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It must be heard

She truly loved

And you did

You must not stand

You must not give up

As she said  a word

She did not love you

Get up, get up

Work hard ,be the best

Pray to your God

Who has the hearts

Obey his orders

You will get her heart again

If you want her

You must be her hero

You must ride the difficult

To be only her dream

who carries her on white horse

flying wide ,wide at hight heaven

You must dive into deep

To get the pearl she evaluates

Who is in the fact the pearl?

Who beat the other by brilliant?

Who can call you are intelligent?

The pearl is her

The pearl is here

at he spirit

When she put it on,

Who is the smart?

When she took it off,

The pearl get no charm
the love needs power,to protect, money to get what you need,  and heart
Ammar Younas Nov 2018
I can play with words but not with heart, like you...
Everyone prefer to stay away from the people, smart like you...

You deserve to be painted in a masterpiece on my heart...
So no one should dare to touch an art like you...

I hope someday, you will come this way...
I did not burn the bridge when depart, like you...

My heart and mind seem to be in love...
I am learning to keep them apart, like you...

You will win the competition among disloyals...
Since i am not taking in it a part like you...
Written in Ghazal format.
I don’t take philosophy courses,
Not because I’m smarter and always right,
But because I’m jaded.
I know each person in our
Lewis & Clark exploration through what we think is ours,
Comes to moments of great clearing clarity,
Of unlocking more parts of our mind,
New abilities like a videogame,
For which I cannot hate,
Or love,
More or less,
For to find myself,
The greatest of mysteries solved, what joy!
I cannot know myself,
The worst of betrayals, what sorrow!
But seeing as I’m the most central force,
In only this galaxy and the next,
I cannot afford the time for you,
To go through this too.
ashley marie Oct 2018
I sometimes forget that I do work hard.
I'm no Einstein heaven knows
I do put in the effort though
And when the results come back
I tell myself I deserved it
for not practicing enough

But when I reap what I sow
And life starts piecing itself together
I feel good
I don't hesitate to show my accomplishments
Because there are only so many aspects of life
that one can say they have conquered
I feel blessed to say that I will aspire to be greater
And I will continue to challenge my intellectual muse,
Mentally, Emotionally, Physically.
We all will study the music,
and one day we will harmonize.
Happiness takes time, sometimes its hard to remember.
Alexander T Sep 2018
someone said young love at its finest
it more than that dude
its life
its living

she is everything
she is still my best friend
and thats more than I could ever ask for
she is love

I know I need to give a little time
help myself get better
for her
for her family
our family

she still loves me
and I guess I was just scared that I would never hear that again
but I know I will
because our love is neverending
even if we cant be together
we will always be the best of friends

she said that
even if we arent together
we will always love
always be friends

and I cant ask for more
just knowing her is a blessing

so to the dude who said
"young love"
ur quite wrong
adults cant even love this way

sure we get mad and argue
but we get stronger each time
because we want to
because she is life
she is everything

this is more than love
more than life
bigger than the universe
that last poem was a little sad, but that was my feeling at the time. and this is the smarts showing through.
The thief3

The princess looked at her face

That became red and filled with fear

The princess said:" why did you this worst thing?

Why did you convert their fathers to be nothing?

They can't move or talk or even think

You made them fill of  losing hope sink

You deserve to die or even get hurt"

The witch woman collected her intelligent

And said with yellow smile that was gained

"What do you say my sweetly girl?

My daughter that I will love at all"

The king smile at her and said"

"Dear, you have kindly heart"

He looked at his daughter and said"

Don't accuse any person without evident

Go to your room and don't go out"

The princess' face got red and

Her tears were descended

She run with that boy to her suite

The king ordered her to stop

He ordered the boy to be dismissed

She cried very ,very loud

She stayed at her room without getting out

Till her father entered at once

He saw the pale of her face

Her body became thin

He astonished and said

"what did make my groom sick?"

Smile ,smile to see my gift

Come to my suit to see my gift"

She thought that the witch was dismissed

And his famous justice was returned

She entered his suite in speed

With great smile that decorated

Her face to make her more smart

She called with a smile"

"What is the " her speech was interrupted

As she saw a strong guy and the witch stood

The king said "this is your groom!"

Is that good gift at your mind!"

She said with sad :

"Who is that?"

The king said"

He is the nephew of my love"

to be continued
the bad , leads to the worst. the good leads to the best
Anya Sep 2018
What is being smart?
I've always wondered
Is it having innate talent?
Or being exceedingly knowledgeable?
Perhaps, having the skills to survive in one's society?
Is it a special skill?
Is it something that can be cultivated?
Is it limited to certain people?
So what is it?
I'd really like to know
Elizabeth Aug 2018
And he talked as if when morning came the sun would no longer shine. The way he talked about life and everything in it made the stars twinkle in perfect moonlight. The way he spoke of the things he loved like they were childhoood dreams come true made my heart dance like a ballerina through the mountains of endless hopes and dreams. And on this night my wish came true, my wish came true that I would meet someone just like you, with a mind so freeing... so beautiful.
Take me on your wings
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