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Ashwin Kumar May 2018
What is it like, to go hungry?
The wolf in me answers
Starved for hours and hours
There is a storm raging inside
Ready to wreak havoc on all
But especially on those cretins
Who have, in their callousness
Denied me the food
Which I so richly deserved
Leaving my stomach clutching at straws
My tongue lolling around in vain
My teeth sharpening themselves
Ready to tear into the flesh
Of the humans who ignored me
Ready to drink their juicy blood
Ignoring their frantic screams
The wolf yearns to pounce
And devour its tormentors
Until every pang of hunger
Is annihilated once and for all
Trigger Warning: The poem contains a few lines depicting gore and violence. Not recommended for the faint-hearted.
depth deprived May 2018
A baseball bat
To the ribs

Or a spinning blade
To the lips

Blink quickly
Push images to the side

Don't dwell on this thought
Your skull will divide

Three halves of a heart
Two wrongs make a right

Losing grip on reality
Like the string of a kite
Renn May 2018
I know who you really are.
You did not do anything for me.
You're not getting any good Karma.
I hope she doesn't get hurt.
You brought me in, when I was at my worst,
And then decided to desert me.
I thought I had a home.
I thought I was safe.
You Lied.
I told you my story.
And you didn't care.
Because I wouldn't be your call girl.
I won't
Ruin your life.
I'll let Karma
Do that.
Nomathemba May 2018
He came in looking like prince charming
Sold me dreams
Made me feel young again

Oh mama
He touched me

I could hear him breathe so heavily
I could feel his weight suffocating me
His filthy hands were on my body
When he was done, he chuckled
Gave a satisfied look
I turned away
Face wet with tears
A scream of cry came out
Instantly, he gave me
A daring look
And told me to hush little one
Fore he did me a favor

Oh mama
He hurt me so bad

Disgusted with myself
Walking around
And every man looks like him
Filled with anger
Burning desire for revenge
But instead
I was told to
Hush little one and to
Never speak of it ever again.
I realized that so many women are victims of **** and speaking about it is hard. I've seen women around me feel embarrassed and the amount of scars they carry everyday because of what happened to them; I decided to put myself in their shoes to try to capture the emotion behind such a disgusting and absurd transgression and wrote this.
Natalie Apr 2018
like a picnic on pebbles
you held me close
and told me to remember this moment forever

like a picnic on pebbles,
the rocks left red marks on hands and legs
but i didn't care
because picnics on pebbles meant you and me

like the last picnic on pebbles,
i planned everything out
and waited
for you to appear
on our palace of stones
and you never did
and stone by stone
our palace fell apart

like last week
i saw our kingdom
except there was a new queen
i had no power over the picnics on pebbles

like picnics on pebbles
i brushed off the redmarks
and built a new palace
where i was queen
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
I've often heard that karma
is a witch
but with a different start
you with your blackened heart
won't see it coming,
but I tell you this
it surely will arrive...
along with a Judas kiss.

As you've stabbed others in the back
sharp tongue like a knife
karma will creep up on you
it will tangle up your life

It won't matter which face
you wear
karma knows your many
karma doesn't care

You'll wonder why
it happens
you'll coyly ask "why me?"
feigning innocence, ignorance
lacking remorse and empathy

you shouldn't fool
with karma, but
too late to think of that
it will strip you of your pride
you'll feel it deep inside

the exact reason for your pain
you may not recognize
karma can't be fooled
you'll be haunted by your lies

I likely won't be there to see it...
see justice come around
but in my heart I know...
I know you will be found

you'll get your just "reward"
as you hold the losing Karma Kard!
An older one dug out as I was reminded of it by Mica Kluge's "Karma is a Curious Revenge".......which gave me a different perspective!
Grey Wild Apr 2018
dive deep into
shallow water
and fill your lungs
with cold waves.

salt your mouth
until it forms
sea foams,

taste the burns
to bite
your tongue away.
honeyed Apr 2018
when you slipped your hands around my neck,
that is where i snapped.
i drove the knife into your back
and i knew there was no going back
your scream of anguish was so harmonious with my sadistic laughter.
oh promiscuous boy,
this would be the last time you broke my heart
she hath returned!
just a little something i whipped up so everyone knows im still alive haha
jonni inferno Apr 2018
'tis a sad sad
tale of woe
of which I sing
of gods and godesses
and their lessening

how forlorn
the goddess Ceres
once loved by all
and wooed by many

when unprovoked
and unforeseen
a war was wrought
'gainst fair queen

caught unawares
her throne assailed
her forces scattered
'twas all unfair

cast down she was
from lofty throne
no longer crowned
no more beloved

pierced thru
with many thorns
and besmirched
her reputation
and now her station
lost far beyond

she slips away
and near forgotten
and rarely seen
her sullen thoughts
of malice reign

shamed and bleeding
plotting her revenge
till time and chance
provide the proper

then all the thorns
that pierced her thru
she shook as many blades
and hurled
those bitter barbs as one
'gainst Hades' mighty gates

shaken he
from his dark slumber
his rallied forces
armed in numbers

their banners raised
on solar breezes
as trumpets blare
thru breathless reaches

voices shout
in protestation
slide rules locked
in astrometric

oh see how Ceres
scorned and mocked
has wrought
her rotting vengeance
on Pluto's frozen rocks

"Oh woe to thee
my Persephone
flee thee now
to thy father's house
for thy husband's hearth
hath been broken
and Hades' home
now just a token
My lofty edifice
a shattered wrack
an' all that's left
'tis a humble
wretched shack"

Pic Poem

just my spin on Ceres' and Pluto's planetary status - mixed in with a bit of Greco-Roman mythology - as Ceres and Pluto have been reduced to being merely "dwarf planets"...
Nyx Apr 2018

You're playing a game
A dangerous one at that
You're trying to hurt me
But we simply cant have that

You're trying to play it cool
Attempting to pull the strings
Turning everyone against me
But its clear you cant be king

Everyone knows wiser
Their loyalty stands with me
So watching you "wrek" my life, is quite amusing I believe
Cause in the end I know the game,
But you're still quite naive

I'll sit back and watch
Leaving my cards perfectly clean
Giving you nothing to do or say against me
But it appears you're far too keen

No war is ever won
when one is blinded by rage
Its clear you've become your own demise
Trapping yourself within a stone cold cage

All you're assassination plans have failed
Trying to tear me from my friends

she hates you
He knows the truth
I'll reveal to them your lies

I make my move, and plan it well
By being straight forward and honest
I reassure them, express my feelings
Leaving with I love you and a promise

Each word becomes undone
You're tarnishing your own image
I want to start ****
You said, but even your friends think there is a limit

Informing me of you're plan
Their looking at you with pity filled eyes
The more you struggle the more you do
The more they loosen their ties from you

So please calm down, and step aside
I don't want to be responsible for your anymore of those tears you cry

You've hidden a rat within my midst
I know full well who it
So to that rat, I do understand
But its about time you Quit

So in this game of love and war
Where all things are fair
I believe that you should stop yourself
Otherwise beware
What are they trying to do?
Can't they see that the more they try and hurt me the more its just backfiring upon themselves?
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