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Tatum Sep 2018
The day we met the sun had gone to rest and the stars danced in the sky
The day we met you held me so close I imagined we were one
The day we met my heart beat fast in my quaking frame
The day we met you made promises to keep me safe, happy, loved
The day we met is the day I most regret

The day you left I cried
The day you left your words became lies
The day you left my "I love you's" became "how could you's"
The day you left I broke
The day you left I woke up
The day you left I learned to love myself
The day you left I may forget but will never regret
This was about a love I thought meant something.
Lin Dec 2017
I regret what I did
And what I see
In my mind
That’s a dark sea
I regret a lot
Sometimes every moment
Can someone stop me
From regretting things
I didn’t do anything really wrong. I just find myself laying in bed nickpicking all I did wrong. Usually just a little thing like saying “Hey” instead of “Hi” because it would’ve sounded better. I know it’s stupid and foolish and really is a waste but I can’t help it.
Solomon Dec 2017
My thoughts lay 'neath the moonlight shine,
Yet the abyss still dark and silent,
The stars hung within the nightly heavens,
Whisper "Shall thou make ammends?"

I sang a song,
She danced upon it,
I did her wrong,
Her graces forgave it,
but she can't forget,
so she went on her way,
oh how much I regret,
now I'm left here in despair.

This is how I feel,
all that I've shared,
thoughts dark enough to ****,
written and told so I would be spared.
As I look back and realise that it was my fault.Feeling guilty all the way even after she said "It's okay".
Mister J Dec 2017
Dear you..

It's been a while
Since we last talked
How have you been?
I hope you're doing okay


I guess I still miss you
Missing how I wake up seeing you
Smiling at me each morning
Wanting to stay in bed the entire day

Dear you..

Do you remember how
We enjoy making breakfast everyday?
How dreadful it feels to leave in the morning
only to hurry back and eat dinner together

I do

I still remember our weekend dates
Whether going out, or staying home
Remember the first roses I gave you?
And my promise to give you some every week?

Remember, Dear?

I still remember how you caressed my hair
and how you kissed me every time I messed up
I also remember how we used to cuddle
When we stayed home on the weekends

Do you still remember?

How warm it feels when you hug me
At times when it feels cold in bed at night
and how we ate on the same bowl or plate
Whenever we lazily eat our meals on the bed

Those were the days

When I felt happiest the most
When I felt like I'm truly alive
Sharing that simple, fun life with you
Brought contentment to my heart.

Did you feel the same way?

You smiled whenever you looked at me
You kissed back even when I nervously messed up
You had that effect on me back then
I thought I also had the same effect on you

But I guess not..

When that blissful life took a bad turn
We turned for the worst downfall as well
You kept looking for someone else in me
Someone's love that's completely different from mine

And then it crumbled..

The life we shared and held on dearly
The way we shouted and fought every night
and how we slept on the opposite sides of the bed
I guess you really didn't feel the same

Who was he?

The one you still held on to
Even though I was the one beside you
The person who kept you from being mine
Whose memories outweighed the love I gave?

Then the end came..

It came by so fast I never caught a glimpse
I was still willing to fix it yet you alone brought it down
You walked out that door and left me for good
You took my heart with you as you went to him

It still hurts..

I am still stuck with loving you
Even if my mind says otherwise
Your ghost still haunts my life
I don't know what else to do

So please..

Stop running to me when you need comfort from him
Stop calling me every time you cry on lonely nights
Stop stirring this weak heart of mine
And please don't consider me yours anymore


I'm saying a final goodbye
I hope you'll be happy in this life
In time I'll move on, I'll be free
Even if in my heart, you'll always be dear to me
For you.
riwa Feb 2018
nighttime is reserved for thoughts of what could have been,
thoughts of us,
thoughts of you.
The Rogue Poet Dec 2017
Ooh ah ah
She showed me the things love can't forget
Oh it hurt now
Made a list of my regrets
And you were the first, love, oh
Oh it hurts, I can't forget
How it hurt now, oh
Made a list of my regrets
XXXtentacion, felt it on a level to the point where his lyrics hit every nerve in my soul so I had to share this and a few others.
Skylar Keith Dec 2017
Looking back there are many mistakes
Should I have looked away?
Should I have shut up?

Should I have faked it
Should I have tried harder
Now I sit here
No purpose

Rain hits the glass
The glass casing of my soul
As it begs for me to stop
To turn off the light

Maybe I'll turn it off soon
Irina BBota Nov 2017
How pretentious can be the silence
in the mornings of the hot summer days!
I felt nothing no more, for patience
is not limited to formal love and it says:

It was just me. The rest of the world delivers
heavy waves stumbling against my wall,
trying to set right the serpentined rivers
of crying, flowing on my crusty skin of a wooden doll.

The Sun, a dragon that throws flames on his nose,
the Wind, too coward to show his refreshing face,
the Sky, discolored in the distance, it froze,
just the Moon closed his eyes, leaving no trace .

Me and I, were not well together,
but I have found the power to listen to myself,
sipping the sweet-bitter coffee, feeling a bit better,
I was learning again to live, to be an other self.

I knew that one day the blank pages will be coloured,
That the ink stains of my soul will disappear,
That I will forget about the storm that is uncovered,
the call of love will be on my side, without shedding no tear.

I knew that butterflies melody I would hear soon,
Birds chattering happy over the green forest,
That I will never hear poor souls screaming in the noon,
That all this will be simple memories on my wrist.

Now I extinguish my thirst with accords of violin,
Mistrust has deserted from my sleepless earth,
Regrets have become sad songs of flowers on my skin,
In the breeze of the morning, forgetting my wound's birth.
Viany Nov 2017
His empty promises
make me drink
this full glass of regrets..
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