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Dawn Feb 17
My dearest love, my heart's true north,
For words unspoken, a silent forth,
My clumsy tongue, my failing grace,
I beg forgiveness, find your space.

My love for you, a boundless sea,
Yet in my speech, I fail to be,
The poet's voice, the words so true,
To paint the love I hold for you.

Forgive the stumbles, the missed beat,
The clumsy phrases, incomplete,
My heart's intent, it shines so bright,
A love unwavering, pure delight.

I'll strive to speak, with clearer tone,
The depth of feeling, all my own,
Until then, know my love's sincere,
And wipe away each falling tear.
I'm so sorry I let you down ♡
Jack Jun 2022
Cry me a river
I'll paddle to you,
Enough of wasting tears,
Don’t you see that I'm here for you?

Please smile,
Seeing your smile already made my day,
Your giggle is a lullaby to my ears,
like I'm living a dream,
But with you in it,

The word love, frozen in my mouth,
I can only kept it inside,
Can you make my life better?
I can wait,
Maybe a thousand years or more,

Touch my heart,
You'll feel the warmth,
as the last flame of mine,
exist for you,
Let me remain in your heart,
So we can connect as one,
we shall rejoice under brilliant night,
dance with million stars,
where you shine the brightest,
As you always do.
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2022
Judge me
By the color of
The soul

You will find
Your color
Is my color
Genre: Experimental
Theme: It just is
bess goldstein Nov 2019
dear lover,

          I promise I will stop bringing up his name
over late-night calls, 
cups of bitter coffee,
and my lonely bed.
          I will give you my love
like it is your first glass of water,
your dry, thirsty eyes allow me
to believe in second chances.
          I will never trap you,
pin you down like butterflies in the frame,
for my broken wings know the feeling
of watching your love say goodbye
behind a piece of glass.
          I promise we will make love
without an expiration date tattooed
on our inner thighs.
          I will hold you, despite wondering
if this is the last time your hands
will touch mine.
          I promise I will wear your heart on my sleeve
like a new coat,
putting the scratchy, hand-me-down fabric 
back in the closet.
          I’m sorry if he still makes me cry.
his name still sounds like guns falling
onto the oak tree roots outside of your window.
          I will grow from this.
I’m still waiting for those shots to stop ringing in my ears
when you tell me you love me.
I was just dragged out of a cold war,
my blood is now too warm to clean up
the battlefield he has made of me.
dear lover,
          I promise one day my wounds will heal,
that the only scars you will need to love
are my stretch marks.
          I’m glad you understand
that empty promises are Band-Aids over bones,
they will never heal me.
thank you for holding me as I bleed and cry,
and thank you for letting me speak of him
one last time.
:) :( it be like that
kaitlyn Jul 2019
I thought I knew you
Now you are nothing but my perception
Did you really mean what you said to me last night?
I used to be able to see it in your eyes,
I can't anymore
I thought maybe I knew you again for a second,
but I don't know you
I never knew you
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2019
It all began, with magic
Let me guide you, home
In case, you forget
Genre: Micro Verse
Theme: Sincerely Yours
S K Anderson Apr 2018
Dear people-who-think-global-warming-is-not-a-thing,

You have eyes, right?
You're just not using them?
Because I can open your eyes,
but I can't give you new ones.
But either way, you have ears
so listen up
because I'm going to tell you
why you're wrong.

For one,
this is a scientific issue,
not a political one.
It's not something
that can be debated.

Now that's out of the way,
here's the numbers:

Throughout the entire human history,
carbon dioxide levels have
been above 300 p.p.m.
(parts per million)
What to know where it's at now?
400 p.p.m.
On the scale of things...
Let's just say we're *******.

That's not enough for you?
I'm just getting started.
Sea levels around our lovely planet
have risen 8 inches
In the last hundred years.
Know what else?
NASA says that,
"The rate of the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the last century."

You know Stephan Hawking?
The really smart guy?
Yeah, he says you're wrong,

So this is me
begging you
to open your BEAUTIFUL eyes
(I thought maybe flattery would help)
to this disastrous situation.
It's not my imagination,
It's the end of our civilization.

Sincerely, The Environmentalists
I spent so long writing this one.
By so long, I mean about a week since most of my work
is done in minutes.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Wish of a long ago,
With all conscious realm
Beyond the body
In profound silence
Sat by the highway
Connected with a glorious sun
With a mirage of fleeting joy
Self Programming journey
Sensing with all senses
Sharing life, ideas and dreams
A very breath of life
Footprint in a shore
Dance to the sound
People around, all defining happiness
Time of lasting memories
Everywhere and everything

Sincerely yours,
Peace of mind.
Note: I was not a poet, then it happened.
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
Àŧùl Feb 2017
I love you for the beautiful and complete young human being you are.
You value your blood relations.
You work for a stable future.
You are truthful towards me.
You never kept me under a false impression that you love me too just like I love you.
Though I am probably not going to meet you ever, let alone marrying you, but I do feel for you.
My HP Poem #1407
©Atul Kaushal
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