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i don't want to adhere to a faith that's unkind,
all this pain i've been holding, i know it's not mine,
but i can't give it back, it made me who i am,
one who lives as a saint will still die as a man.

there's a door that can take me wherever i want,
but i need to obey, to abstain and withhold
my own truth, as it is, for it stains the divine,
but i'll never adhere to a faith that's unkind.
Renee C Mar 9
Her prized pink nose is fatty as an almond,
Yet it hardly hides the bone,
Allowing it to snap as giddily as a wafer.
As she races traffic, the waving flags turn the
Blinding white of a hot gun barrel.

What audacity's in that self-expression
But begging to be recalled beyond a crumpled chassis;
What power’s in the craft of self-destruction
Debased by something as soft as sympathy?
Her redemption and own enlightenment only
Lives through mockery. A natural disaster is her name

For impotence, a gripping horror;
Inexorably image-perverting, like
The ashes of the ******* ancient in Pompeii –
There are no do-overs for dumb *****.

“Don’t make fun of my night out.”
fizbett Feb 22
Embrace the fact that it's never good enough,
let it rip you apart trying.
Let conformity 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝 out
till there's nothing left
but raw bone
and the 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵, jagged hum
of contrariness.

Be the wildflower no one picks,
the **** splitting concrete,
and the waves that swallow cities whole;
be the needle in the haystack
and bite the hand that finds you.

Bleed out your soul
from broken pens,
let your ink riot across the page.
With the spirit of rebellion
even the unlearned discover
the language of the gods.
Don’t reconcile with a rebel,
If you’re scared to run with rebellion.

Don’t you try and cook,
If you’re scared of being burnt.

The trampling feet of warriors,
And the licking flames of devotion,
Will cast your foolish soul to the ocean.
If you’re not ready to run with life don’t put on running shoes
Saman Badam Feb 6
"Are not lashes, lashes still, the blood spill,
One in single tyrant's name, other more?
Those ten thousand's tyrants still, men or not."

"No," said madman, "one's justice, other's whim,
Either all are free or none really is,
In People's name, We all are Free By Laws."

"That's just another name of all hope lost."

"Still as People decreed, by People's Will"

"If ten thousand rule, you are despots all."

"No, If each one have say, then We're Slaves Not."

"Will you raise gallows till all are headless"

"Only till all of their hearts are spotless"

"To me that rings like howls of a mad crowd"

"They're sounds of chains ripped, crowns melted, bones ground"

"If ruled that way, city will surely rot.
You'll leave only graveyards" queen marked.

"Then, Rot shall be Tried under People's Laws,
What wonderful graveyards those will be"

"You are a pack of wet cats" Queen sighed.

"Watered by you, drawstrings drawn" he agreed.

"Your truth's so exact, they're means of unjust.
Yours sure are not laws, they are merely dust."

"If so They are For Us, By Us, To Us."

"Gods, you will devour us, till the last one."

"Like the oncoming storm, we'll quarter them.
Give me the right, you say, the laws and swords.
I will keep you safe till the storm has passed.
Then service becomes rule, rule tyranny,
Till lovingly yoke's fastened to our necks"

"What is this I hear, what's this horrid song?"

"A song of revolt, of rebellion!
Harsh, unforgiving, oh so glorious.
Just like the warm wine running through my veins.
You think us outnumbered? How many there,
of us and how many yours? Oh tyrants!  
And for the lashes struck at our back,
Every last one will be called to account
if gallows must be raised for cobblers
and kings and devils and angels alike,"
With voice like flint, madman said "so be it."
As always, open for critic. This is tribute written for a great web serial 'A Practical Guide to Evil.' Do try it out, it is available for free and is wonderful.
We were born in the forest,
Living in the shadows,
Clinging to our loved ones
In the dark, under the trees.
Life was good then,
We had picked fruit from branches
And swung on them for joy.
And there was no greed
Or jealousy.
Over millions of years,
We lived in harmony,
Until the forest changed;
The garden shriveled and
Faded away as we watched.
Our lives were rearranged.
Some among us ventured out.
Giving in to our sin: curiosity.
We turned the grasslands
into pavement and stone
And we endured pain to walk
Down in the street, surrounded
by canyons of concrete and steel.
The powerful gather now
and hoard what was once shared.
Hors d’oeuvres are served,
Placating the hunger of the omnipotent,
that is never stated;
They will keep taking from us
As long as we allow it.
Even as they wallow in wealth,
They plot to plunder riches
and destroy the world,
scraping the land
and scouring the sea.
But one day, some loner, a rebel
May emerge from the shadows,
Dark-clad, filled with inchoate rage.
He will find like-minded souls
Who use the new machinations
To topple the oligarchs,
Empty their accounts
And give them to the world.
Chaos may follow,
But out of it a new humanity
Might arise.
A memory of what humans used to be, what horrible things they became and the hope that humans might decide to live as they once had, using progress to help each other.
Saman Badam Dec 2024
Us, we free from sordid lays,
Shift foot wayed, the ambush laid,
In kernel’s sight, rain death raid,
The thunders sung, as days rung,
In storm swung, those corpses hung,
Ruby tiefed, in fire haze,
Red the ruin, red the rage.
Saman Badam Dec 2024
A forlorn mule ambled a’ scowl,
Stumbling out from the hollow hovel,
But "Ahoy!" hailed a fey owl,
"Prithee, canst thou maketh the bestowal,
Of thine lovely bone-filled bowl."
Yet, all mule harked were perfide words foul,
So, the mule quoths with crimson howl -

