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Susana May 2019
right here
where you are
so close to me
questions, questions
those you keep asking
let it be
a surprise
a beautiful one indeed
Not dive so deep into the sea
as the night is still
so, so young
Baazi-chan May 2019
New found love?
What gives?
Can it be?
I'm over you?
This feelings
I gained
For another...
No comment...
Has taken over
Meg B May 2019
Of the two lamps in the room,
my glassy eyes can only tolerate the dimmed glow
of the lower light from the right,
my face basking in the slowly rotating,
barely blowing air from the fan above me.
My face feels flushed,
but not from the semi-sticky early summer heat,
but from the fact that
every time I come back to this room,
I'm reminded of why I left.

The lawyer in me could generate a list,
pros longer than any construction of cons,
yet your name will always reverberate
in the unforgotten corners of my subconscious.

You never loved me like I did you,
and even my romanticized version of you never
saw me the way I
still feel the ghost of you.

I can still feel the crisp fall air from your balcony
and recall the albums and conversations that
complete the track list
of my unrequited love story.

Sometimes it was real,
sometimes it's real,
sometimes it's a dream,
sometimes it's a memory.

And this is the essence of you and me;
it's more questions than answers,
smoke and mirrors and
smoking to make things clearer.

I've never been the same
since you,
but I also don't know how I can ever
get over someone I never really had.

You were mine in microcosms
that were macro extraterrestrial galactic;

was it real?
were we real or
was it all [science] fiction?
Makayla Jane May 2019
If we lived forever, maybe we'd have time to understand things. But as it is, I think the best we can do is try to open our eyes and appreciate how strange and brief all of this is.
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
I've never done much more than ask
If you were sculpted from glass

I have asked if you're cracking
I have asked if you're chipped
Knowing that scratch was from where you tripped

Words are all I have
Words are all that I can use
That's why that question is what I always abuse

Are you okay?
Are you alright?
I wish I could be by your side this night

I don't have much left to give
I was dropped myself
The shattered mug that fell from the shelf

I cannot relate
My tears are not the same
I do not know how to remove your pain

You were intent on fixing me
You can't repair damage so archaic
That's why I'm now a beautiful mosaic

My shattered pieces were picked up
And smooth glass from the sea
That's why my mosaic is a different me

I have been broken and that's fine, but
You can't go on faking
Now that you're so close to breaking

I cannot mend you either
It could not be done with my mug
There's only so much to be done with a hug

I wish I could do more
I offer you only my words
My love is more pricey and ultimately hurts

So that's why I've never done more than ask
If you're okay to be made from glass
The one I care for is hurting and I'm to scared to withdraw because he might crumble. It's difficult to say if I'm holding onto him for him or for me and I don't want to let him break more because of me.
Eyithen May 2019
Dear authors and poets,
                      With works that inspire and bring tears,
                       Do you intend the interpretation?
                       Do you mean what we think?
                       Or do you simply write and let us make-up what we
                       Want to see? What we need to hear?
                       We are taught be scholars the deeper meanings,
                       Metaphors, and life lessons.
                       We give you so much notoriety and acclamation.
                       Is it deserved?
                       Maybe it is maybe it's not.
                       We may never know.
                                                                 An aspiring writer
I have always wondered. Do authors intend for their work to be as deep and meaningful as we have learned?
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