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Elemenohp Nov 2016
I arrange these messes of letters;
Trying to express feelings and thoughts.
Twenty six letters do not suffice
To describe some states of mind.
No metaphors, or similies, could portray
The hyperbole, of self induced dismay.
You have me tightly bound
and yet
there is such freedom
in what you do to me

I cannot move
under your probing hands
yet the flowing welcome
cannot be disguised

How can you know
so much of me
and how to drive me
to this insanity

Where I know
only of such longing
for what you are
and what you give

No man should know
all of what a woman is
or what my body needs
the way you do

Or the depth of
tenderness that I know
can come from only you
who keeps me here in *******

...Francesca Anderssen 2016
Another verse that tells a little of what I am
Anne B May 2016
Maybe I like you
Possibly, I admire you

Hopefully, I won't
fall for
Guess what, I did.
Proxii May 2016
If someone loved You,
With all the power of Their soul for a whole lifetime,
They couldn't Love You as much as I do in a single day.

And when I think of You I think of how there's:
No Growth without Resistance.
No Action without Reaction.
No Desire without Restraint.

One step at a time that Fear is receding.
You've assured me of this.
Sean Hunt Jan 2016
I'll bite my tongue
And protect
My teeth
Allison Jones Jan 2016
Bonded by the magic of fantasy, of intellect,
Ensnared by riddles, promises, setting suns,
Tangled up in sheets, in softness,
Freed up within each other,
You, and me, and our cold flame.
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