"Hark me, O pirate of pain!
Me dubbed 'Common Mane',
Lo! tane my bowl-filled bane.
Wherefore art thou here, arcane?
Where goest thou, O wing’ d thane?
Whither rests thine dance so vain?
Dare ye cast the die of gain?
Doth not spake those perfide words again!"

The owl so spake in glace of Yule sire-
"Hight me - Lord Carrion the Dire,
A’ am piper o' myriad's pyre.
And A’ hie to mine Crooked Spire.
As it waxes evermore higher,
Only whilst rats leapeth in Surtr's fire
Betwixt tempest and thunder with sans a moment’s rire,
Of ruby tiefed, and bones crumbling in endless mire."

"Why art rats leapeth to Surtr’s spume,"
Whilst thy feathers tuck’ d ‘way from fiery doom?
Stop the endless Nyx brume”
The mule quivered, voice a-boom,
The owl spun words in return from estival loom-
“A’ piped them of phantom Phe’ nix’s plume,
So not wane mine ivory room,
Or stop their ambrosial crimson flume.”

The Mule’s sigh, hath even hell's hosts huddle around-
"Ye, sir! I wouldst trample aground!
And put thou in gaol underground"
"Ah!", came owl's soft rebound,
"Thou too shalt kiss skies abound,
Anon drink rills of scarlet profound,
For Bloom’s soft buss hath ne' er Fall’s fated song bound.
On pragmatism, only idealism's shroud surrounds "
Interpretation of Characters and Symbols:
• Mule: Common man
• Owl: A corrupted leader or propagandist who sustains power through lies and manipulation.
• Rats: Soldiers.
• Crooked Spire: The corrupt seat of power.
• Surtr’s Fire: War
• Phoenix’s Plume: propaganda
Sharon Talbot Dec 2024
I had dreamed of gentle hills who cloaked themselves
in emerald green, swathed in capes of moss
and bejeweled by Time with tumbled stone.
Sitting in a high window looking east,
Over damascene forests crowding,
I saw the waves hurl themselves on rocky shores
where hopeful pilgrims and adventurers
once landed, timorous at first
their linear minds and loud weapons braced
for battle with those who watched
from under shade of guarded forest.
I knew their history now, how they grew bold
and mowed down the ancients, wrecking paradise
until, for a time, it resembled the land they'd fled.
Decades rolled past with the confidence of the victor,
his rewriting of progress and the careless tramping
of feet, horses and railroads over human souls.
At last, what was forged by the invaders
became brief peace and prosperity for a time,
but descended into dictators and their subjects,
and people were mesmerized by moving pictures,
their brains turned to porridge with radio waves.
lulled by sweet, starry-eyed promises from the rich.
The chance of revolution has weakened
to the point of desperation.
La resistance lies in shadow, like a lion crouching
waiting for people to awaken, for the **** that frees.
This began as an idyll but drifted into noting the chaos of past and present conquerors.
Nemusa Dec 2024
It is in the smudge of mascara,
the red lip bleeding into the cracks
of a bitten mouth.
A quiet rebellion lives there.

Middle fingers do not shout;
they whisper—
a language only the tired
and the brave understand.

Running is not escape,
but a declaration.
A line of white powder,
a streak of neon—
these are maps
to the edge of something
sharp enough to cut.

They told us
fairy tales are for children.
But we grew up and learned
that happy marriages
are the most dangerous lies.

We sit behind screens,
armed with fake smiles,
perfect angles,
warriors of a war we don’t
believe in anymore.

The raves are loud,
but it’s the silence
of disappointment,
of insecure mornings,
of mirrors we cannot meet,
that tells the truth.

This is the war.
This is the smudge,
the smear,
the running.
And still,
we rise from the wreckage
like sparks in the dark,
too tired to shout,
too alive to stop.
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