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This is not just a poem
But a fact of life as I see
What I see. Hear what I hear
As well as experience the things in
Life that must a say that my relationship
With the creator that doesn't promote
Hate is based on nature and science
For this will last longer then some religions
Religions may come and they may go
But at least knowledge is here to stay for
Life; so value peace and not lies that
Man made
But let's see nature
Not just human nature
As that faults at the best of times
The fact that 2+2=4
You can't argue with that
So don't bother
Telling me otherwise,
This robbery of the facts stops
Man Mar 2024
What were the temples
Of the tribes, Judea
Brothels of slave Shepards
Of child lovers
And Christiandom was it's continuation, post revolt
Back it all goes back to Rome
Further back than that
To Greece
But ultimately the nomads who settled
In the land we call Egypt
These are the freaks
The monsters throughout history
Who eat of their own young and
Lay with them
Who manipulated what were the Pagans
Who continued on slavery, after the
End of its practice.
Cybele & Attis,
The cults that taught
Drugging as a tool
To manipulate behavior
Bend the rules, in their favor
Far off in Europe and since
The civil war, in America
And it was Truman's gang
That hijacked us
They have been hijacking
Various belief and countries,
For as long as there have been them.
We got back control
With some of us Americans getting in
And then they shot that young man
Going through Dallas, Texas
And ever since, it has been
Foreign elements pulling strings
Foul false Americans
Because they made of us
Of our conservative society
One of shame, one of privacy
Where normal people like you and me
Are afraid to speak out for what is right
In the face of ignorance
In the stead of savagery
They blackmailed and extorted our politicians
Right before our very eyes
I tell you, wake up
Be political, and only trust Americans
Including our southern siblings
Common people like us
Who merely wish to live free lives
I am not in favor of isolationism or xenophobia and I have no qualms with anyone who worships God. The Lord is righteous, it is man who is corruptible
LeV3e Aug 2023
We are all so flawed that
When we attempt to trace
The face of divinity
The names scrawled frantically
Carving ink into our skin
All of our moral failings
The meaning lost in translation
Though we try again and again
Allah doesn't ring the same as
Ndagire Shamim Feb 2021
"you can take a man out of the village but can't take the village out of the man" unknown

you wake up everyday,
feeling owned, controlled, limited and unfulfilled.
with a big desire in your heart,
an aching in your mind,
to find your spot.

the mystery of who you are,
who you want to be,
and who you can be.
you choose your aspirations,
because your strong mind won't relent,
won't let fear pick a life for you,
exploring it you ask,
is it the past that you are afraid of?
or the unknown future that you face?
what keeps you still in bed?

you know you have always wanted to break free,
free from feeling empty,
confused, unknown, potentious but untapped,
waiting for love and acceptance.....
the standards set 1000 years and more before you,
yet your family and society expects you to live by them,
keeping you in a viscous circle of fear,
day in and day out.

so what is it that you are truly afraid of?
the you that is undiscovered,
your strength without fear,
your courage to be,
your reign without looking away from who you are.

it is time
Mark Oct 2019
Was Jesus an impersonator
Or the original son of the creator
Did he steal ones name
Then get all the credit and fame
Lying about
Hanging about
Lazily wandering about
The non factual stuff he was saying
No wonder we still have heaps of doubt
Maybe, he could tell a great bedtime story
If so, did he copyright it all
And will he sue for defamation
Or was he just like the rest
Just after all the worlds glory
While I inside hiding
The real source of his information
All things come and go
Like World Leaders, Empires
Big Bang Theories & Co
He went on trial, then got lucky
Had groupies follow him  
Hundreds of miles, along the Nile
Do you think
He will bother to give us a call
Before he comes back down
To judge us all
Gee time flies
When you believe in yourself
Hope I'm still here, if he returns
To at least defend myself
Jesus Christ, Oh my God
God just spoke to me
Looks like, I'm the chosen one
He said, get ready
Then, wait for his text
For I'm up next
For has anyone ever bothered
To do a family tree search
If you did, you would know that dad
Had more than just the one son
We have the same DNA as mum
But dad emptied his spirit
Into, not just the one ****** bowl
So next time you hear
The almighty word from ones mouth
Listen carefully from deep inside
Ones very own memory soul
Remember your parents advice
When you were a young youth
Because all creatures born on earth
Instantly know the meaning of ones life details
So don't ever think
You are the chosen black sheep
In your family’s fairytales
Live your life, fly like a bird
Just be Happy and Free
And be one with your creator.
Mark Sep 2019
I have flashbacks of you, from when I was so young
I thought you left me, to explore this vast galaxy for mankind
You taught us to survive on this big, banged up, revolving planet
Leaving your footprint for one to use and making us very confused

"Is that you, our founding fathers, in the bright night sky?"
Are you coming home, just to check on us or for a final goodbye?
Show us your calling card, but don't let us all lose our mind
Tell us where you went and why you left us all behind

You made structures out of large stones and pointed bricks
Different coloured men from all over, have drawn images on walls
Men study lost language that they can't truly understand, at all
Heavy hauling, perfect angles, were they done using a bag of tricks?

"Is that you, our founding fathers, in the bright night sky?"
Are you coming home, just to check on us or for a final goodbye?
Show us your calling card, but don't let us all lose our mind
Tell us where you went and why you just left us behind

Moe's lambs and Chris's hens always fighting over their goods
while those wandering dews, slip through to form geometric cracks
The world's weak, struggle for food, carry beds on scorched backs
Phoney Earls and Dukes, live behind security gated neighbourhoods

"Is that you, our founding fathers, in the bright night sky?"
Are you coming home, just to check on us or for a final goodbye?
Show us your calling card, but don't let us lose our mind
Tell us where you went and why you just left us behind.
Àŧùl Jun 2019
9 25.15.21

My love, this love for you in my heart,
It is the real truth of my life.
Whatever may come in this way or ours,
You must become my wife.
Our religions may just be poles apart,
But our hearts play the romantic fife.

Always remember it, 9 25.15.21.
My HP Poem #1744
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2019
Remember it always, The Bhagwad Gita already prescribed these four broad methods of worship:
1. Idolworshipping: Simple and sweet. Easy to decorate, imagine and connect with the PäräBrähmä. It promotes arts and literature.
2. Non-idolworshipping: These forms of worship don't require any stone or materialistic idols to connect with PäräBrähmä. It's also very easy to misinterpret.
3. Agnosticism: Here people are not concerned about PäräBrähmä as such but their refuting the existence of Brähmā is making them Hïnđūs.
4. Atheism: These people are fed up with the popular concept of PäräBrähmä because there's no point that they can see is favourable for them.
In Bhāgwäđ Gītā, Präbhü Śrī Kṛṣṇä lays down a very simple explanation of how all of the above ultimately lead to The PäräBrähmä.
A philosophical outlook
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