muse Crush

You are a flame inside me

You are far away
Yet so close
Teetering on the edge of my imagination

The yearning is the knowing
The mere knowledge of you
That you are existing somewhere
Somewhere my reality can’t touch

My words spill out of me
Like candy from a piñata
Pages and pages
Poems scattered about like hungry lovers

You make me feel good
So eager to express
To spill my inner self onto empty pages

You are my muse
My cruel inspiration
The tears that stain my pillow

I am dancing on a cloud
Unnoticed by you
As you live your life
Unaware of mine

My words are endless
My thoughts knowing no bounds
As I imagine your eyes
Penetrating through me

You are my fantasy
My never forever
My drug of choice

You are the fuel that keeps me writing

You are my special light
Turning on inside me
When all my creativity is turned off

I want to ravish you
Bite the buttons off your shirt
Loosen your soul
Drown in your eyes without a life jacket

You are my muse crush
The smile on my face
The pain in my heart
The hello that never comes
The inevitable goodbye
© Jennifer Lynn DeLong 2018
Rachel Rae Apr 2021
Heaven, you have left me.
I learned it from your silent words,
Knew it when I saw no stars
That I had jumped from hands that held me
And leapt into unending dark

Fool, you are
Aalim Justice Apr 2021
Belittled to Religion
Boxed into Christianity
That religion without unity
But why? God can't be a base!
Can't be a spirit we chase
We all have His face
Put down under religion like its the only region He belongs to
His existence turned into a quest and question
But how? God is not a debate or result of fate!
Cant be measured by the rate of people who have converted
Put to shame by these unashamed
All in hate they call love
All in attempt to gain recognition but it destroys Him
All they do is blaspheme His name
Unseen but so real
They think His miracles is just to heal
Invisible in higher state
Beyond human form for they forsake
Please detach God from all your thoughts because they don't match His description
Unlock Him from your so called holy scriptures
God of religion has divided man from man
Your God ain’t the real God He is a fraction of who God truly is
God who can be named is not God
We are born into God but we look for Him in things, in temples
But the word says your body is His Temple
Understand that color blinds the eye
Sound around deafen the ear
So God will only be heard not from the ear and mouth
He will be heard from the inside
He is Your intimate lover
Stop lying to God saying you believe in Him
You believe in a belief
An ideology of an idol of some form to relieve you of doing wrong
And that's wrong
When the world is close to catastrophe most of us take shelter to an idea
Mostly not real but become real because many believe
Lets change our thinking pattern and give God a chance to be
Odd Odyssey Poet Mar 2021
Inhale, exhale,
a slave to my every breath.
In a life of hell,
waking up to fall close asleep to death.

All the ups and downs, one can be above it all.

Hear the call of man,
one of paranoia through a storm.
Like loud thunders, do you hear a crying roar?

In this reign of time,
find myself hiding behind clouds.
Where echoes of lightning surrounds.
Out of the norm,
a paranoia through a storm.

I've reached the other side,
across an endless tide.
Twelve hours later,
sailed around endless seconds of time.
Now I found,
things I can't fully understand.
A foreign land,
not inhabited by any man.
How I got here isn't as shore,
after a paranoia through a storm.

Who alone knows a strain of journey,
finding yourself feels an eternity.
But if I sold myself short,
there wouldn't be much left of me.
At the end of every storm,
I'll be like the sea.

Odd Odyssey Poet Mar 2021
We're all marvellous,
shining bright diamonds.
All the stars within us,
as God has made.
Different in places,
but we'll all bleed the same.

A marvellous people,
a tad complex simple.
All a riddle,
indeed this marvellous creature.

Marvellous are we all, all are marvels to be marveled.
Odd Odyssey Poet Mar 2021
We look to the sky,
wishing to touch a piece of the sun.
Has the sun not touched us?
God like the Sun is always there,
even in the darkness.

The rays we feel,
his unconditional love for us.

You are loved no matter,
who you are, where you are.
And in whatever situation you're going through.

God is great, and greatly loves us.
Madame Lucifer Mar 2021
Light and Source self-alignment it read.
That's what I'm here to spread.
Light is love.
I give up though.
It's a battle already dead.
Carrying the weight of the world's pain on my shoulders.
It's too overwhelming.
Take it back.
I don't want this purpose but it's not up to you.
This is who you are, get over it.
Stand up, ***** them, let them hate you because you love them.
That's what Jesus did.
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