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Emily Grace Ott Dec 2020
But listen to my questions
          if you have their response.
I form these words
          for you.
Isabella Dec 2020
A new love, could it be?
A chance to start again
We have not spoken, really
And you know nothing of me
Yet you say those words
“I’d love to get to know you”
Those awful words
Awful as they sparked a hope in my heart
A hope that only grows over time
Despite your late messages
And our dry conversations
And the fact that you are much better than me
I still cling the idea
That you and I could become something lovely
Do you think so too?
Is this the one chance I have?
It feels more real that the last time
But every moment is crushing me
Peace Dec 2020
I feel my heart slipping.. into a deep well of grief. My voice feels trapped behind a wall of lies and distortions. Swimming to the truth, I slip in and out of consciousness. Feeling the inevitable demise of my life fall before my eyes. Am I to fold and give up for the fear of drowning or do I soldier on regardless of my fate; at least I fought? In this uncertain revelation of what my decision can cause, I ponder my next move declining to submerge myself in a mirage..
Choices are always needing to be made and at times it’s a process to let go when you’ve held on for so long.
I don't need you
to question
my decisions,
as I do that
well myself,
a plethora of voices
to account for
no reaction,
maybe one
sanguine voice
will rise,
to drive a change
and take me away
from a desolate
morbid graveyard
to yet deserted
but pristine meadows,
with nothing but
a hope
to grow
rather than
just fade away,
and maybe
that is just enough.
The seed of all this indecision isn't me, I'm perfectly capable of making alright decisions.
Well, maybe not that often.  
But at least I'm in control.
David Dec 2020
Im standing on a cliff,
Endearing the drop of terror.

As I let out a painful laugh
Filled with fright,
I sit down in spite.

It’s a deep pit,
I wonder whats at the bottom.

Should I jump down?
And see how I turn out?

No, to crazy
But I cant stay here,
Yet why wont I move?

Why wont no one guide me?

It’s ok, Ill just sit here,
And wait for what will betide.


Where - Heh - Am I?
How do you expect me to
hold on to you
when I keep running from myself,
every chance I get?
Lilly Smith Dec 2020
Does love just come and go?
Do the people that say they love us truly do?
Or are we just being lied to?
Is it us that has to love ourselves to feel love?
Or are we immune to the feeling when sadness takes over?
How do people be or feel happy?
Is this living or is this just dying slowly?
Does this feeling ever subside?
Or is it forever like an eternity of questions wondering when the answers are gonna get solved?
Is life an unsolvable puzzle, where the pieces got lost throughout the years?
Or is the puzzle people, where if we’re broken we lose pieces?
Will these questions ever get solved or will they be forgotten?
Are people just lost souls or are we just the forgotten ones?
Are we even okay or is life just broken?
Is our soul purpose lost with the ways how we used to feel?
I guess so we never know anything until we ask.
Caitie Dec 2020
I face each day
Like I face my reflection.
Teeth baring and stagnant.

Stale and unamused.

I ask

"What do you have for me today?
What adversity must I face?
Am I to walk a thousand miles?
Or think a thousand thoughts?
Will you be easy on me today?

He says

"Don't water the plants.
They want to die.
They don't want to bloom."

Take their lives.
**** them off

I'm talking to myself out loud.
I hear my voice
But I don't hear any words.
I hear the disgruntled mumbles
I'm attempting to speak.

In due time,
things will be fine.
In due time,
You'll make sense of it all.
Where do I start?

I ask

"Do these things matter?
Am I supposed to feel?
Where's my guilt?"

He says

"Don't water the plants.
They want to die.
They don't want to bloom"

That's all I get?

He says

"That's all you'll ever get"

As if he was in my head.
As if he heard my thought.

No matter how much I asked,
That's all I ever got.

The flowers.
They don't want to be alive.
They don't want to bloom.

Did the flowers give up too?
Was it their only choice?
The only one they felt they had?

I ask

No I don't. I ask nothing anymore.

So everyday,
I face my tasks like I face my reflection.

Lifeless and dull.
Withering and disintegrating.
Like the flowers i've neglected.
On purpose.
Because I killed them.
I killed them.

I killed my self.
I killed everything I ever was.
Whose fault does it make
If your Sun goes down?
How much does it take
One to lose the crown?
And who is to blame
When the truth can't be found?
Everything is the same
To you under the ground.

How much can you love
That one person you found?
How long can you starve
Without making a sound?
And what is above
Our Earth, tired and bound?
"I've no answers,"
You cry and laugh
Under the ground.
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