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YsCreations1 Dec 2020
You use me to let your frustrations out.
You use me to let your authority known.
You use me to fight battles you know you may lose.
I'm the pen, the greatest weapon you own.
What is new?
My eye knows your view
And remembers your way

To talk and explain
To say how you are weak
I fell in that plan

When then I see
You, I forget
And listen to you again

I fell in that plan
As I forget everything
And remember any thing

Belongs to your smart
whn one descides to mett his lover with his mind , he falls in trouble and gets his mind in long vacation and remebers only the smart
M Solav Jul 2020
Oh how I hate art!
So much noise
And false pretenses,
Such undeserved poise
For those vain promises.

Sure, in everything there’s a message,
Yes, anything you want to acknowledge.

How I hate art!
For it is far too fragile
To dare play so smart
How I hate art!

Oh how I hate art!
Whether I’m missing the point
Or whether there was none;
Whether it isn't what it ain’t
Or whether it’s just for fun.

How I hate art!
For it cannot do otherwise
Than state the obvious
And pretend to be wise.

Sure, you’ve convinced more than a few;
Yes, they’ve all grasped your great value.

How I hate art!
The cliche, the glamour
The whole thing and the part,
Oh how I hate art!
Written in December 2019.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
In his head
A small factory
Packages of wisdom
With unprecedented brilliance
The observers
The processors
The creators
All contributing
To a brand new theory
The packages
Won’t be sent
The fear
Of incompleteness
Interfering with development

Oh logician
If the world could only
Your passion
Your creativity
Your theories
Would dominate the world
To all the logicians and their genius theories
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