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s May 2018
the transitory nature of
your touch

disconcerting emotions sustained
by memories that stick like dust

i can’t get enough of this-
whatever ‘this’ is

my mind harps on about
your warmth, presence, and kiss

your broken hands grasp mine,
my poisoned lips touch yours;

nothing more than a sad race
to see who succumbs first

to the secret silencing both of us:
subdued, i bite my tongue

‘love’s’ just a synonym for ‘guilt’
and guilt’s the only race that i have won.
i wrote this a while ago but realized that i never posted it here proud of this one
Sky May 2018
color isn't just the sky, i know that.
the rain, the snow, and all the blues
along with the different hues that
make me
(and you)

color isn't just all niceness, although
there's many a nice (and a vice) that
throws its body behind
its color, like (for instance) the deep dark red of
lust, or blood

color isn't just a thing that's there and with
its cosmic strength and chroma-power,
just sits upon your face as if saying
"i'm not actually here."

then what? was it before
(i won't lie) my friends said that among
the many guys i've liked?
you are? a bit, uh,
kind of different?
different kind of...? it was a bit
awkward, they said
you need your own
spectrum? what?
they said,
they said,
they said...


and hah...
of course you're brown, of course-- you're not
just brown, you're
very brown and definitely positively
brown and yes, you're
one of them, and of course! that matters, yes,
it matters that
you're one of

(brown) (brown?) (brown.)

and of course i'm not brown, i'm just
very not brown, i'm very unlike you and
very yellow, definitely positively
yellow and you know what? of course
that matters. that i'm not one of
you and
rather, one of

it's almost funny? how the sky
has always been very blue, the clouds
have always been definitely white, the grass
has always been positively green and yet
you? and you? you've definitely, positively
always been...

you haven't.

but they said (i won't lie) to
eyes, and so
you know what?

i did.
what is color to you? to me, color is awkward feelings and beautiful nature. but more awkward feelings.
kaylene- mary May 2018
Sometimes you are the gasoline to an already burnt building
Sometimes you are the anger of a child who broke his own toy
And sometimes you are a fist of rage,
Yelling at the television
A puff of smoke
You are the post apocalyptic chaos of a rip tide too far gone to break

See, racism is not the shark but it's the ocean
All teeth and no mouth,
No jaw and no muscle
Just the white rattle of hate
The sharp grip of an untrained dog

People talk about racism like ancestral land and confederate flags,
Knowing that you own these things,
And we don't 
As if we don't own this history too,
This system
Like we're tredding water

How many skin heads do you think were in the room when we signed off on immigration laws,
race legislations,
public school curriculums?
Or pushed policies like mandatory minimum sentencing,
benine neglect,
broken windows,
stop and frisk,
the race war?

The eye of the hurricane is the least harmful part of the storm
The eye of the chat room,
All poker face and no cards

So which individual Donald Trump bigot boogie man are we supposed to be mad at?
When do we stop pointing out the bad apples long enough to acknowledge the orchid was planted on a mass grave?
When do we stop slandering race and start slandering unsolicited rage?

Sharks **** about one person each year
Thousands drown

But of course this isn't really a poem for white supremacist
I don't know any white supremacist
But I do know the people in my neighbourhood,
And my family
And I know how white supremacy is upheld
Whether it is through action or inaction
How it isn't just the broken act of justice,
But the justice itself
How a white kid with a black face on Halloween and his friend who knew it was wrong but didn't say anything - start to blur together
Because let's be honest,
Some racists aren't even racist at all
So they say nothing
They're a silent chorus,
A dull underwater humming waiting to overflow
But when the songs of our cities break,
Will we choose to hear it?
Or will we keep looking for the shark,
Keep tredding water,
Not knowing that we're drowning?
Galib May 2018
Hey folks, Formula one is coming’ to our city,

Salute, it’s a hard track, drivers say’ what a pity,

Only best survive, others can’t make it…’ really,

Hey you, in Baku Circuit, you shouldn’t drive silly.

Baku race is cold shower; each turn is drama,

Drivers try faster; no accident is in agenda,

First turns are shocker, Williams is out of strada,

The show is not over, Force India is an addenda.

Ferrari goes *******, there is no place for a bore,

It pushes the brakes hard, why to speed up for?,

Whoever rushes badly, finds itself on the floor,

You wanted to take this track??, go to the next door.

Bulls are chasing, fighting for the fourth place,

They are friendly mates, well, that is not the case,

Sector one turn is here, Max do not leave any space,

Adventure is done for the race, Bulls are red in a face.

The Last laps on horison, Bottas is a leader,

His speed is excellent, Hami’s heart is bleeder,

Drama is not over; debris is an absolute killer,

Bottas is out of race, Hami is a surprise winner.

Baku city circuit is the best track of all times,

Fans are blessed with fun,… and adventure’ in each glance

Baku is a mystery, do not try to forecast,

Formula’s best drivers may find themselves on the grass,
anotherdream Apr 2018
I’m sorry for your loss,
And all of your pain,
I neglected your fire,
Among the cold winter rain.

I’m sorry you’ve felt,
Like I’ve hurt you some way.
Didn’t mean to pour tears,
All over your face.

I’m sorry I left,
As soon as I could,
I just couldn’t help it,
But I wish that I would.

I miss you so much,
That my heart can’t endure.
I wish you’d come back,
But you never will, that I'm sure.

So I’m stuck here alone,
Gone from her life.
I have no mark to make,
Cause I’m erased from her mind.

Don’t forget who you are,
You all have a place.
Remember you’re all special,
No matter what color, gender or race.

Pain will enter in,
Like a heartbroken virus.
Don’t let it become you,
Choose to still fight it,

Until your breath has ran out,
Your lungs have impaired,
You must live the now,
Love those who you care.
All I can say is sorry... S.B. <3
Dom Apr 2018
This is someone's reality.
a life with graffitied fences and barking dogs,
a life with music and dancing dolls.

A life full of police sirens and gunshots rang in the air,
a life where your color had rules and it wasn't fair.

A life of laughter and children playing in the play ground,
A life where hate wasn't around.

A life of protests against protests,
that's how life is.

A parent saying you and a brown one couldn't be friends.

Yet, you could cut me and i bleed, don't you bleed too?

Crying the tears that you've cried, this proving that we're the same.
Feeling that we both can love someone, shouldn't you see me as you?

But you are stuck on a stereotype you've seen on tv.
Too stuck to know that we are equal.
Too stuck to know that i bleed as do you.
Natasha Apr 2018
They ask what I am
As if they could draw a map
On my skin
Paved by my color
My hair
And my name

But even I can’t trace the path.
I’m a mutt of people
In time
And yet I am here.
And I am human.
Is that not enough?
I am not a wo(man) because someone says I am
I am a wo(man) because I am chosen by God to be
HE chose me to be part of this race, the Human Race
For it,HE gave me an Identity, HE gave me my Name
Peculiar to me, Qualifying me
to run this race. So I run.

Like every race, there are others too
Runners who cross my path, Cutting
In on my race, Kidnapping the gifts
Along my lane, Replacing the good
With pain and shame, Pasting on
My chest and back, an identity
not my own.

So that I say along with them
This is who I am, This is what I am
This is what as a wo(man) I must
Live through, endure and embrace

I am not a wo(man) because someone says I am
I am a wo(man) because I am chosen by God to be
HE chose me to be a part of this race, the Human Race
For it, HE gave me an Identity, HE gave me my Name
So I run this race. For I am

Qualified, I am Worthy
I am Enough, I am an Answer
I reclaim my race by grace

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