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Ebor Genzi Sep 2016
I noticed the border grow greater
Strained order, impatient

Creeping numb
Sweet straw swaying
           and thin

My breath

Gives room for You to come in

Ways open

In fact, the doors are broken

I'm choking
exploration of an experience
bjynxthelyric May 2016
What do we know about this world
besides what the powerful want us to know?

How can we fulfill our lives based on "facts" and knowledge that we will probably never have the chance to disprove for ourselves?

A wise man knows nothing, "for this world is but an illusion"

A sensory experience to groom the soul for manifestation

A game of imploding extremes that not so coincidentally level out to create the rare occurrence of life that is aware of itself

What do we know about this world
besides that we are here for the moment?
cringemaster May 2016
I still find myself sad
I didn't want to take down your pictures
I miss the drawings you made for me of the times we had.
I miss you still, but not every minute;
I'm trying to move on, but every time I start to appreciate this life
I can't help but wonder how much better it would be with you in it.
I loved you, and I still do;
I wish the best for you and I hope you can have adventures
that can replace the bad memories with me and give you a life like new.
Untainted by my existence,
innocence regained and dreams sweet; not bitter regrets,
better yet a whole new world where I never wrote you songs and you never listened.
I still find myself missing you,
but what's worse is what I put you through.
I couldn't change fast enough for a soul as wonderful,
and adventurous, and pure, and as fast as you.
I still have dreams we're running across town,
racing to the beach, drinks in hand, and smiles on our lips.
I still seem to think subconsciously the reality in which we live
is one where you still love me.
I still find myself missing the feeling of your lips,
and the lilac smell of your hair.
If only I could have been as spectacular as you.
If only you were still able to see the wonder in me, too.
I'm sorry
Gabby Muir May 2016
Two simultaneous symphonies
Play in my head-
One completely off key
One not quite up to speed
I close my eyes and breathe
Count 1, 2, 3 and say
Let there be nothing!
And there is nothing
For precisely two seconds
Till the music creeps back
More fragmented than before.
Is sleep voluntary like dancing
Involuntary like heartbeats
Or a combination like breathing
Or blinking
Do other people have orchestras warring in their head?
Angry knots in the joints of my hands
My fists clenching and unclenching
I am not comfortable in this skin
Everything is so loud, so harsh to me,
The creak of the table, the chewing of gum
The tap tap tap of drumming fingers
I can feel lightning in my veins
Crackling and snapping, it is violent
I want to block everything out
I want it to blur at the edges of myself
And disappear somewhere quiet
Somewhere my skin isn't a cage
And my mind isn't an enemy
I need the lull of the sea on a hot day
And the embrace of the waves
As I sink.
aj Dec 2015
limiting reactant: that’s you & that's me
both of us standing on a cliff,
neither of us jumping
is this chemistry worth the kind that will decompose our hearts at the bottom of the ocean
or the kind that burns my empty hands

ideal law: ideally, breaking it
you're in the driver's seat, wrist on the wheel
our pulses driving the car and pulsing in the floorboards
speed, velocity, distance,
the physical sciences
(my lipstick distracts you from the road)

balancing equations:
you: black flame, glistening furiously
me: god knows what i am but clear and soft
disaster: the explosion is all-consuming, a violent display of reactivity and fire
people stand in awe, wishing they could be destroyed by something so beautiful
aj Dec 2015
welcome to a place you used to call home and now is full of strangers

the smell of coffee, forgotten faith, and lost memories cling to the bronze walls - broken friendships (at least partially your fault) taste like bitter chocolate and your could-have-beens echo off the high ceilings

upside down city lights drown in the reflection of leftover rainwater - your tires slash through them and you think quietly about the skin on your forearms

your favorite album isn’t enough to drown the pit of guilt in your stomach and the raindrops don’t wash away your anxiety no matter how hard you wish that they will

what used to be a mirror is now broken, and the shards jab at you, not hard enough to break your skin, but enough to know that something is very wrong

that candle you forgot to blow out last night makes your room smell like every other thing that you left unattended until they grew to be too big for you to handle anymore

you are odysseus, and the world is both scylla and charybdis. you can only hope you’ll make it home.
Castielchester Jul 2015
your touch

        your touch

sends sparks through my


starting slow, little bolts

crackling through my nerves,

    boiling my blood


surging my veins.

your touch

    my heart,

beyond control I

g a s p

keep me from falling,

flesh, bone

       melting into yours,

we are one.
BlueAliceOasis Jul 2015
Sometimes, I'm just like
"Is the fan even on?
I feel the vibrations of its movement
In my ears
But I don't feel it".
Does the fan even work?
Does fan even exist?
Madeline Jun 2015
I will wait for the one who feels like baking sugar cookies
For the one that smells like climbing trees
For the one that looks like a morning after sleeping in a hotel
For the one that sounds like smiling before a roller coaster takes off
For the one that tastes like swimming way after the sun has gone down
I will wait.
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