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Harsha 4d
6 weeks ago I was unaware from where to buy scented candles
Till then it was a studio bachelor pad with random women and one tenet
2 weeks ago I was under the impression that
Table conversation was supposed to be mundane chit chat
Till last monthI lacked the company to hold riveting conversations on the Mandela effect
After our Labor Day weekend I caught a glimpse of the possibility that how life could be just perfect
On our second date I realized it is vital to confess that I had no best laid plans  
Similar to our colossal failure navigating the retreat from Vietnam
Until a week ago I did not have your fragrance lingering my personal space casting innuendos
Recent uptake in the “stay at home-order in “philosophy has reduced me in to a fading shadow
My absence in regular visits to the Gentlemen clubs local water holes and Venice boulevards
Have my village people in search parties hunting corridors and casing Echo Park
How a creature of habit evolves and adapt to extenuating circumstance
Before the music fades along with the final chance for that last dance
Time eventually catches up or exponentially runs out
Forward motion moving down range is the only response when in doubt
So best not look a gift horse in the mouth
In order to cohabitate, one must embrace new environments hence first move out
Newton’s 3rd Law: In order to move forward, you have to leave something behind.
Stalwart Dull Sep 2024
Simple things could make you smile,
I wonder if you're soft and fragile
But one thing is for sure,
that you love him so much more.

Why do you keep on settling for less?
Is that how you wanted to express,
the love you felt for that man
you're trying to impress?

I don't know how you managed
to stay in a relationship full of doubt
is that what unconditional love is all about?
an emotion or feeling that you cannot express through mouth
but it's too clear to understand if your heart shouts it out loud.

Yes, you settled for less
and that less might turn into progress.
Even your childhood is a mess,
that doesn't mean you can't live your life to the fullest.

Imagine you have the guy you wanted for so long,
how can you live with that in reality?
where everything seems right might be wrong
Reality *****, and your wants cannot be defined so perfectly.

Is that how love should be?
sometimes you have to be treated just nobody?
a perfect relationship is just imaginary
even being loved whole-heartedly
is not that ordinary.
--- written for someone who requested me to write about settling for less --
Monica Mourad Feb 2024
Tall dark and handsome
Kind brown eyes that held mine
Eyes that shined with false promises
A smile laced with uncertainty
Kisses filled with venom that fogged my mind

I was your muse  
My laughter a song that warmed your heart.
My endless well of comfort was  your sweet escape
My aura a confusing craving you couldn’t  understand

You kept me tethered to you
To lose me meant losing your smile
Keeping me would not leave you satisfied

A charming prince turned into a Puppeteer
A princess turned puppet
Strings laced in confusion and uncertainty
Replaced the warm caresses and sweet kisses

Refusing to be tethered by fickle charm
She pulled back despite the hurt
She’s a princess after all
You were never a prince -
Just a puppeteer looking for a puppet
hindsignt is 20/20
ky Jul 2023
I don't make out on the first date.
I don't ditch my friends for a guy.
And I definitely don't settle
for being someone's second choice.

I'm hard-to-get,
but once you've got me,
I'm all in.
ky Jul 2023
You were like a little kid looking to buy a new toy.

You picked the expensive one because it was
shiny and pretty and new,
but you didn't have enough money.
So you settled for the cheaper toy
even though you wanted the other one
so much more.

Eventually, you were happy.
But you still dreamt of that shiny toy
every time you closed your eyes.
ky Jul 2023
We had something special,
connected on a deeper level.

But I guess you were willing to settle
for something less than that.
kathryntheperson Feb 2022
I feel like I have no other option
Like it’s the end of the world
and I’m not going to have time to find anyone else.

or I get out and realize that you’re better than everyone out there and that means I have to settle with you.

I stay because I can’t afford my home with out you and
I don’t want to be poor and go hungry.

it’s because I’m afraid of being alone and I don’t have any friends to comfort me

these are all very good reasons to stay.

but you’re a slob.
and you don’t listen to anything I say I could tell you a thousand times to put your things away but I will keep finding them in the same places do you just not care about what I say ? you say you are listening but are you even in there ?

you don’t make time for me.
but I make time for you
it seems like all the effort in this relationship comes down to me.

You’re not funny.
you can’t even make me laugh
your humor is childish and dumb
I smile so rarely.

You’re a child who doesn’t communicate.
when there is obviously something wrong and I ask you what’s the matter and you tell me it’s nothing but I know that it’s something so I ask and keep asking until you finally give in to my interrogations
why can’t you just communicate your feelings and thoughts I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall.

you get angry because I won’t have *** with you. I have low libido because you disgust me and deep down inside I know I don’t love you anymore.

I don’t want to marry you
I don’t even like you
but I’m too scared to leave you.
I don’t know if this is even a poem but this is how I’m feeling I can’t take it anymore
Janay Nov 2021
You keep smiling
Keep dancing
Continue laughing
Keep staring at the stars
Continue looking up
You’re still growing darling
You’re getting close but still missing a few steps
Maybe you need to mature a little more for your new destination
Don’t settle in your own ways
Don’t settle in your old ways
Hey you…. Over there
Keep living in freedom with nothing to despair
Relax love,
There’s nothing that can bring you back, you’re free now.
Don’t settle in your own ways
Don’t settle with your old ways
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