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Reagan Kulka Aug 2014
I needed to rant but I'm alone
bear Aug 2014
Its amazing how fast the world can change.
Its astonishing how something so similar
to a peace corps,
can turn into a firing squad
without even knowing about it.
how it can go from caring and understand,
to demanding and humiliating.
It has grown to extreme to control.
The fear of being shot to death if an argument starts,
and a strong chance you'll never get up.

Something so simple,
that might not even involve you,
can get you taken to the shooting range.
begging for forgiveness
or trying to rebel.
the firing squad knows no mercy.
not any more, anyways.

A man with little to no power
will stay with the peace corps.
will be there with open arms.
A man who demands power
will BE the firing squad.
will be there to break arms.

A man who asks himself the wrong questions.
Asking "why won't the corps help or stay with me ?"
As he continues to demand from others.

selfish. selfish man.

Why doesn't he ask himself the honest question:
"why did I leave?"
Eleanor Rigby Aug 2014
You say, don't be selfish
Let me live the life
That was given to me.
You say, don't be selfish
Let me go.

But how
Am I supposed to do that
When you are my life.
And when I tell you that
You say,
Please don't do anything stupid.
And I smile,
Fine I will live a life
Of misery for you.

Aubrey Aug 2014
I get it.
Your heart is ripped out and it's me that took it... forced you to take me back against better judgement. I trapped you here with me for years.
And now, I've torn it from your chest and laid it to rest under my heel.
**** your broken heart and your empty sobs and your selfish pleas for me to take you back.  
"You never loved me from the beginning!"
                                        was love you.
You had a chance to make it right.
You had the choice. You chose to lie
and steal and have no respect for our lives...
and then, as if that was not enough for me to see through your sad eyes and sweet smile...
then you said you would take my life
out of fear and guilt and pain and desperation...
**** your pain and your incessant need for gratification and validation...
"I just love my wife and kids."
LOVE is not a word you throw around to make you look the part.
You are no husband and father.
You are no man.
Entitled like an adolescent and selfish like a child,
you would rather tear these kids from my arms and send them to the abyss called OKDHS than call ONE time to speak to them.
Believe me...
my veins pump bile strong enough to blot out your face
my heart is full of unbridled hate
when I heard what you did today....
the piece of my heart that was for the father of my child died.
That will never heal.
That part is gone.
You haven't broke my heart, you gave it the most beautiful battle scar.
Believe me...
if I see your face
after all of this is done
if I have any chance
just ******* one...
I know you believe me.
I'm no liar.
Believe me...
I have thrown myself into the fire.
Ruthie Aug 2014
Don't you dare demand anything from me.
Don't you dare ask me to write about you.
Who the hell said I care?
Who the hell said I write about insignificant nobody's like you?
Do you have an answer?
Because your lips slimed their way to mine.
And your hands wandered without prior permission.
So don't you dare moan at me and whisper in my ear.
Telling me to write that experience down.
Because I don't want it.
I don't want you.
And I don't want your schoolboy hands anywhere near me.
I will not write about you.
Lani Foronda Aug 2014
I wonder if there will ever be a day when people will stop treating each other like possessions.
You'd think that in kindergarten we had been taught how to share.
“Everyone gets a turn,” our teacher would say.
"Five seconds at the water fountain after recess.
Pass along the book to the person next to you.
Share your box of crayons with those at the table."
We were taught how to share the tangible
The objects at our feet.
But what my teacher never taught me was how to share the intangible-
Concepts such as time, trust, and love.
Ultimately at the end of the day she never taught me how to share people.
The problem with people is that you want to keep them-
Keep them close
Keep them tight
Keep them safe.
You don't want to take turns because you fear that they will find someone who is better than you.
That one day they will leave because you were not enough.
So to suppress our paranoia we resort to rules and regulations.
We employ the facade that what we are doing is out of love
When in reality we are living in fear.
People are not possessions.
We are human beings
Capable of emotion and free will.
We are granted the ability to choose
For that freedom is what distinguishes ourselves from the rest.
We are not objects upon a shelf
To be taken down when felt like or guarded like a metal safe.
We are not punching bags
To be used at one’s disposable.
We are not mountains
To be climbed and conquered.
We are human beings
Yet humanity continually treats each other as if nothing.
August 06, 2014
People are free to make their own decisions.
You cannot own anyone.
If a person chooses you- chooses to stay,
Then be thankful for that is a privilege.
David Leger Aug 2014
Coiled around the core
     of my heart
Is a sigh for the *****
     who sold my art.

I was that fiend, lusting for care,
     not long ago,
I wrote the shame on the page I tear,
     I am my foe.

But dead now, is that ***** *****,
     Buried deep within;
I write for me forevermore,
     Yet carry still that sin.
I used to write for the wrong reasons, but not anymore. I'll never let that ***** in me sell me out again.
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