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Mickey May 2019
Do it.
Rip my heart out.
Crush it into tiny little pieces.
Feel the warm blood dripping off your hands.
See it losing its power and making its last beat.
Look into my eyes.
Look deep, Look closely.
Try to say the word.
Try to push it out of your mouth.
Feel it on the tip of your tongue.
You can’t, can you?
For you will see in my drained and salty pupils that it is too late.
There is no way back.
I dare you.
Do it.
Madeleine May 2019
The saying
You never know what you have till its gone
Isnt just true in dating relationships
But in friendships
And those you work with
One of my coworkers
Passed and I didn't realize
How much I would miss him
He had his ups and downs
Like everyone else
But its rough
And its going to be different
Without him at work
Cheery welcome greeting
And smile he always seems to wear
And his laugh
Making those around him smile
You will be missed
Always remembered
Rest in peace Ken
caroline May 2019
time is a man made construct
yet here I am
in the age of snapchat and iron man
the dinosaurs are long gone
the plague has left us too
the warfare of north and south
is all in the rear view
we’ve flown past the moon
and left the braids behind
if I had a bluetooth time machine
what else might I find?
Yvonne Cutlip May 2019
Walk into a room filled with wisdom and pride,
The love you projected never lied,
Always there to give me a guide,
Making sure my heads on right.
Being in your presence was pure joy
Filled with laughter and chuckles,
But you were as stubborn as brass knuckles.
You found god and for that I'm thankful
Because now he has the most perfect angel.
To my paps
Gianna May 2019
I could feel you inside me
I felt your soul
I felt your love
Real heartbreak was losing you
I think about you every day
I think about how far along I would be
what gender you were
I think about what you would have looked like
What your name would have been

When I lost you I lost a part of myself
You changed me
I never realized it was possible to love anyone as much as I loved you
I just wish I could have met you
I wish I could have told you I loved you
I wish I could have held you
You will forever be in my heart
Rest In Peace
Asominate May 2019
The sun had rise
I see the sunset
Approach in a disguise
Of an unfortunate death

Life was a beast,
But to finally be released
Will I finally find me peace?
Or will I just rest in pieces?

The setting sun
Goes down
Though you’re still believing
Time, don’t turn back
‘Cause finally I see it

I’ll finally depart
I’m glad to say I’m leaving
I feel it tears my heart,
I’ll rest, but I’ll rest in pieces.
Asominate May 2019
They come in twos and threes
Glistering silver seas
Overwhelming nausea
Worsen anxieties

I feel so far apart
Separate but not separated
How can I rest in peace?
When I am here resting in pieces
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
I was staring at the most beautiful flower
Just there to clear my mind
The wind was touching me softly
It was nurturing.
As I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply
She whispered in my ear
"Just do it, give it all that you got. Surprise them"
She put a smile on my face :)
It was her that took my breath away
I exhaled and opened my eyes
A dream
She was a dream
reminding me
to chase my dreams

Sara I. Raad
Unknown Apr 2019
Grandpa, Such a brave man
It's so sad to have to say goodbye.
A tragic accident has happened.
And now we have to let you fly.

You always put others first
even in the midst of danger.
You were the hero all along,
Fighting fires at 19, So very young.

I know there wont be any fires,
up there in heaven.
Not whilst your around to protect them.

I  remember how you smiled,
You lit up the room.
We will never forget you,
Your memory wont be gone anytime soon.

And no, this is not goodbye,
This is till we meet again.
When it is our time to fly,
We will meet once again.
My grandpa was in a accident, he was helping my uncle salvage a part from a car he was using the oxy when the car exploded on top of him, my uncle bravely pulled him out suffering burns himself... my grandpa had 90% burns on his body...sadly he did not make it and passed away at 11:55am on 21.4.19
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