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I still imagine what it would be like if one day I really could have her. Love her so close. As close as a breath of every fresh air I breathe in the morning. Get into the lungs. Then make out there.

It's true that I really want to be able to have, all the things that I might never be able to have.
So naive when we are learning to love someone.
O her face. O her eyes. O her nose. O her cheek. O her lips. O her long hair fell down her shoulders. So clear, that dreams are like reality.
She was so obvious. She was so real, I even felt something beating so fast and fast, like the wind through her hair.
Her smile made everything shattered back together, but no, not every time.

I still love her, that's the kind of love I would have said if she was really here. But she's not here. And I can't say that I love her.

She was so close, but so far away. She's far from my eyes. And she's so far away to feel my feelings for her.
Indonesia, 23rd March 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Black Petal Mar 2021
You cannot hear me
When I sing behind these walls
I have sealed them shut
Sakura Mar 2021
I am twenty, you are twenty two
See the sky is so blue
Let's gulp some mountain dew
And write a poem for you
Don't be so blue
Just chew chew chewingum chew
Sitting on top of a mountain
Just me and you
Just the grass and morning dew
Such a serene view
While listening music
Let's have a barbecue!Some wine and Belgium beef stew
Walking together down the hill
A sudden gust of wind blew
Holding hands together
Talking bit about nature
Birds chirping around the corner
It's Like a déjà vu
Let's travel to peru
And see the ruins of Machu Picchu
Talking about the sun and the moon
Let's get a sick tattoo
Who knew
What we will go through tomorrow
Is this true
I'm feeling a déjà vu
I'm meeting my Waterloo
thepoeticwit Mar 2021
I write my songs
in the echo chambers
of my heart
a deep dark dungeon
of hellfire and unclean secrets
only ever have my eyes seen
my ears heard
and my heart keep
my demons
tremble in awe
of the songs I sing in the night
Like a lamp in the corner of a dark house
I wait for next morning
I wait for a new sun to arise
and resurrect me from this decaying carcass
So that my soul can echo the song of twelve thousand elders and saints singing
Glory, Hallelujah
I've been set free
But until that day comes
I shall echo in the chambers
and echo in the airwaves
and wave my hands in
Here I am on my knees
Almost giving up
Almost giving in
Almost giving
of a desperate dying heart
hoping and waiting
for such a day to come
Alicia Mar 2021
She is quartz
a hard dark exterior
a vibrant multitude of fractalized particles
dancing in the light of springs rays

her voice an oral orchestra
a solo violinist
exposing emotion in an aria of sound

shoulders back, head held high
determined, through ***** streets she stalks
her looks are perilous

waves of bleached blonde hair
eyes that hide secrets she will not share
olive-skinned city enchantress

mystery in the words she writes
poetic dreamer by day
waitress by night
I wrote this for my daughter
Alisha lia Mar 2021
It's a sweet melody, starts when you came
And this song will end with me ,beside your name❤
Jake Welsh Mar 2021
he was more of a friend than a pet
a modest, ugly thing
with three souls bound by skin & fur

i’ve never known a mouse to be a functional addict
and i’ve known a mouse or two

he monologued with clever prose
about the impermanence of materialism
and with a deep, angry, disappointment
whenever he saw an empty parking lot

and with reverence regarding the flower that grows through asphalt

you could call the thimbles of ******* he travelled with

most times i listened to him in

when the air was right i would speak as he spoke

he was more of a brother now that i think about it
a shy, talkative sibling
who gave his heart away as quickly as he could

i’ve never known a mouse that cared so much for the world
and so little for himself
how do you write your poems? i have no idea where mine come from.
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