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Gabby Muir May 2016
Fuse ignited by the half-lit cigarette
perched precariously on the corner of your mouth,
I'm a suicide bomber,
and you are all I have left to believe in.
Side by side,
Our lungs screaming,
we torch the world around us,
destroying perfection to create beauty.
We rise again from the smoldering wreckage,
cleansed with the spilled blood of our broken hearts.
The embers drift in the sky like fireflies
as we wipe the ash from our eyes.
Hands clasped,
we venture forth into this brave new world,
rebuilding reality brick by brick
and from each other,
learning to love again.
hope mc May 2016
you're only a year away from downing
i'll tell you now that i care
before i turn into a shipwreck
from your waves

bar lights and starry nights
my veins were aligned with
the wood of other hearts
and then i saw you

i looked two hundred feet down
to a world of spikes
painted on with dried blood
since it was where i had one slept

he smiled at a girl kissed by the moon
and wondered why she loved the stars
(fall for a galaxy
and you'll never find ground)

you're only a year away from drowning
and i'm just a shipwreck
waiting to be discovered
Loveless Apr 2016
Order and chaos
Reborn on our world
They fight, they merge
On the first day of a new world
By the creatures of shadow
Dark sun,the destruction
The star possesor
Shall choose their way
Fourth part of poem angel
A poem with various interpretations.
Though I'm writing it as a story but still it have many meanings and it means what you understand out of it.

Other parts coming soon...
Luisa C Apr 2016
worn out leather heart
chipped glass lungs
with smoke glazing the crystal
and a death coated tongue

then suddenly a cotton candy gaze
i want to press my scarred hands
into the sinking softness
and overdue my stay

now the glass is thick
and the smoke isn't smoke
but the second hand air i breathe
to fill my veins with ecstasy

and i don't fall on your lips
because you've broken my falls
you simply catch me
so no more am i broken at all
Ryan Cheng Mar 2016
A cocoon of mundanity
Built on concrete
The fossils of butterflies past

Driven by Benjamin
The cycle goes
Fermented hopes and dreams
Within a membrane of glass

But on the ground
Is where you'll see
All caterpillars may have the chance
To fly free
PJ Poesy Mar 2016
Nearing great compost pile,
that steamy heap,
insatiable hunger hits guts.
And I know fortitude for journey
is contained in wealth of
centipedes, predatory mites,
rove beetles, ants,
nematodes, protozoa,
and **** of wriggly worms.

Virgil waits for me, as he did Dante.
He takes form of a sowbug,
but with whole of worldly wisdom.
Shows me circles to which I will fall:
organic residues,
primary consumers,
secondary consumers
and further tertiary consumers.
An ancient pyramid decompositional
processes the scaling down
before the rising up. Each eating
excrement of another before them.

One I become with slugs and snails.
Invertebrates shred meat from bone.
Flies make airborne my bacteria,
carrying me off to feed birth of
future fungi.

I am reborn over and over.

Never more have I known
anything more Godly.
Intestinal juices of earth, enzymes
and other fermentation
taking me down,
pushing me out,
transforming trash of my existence
back to Eden.
From compost comes a wealth of life.
L Marie Mar 2016
I keep wasting time
Trying to fix my choices
By building on them
Through worse choices
Instead of burying
The hatchet
Once and for all
And making a new choice
That is actually
What I want
And does not reflect
Who I was
In what feels like
A thousand years ago.

I need to plant
The next seed.
Holey Mar 2016
I feel like such a disgrace to you
So caught up in my human world
That even the stench of blood doesn't bother me anymore.
I'm transformed, reborn, renewed.
I'm am no longer a vampire.
Samantha Dietz Feb 2016
She started living for herself, finally, after years of doing what everyone else wanted.
She quit her job and her makeup routine, finally letting that beautiful face of hers breath.
She started writing more, inspiration finally found it's way back to her veins.
She was reborn, like a phoenix from ashes, and finally figured out how to be alive again.
Àŧùl Feb 2016
Before she ditched me,
She said it,
"Go to her whom you lost your 'V' to."

Not at all meaning 'V for Vendetta',
She indirectly meant,
'P for purity'.

And I really don't know,
As I've lost it,
I mean that I lost 'M for memory'.

So that only makes me wonder,
If I lost it,
Then too I was reborn.

But my love mattered not,
It didn't to her,
I was just an experimental game.

Love was weak 'coz true it was not,
Again I failed,
Now I'm tired of it.

I'll rather live alone,
Scared of love,
Scared of it I'm to the deepest pit.
I'll let her go now.

My HP Poem #1030
©Atul Kaushal
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