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Poetic T Apr 2020
We thought  we were the rise and fall of the world,
           could we have been more wrong..

I remember an old proverb,

"Control is foolish without batteries,
   because once they run out.

                        Your stuck on
                         one channel,
                 a singular view unchanging

Could we mould the world,
like a pottery class we're moulding it  
         thinking we could
            paint it,
kiln it,

and it was perfection..

But we had a malevolent arrogance,
thinking we were saintly,
       all though we thought we were saints.

So boastful of our accomplishments,
           we never looked at the singular crack.
Barley visible to the eye, but there never the less.

After a while we ignored it, as we never
Our work to falter..

I remember a proverb that paid heed to this.

Discontinuity may be a scratch,
            visually constrained

but protracted in depth. malevolent

Beneath will never show the truth till

                            it collapses within its self

Wordy I know, but a truth of now.
         Never paying attention to the scratch
but not seeing the fracture just waiting for that
                                            singular weight to
descend us to the now. So many cracks in the world.

Now no matter our skill the world is just putty,
   remoulding itself with every new day..

A sunrise of reflection,
            Dusk hiding the truth of our folly.

We now live in this new world of our undoing..
           The poetry wheel is fragmentary,
the vase now floating, shifting in the well
we used to mould it with.

And we stare at the
                             sunrise seeing our
vindictive creation...

We are the evil of this world, a creation of arrogance.
Arcassin B Mar 2020
By Arcassin Burn

Welcome to the year of the end,
you better look for better sayings when use a new pen,
see all your family before its too late for friends,
walk to all your enemies and make a mends,
how the hell do you ever get the message if it won't send?
make your mark on the earth before it really does end,
you could ignore my meta mind here,
all in me.

third eye not even open but I'm still woke,
stupid still drinking fructose in their coke,
but who am I to be smart like i have two lab coats and,
when i am a lab rat like the rest of ya'll without a poll,
to decide and vote where the universe might take us,
everyone deserves a purpose , the vultures take and leave us,
so while I sit and think how life could be different in mind,
all you human beings are still blind,
the light is all in me.

Asominate Mar 2020
Sometimes it feels
Ever so slightly annoying
Sometimes I just can’t
Be on my best behaviour

Life is a test,
I’m failing my papers
I want me dead
But that is for later

I am obsessed
There isn’t enough evidence
My worthlessness’s
Determined by my intelligence

Days. Weeks months: time
I’ll tell you that I’m feeling fine
My performances are only Fs

My heart is what broke
I sw**r I wouldn’t do it again
Knives, lemme *******?
Can’t disappoint you if I am dead
"Get lost and never be found."
That’s what she said
Sometimes I wish I was worth more than my intelligence.
Ash C Jan 2020
I'm told I'm talented, beautiful, amazing, smart.

Told I'm a goddess, way ahead of others, easy to talk to.

But all that doesn't matter, because I'm also told I'm a *****.
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
have you ever seen words
dance like that?
she can make syllables
shimmer like diamonds,
the pieces of her soul
she bares
when she smiles and laughs
filling the room with
the serenity of snow
the warmth of her good heart
woven from the same fabric
as kindness and beauty -

transport me through time
to find that
I still admire you just the same
the worlds and characters
you concoct
inspiring worlds in me;
bend dreams into
marvelous shapes,
lost in the throes -
the fervent grip
of your beautiful imagination.
I see you at the moon
when it is complete and renew

I see your smile at blossom
brings at spring at happy mood

I could hear your laughter at the water droplets
making the world had life present

spreading its wings
covering the love to stand

your smart face makes me great brilliance
love is the greatest and cleanest message all over the world
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