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Arii Mar 16
What if I’m not enough
I know that I’m not enough
Is it too much to ask
For praise,
  a smile,
   a laugh?
But I’m met with silence
And it’s breaking me down
When will it be okay?
When will you at least
glance at me to say
That I’m anything worth
Is my effort in vain?
Am I walking the wrong direction,
Or was there never a right path in the
First place?
Do you hear anything I plead,
Or was I never talking to you at all?
To a brick wall?
To the empty expanse of void where there’s
To hear my words
Except myself
I want to hear your voice
But I can’t
Because at this point
I can’t hear anything.
Not because I’m deaf
But because you were right
And I got tired of my own
But for my sake,
For my life’s sake,
Is it too much to ask
That you’ll wait for me at the end of the tunnel
And tell me
That that light
Was ever a chance worth taking?
Was it never meant
for me at all?
Lostling Feb 25
Use me
Hurt me
Abuse me
Exploit me

But please
Don’t toss me away
“I’ve already played with you for so long, let me play with my new friends instead.”
Words and actions, we were five.
I’ve feared replacement all my life
You gave me this trauma.
the morning
a chorus,

a litany,
a recital,
of old, worn
well worn
fists of firsts

a deep drink
of 11.5 ounces
of a cold spring
water shocking

rebalancing a
sleep induced

a gloried yawn,
an exhalation
of the overnight
staleness, an
expulsion of
stale residue
of a prior
life, dismissed,
yet clinging
to your body

in vain
to be
part of
the landscape
of your

as part of

but there’s
only so much
in your
and all
your liquidities
must be replaced

that takes space
for the
fresh withholdings

drink deep,
replace the
fluids unique
that operate
your systems

and all the
will flow,
stream easy
5:27am March
Jeremy Betts Jan 11
I see you look at me
But do you see me?
Am I see through?
Could it be that easy?

When you do look,
What are you looking for?
Only what you want to see?
What if I'm something more?
((What if I'm nothing more?))

Will you lie to yourself
If you see something different?
If I'm not perfect but maybe adjacent
Will that still justify a replacement?

I don't know what this is
I don't know why I form questions
To queries I want no answers too
Just to repeat the painful lessons

Emery Feine Sep 2024
I remember being the favorite of the family
I remember getting all the praise
Now a new person is getting the attention, not me
It is now the end of those moments, my days

I used to sit at the head of the table
Now there's another girl sitting there
When was it suddenly the end of my childhood fable?
When did this become fair?

She gets help from her family now
While I'm only someone to poke fun at
And I still love her anyhow
But I don't want my situation to just be that, "that is that!"

So I'm watching from a distance, a new star
Giving her my light, which I got when I was young
And I'll give her the notes to a new melody
Dissatisfied from my childhood song being finished sung.
this is my 55th poem, written on 11/25/23.
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I sit with him under a tree
Where me and her once sat.
We both shared secrets and stories
We'd always talk, no matter where we were at

They both said things I keep in my heart
I can hear their words in the back of my mind
Only one is in the past, and one is now
Will you be the friend I've been longing to find?

Me and her would talk everyday
Until one day she decided to leave
Me and her don't talk everyday
But remembering her won't make me grieve

Our connection is growing fast
You're a person I want to remember
Will this end up like the last?
And will you please be her?
this is my 19th poem, written on 8/18/23. spoiler alert: he did not end up like her :(
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Drugs can destroy life,
it's a bad vibes
but why the person get addicted with it,
because they were craving for love like this,
Why do we blame the person
who is addicted,
why don't we have taken care of its
from the beginning,
why she felt lonely?
why she have to find out something to share things
other then her family,
yes that's true drugs destroy many life
but not only the addicted person is responsible for this
her close one is also responsible for this,
but she can be free from this cage called drugs
which is eating her happiness,
if she will get love,
for which only she has taken support of drugs,
do love her so much
that's there is no needs of drugs,
yes it's hard
and it will also take a lot of time,
but only the drug called love can replace this harmful drug,
and the persons have to be patience also,
and then slowly everything will gonna be fine,
just assure her that you are here to give her positive vibes.
Love is the strongest power that is capable of replacing drugs
jǫrð Feb 2021
Hammered the last
Nail in my coffin
From the inside sticking out
For some unfortunate
Future soles' finding
The History: Have you ever trained your replacement?
Mercy Jul 2020
On the break
I asked..
Does he miss me?
Why has he never called?
Does he even have an idea why?
Why i left?
Why i try to be happy for him?
Why i hold back my tears?
Why i keep smiling in disguise?
Why he keeps me guessing?

Then in long solitude
I learnt you can't miss
What you replaced.
An ache is barely blown off by wind.
Bullet Apr 2020
Nobody nowhere
Nobody nowhere
Nobody nowhere
Nobody nowhere
Nobody nowhere wants the bullet holes

Walls break apart and pictures fall
A dot in line for a thought
But the void was popped

Sphere as placement for fear
A slot in the center in-between
Eyes glow yellow
Nobody nowhere
Wants to be that devil
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