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Arcassin B Jun 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

I don't wanna leave, I don't wanna go,
But if you tell you nope , then this lil
joint I'll have to blow,
No code , no conduct,
Looking for that love,
I got no where to go , I guess I'll have to
look above.

Have me , I said take me, but you didn't
want my love,
I'm burning up inside , I'm heart broken
I know that I can't hide though,
I know I can't hide,
You got moving through 20 different
worlds at a time for ya,
Would lie for ya,
I'd die for ya.
I didn't wanna tame you in a world so cruel,
With a life so bad where the bad men
And the lights turn down , dimming my
soul dark,
I was here you would keep my heart,
Thats a little lame , but I digress,
I swear I would have been your very best,
So what do you say?

I don't wanna leave, I don't wanna go,
But if you tell you nope , then this lil
joint I'll have to blow,
No code , no conduct,
Looking for that love,
I got no where to go , I guess I'll have to
look above.
astro eyes Jun 2018
this is me.

purely beautiful.

all this time,

buried underneath,

heavy earth.

soil that dirtied
my soul.

mud of the old.

seeds planted.


flowers and stems,
garden beds.

words spun from delicate petals,
shaped into what lies here.

. . .
me. finally. i am me.

(i have not known
who i actually am..
why i am here..
what is my purpose..?)

when you finally discover yourself,
you can only cry a mixture
of both salty and sweet tears,
sadness and true joy.

pure beauty,
a discovery of self.

makes every single horrid thing,
i went through,
worth it.
I've always thought I have these wonderful poems in my head
Just that I can't bother to put them to pen
Too lazy to bring to life ,all this wonder that lies inside
So in my head they'll reside
Probably until I die..
E l l e Jun 2018
Climbed down from the pedestal,

Because I realized nobody wants to be up here-

Worked so hard for it....

But then again nobody knows what they sign up for.

My white gown is stained-

How could anyone do such a thing?

I guess nobody remembers the values of accusation
Because nobody was charged...

Sitting on the ground-
Warm like the memories I instill in this town;
I'll eat the fruits to remember what it all tasted like.
A taste of my own medicine.

It's kind of ironic how one thing can be taken for another

Maybe the pedestal after all was a pit of thorns..

Luckily I didn't stay long enough to get cut..

At the same time, the ground here is giving me a bruise!

I'll have to tell someone that one day.
Maybe being at the top isn't always the best view for the mind.. Maybe being grounded is what we all need.
Vener Jun 2018
Have you ever wondered
about the way a mirror worked?
not exactly in a technical sense
but more on a self-reflective instance

Who do you see?
is it the same figure in every other photo?
is it a version crafted by your own perception?
is it the one molded by fluctuating expections?

our minds work in various ways
majority of them being ones we may not even be aware of
then again
maybe they were never meant to be understood


What do you want to see?
the one you see may not be the one you want to be--
the one you want to be may not be who you will be--
the one you will be may not be the one you want to see--

everything just leads back to itself
unknowingly stuck in an endless loop of indecisiveness

Sometimes I pity the reflection.

Have you ever wondered about the figure in the mirror?
Have you ever wondered how pathetic their life is?

You can be the richest man on this planet
Or be a desperate beggar knocking on death's door

But nothing--
Absolutely   n o t h i n g.
will change the fact--
that your reflection is living a second-hand life
fabricated by someone they have no control over

No options.
No decisions.
No emotions.
No worries.
No freedom.

When you disappear,
so will they.

That is the true represention
of your sole purpose being--
simply waiting to die.
Have you talked to your reflection today?
Luis Valencia Jun 2018
I feel empty
Like I have no purpose.

I feel like an ancient god or maybe even an elemental who sees that the earth is functioning well without him
Who notices that the skies are no longer starving the earth of their sweet moisture.

I feel like a boy trapped inside a brick house
He looks out of his sheltered home
and longs for the feeling of the cool breeze on his face.

I feel like a rotting tree
Nothing good on the inside while the outside looks almost normal, maybe even stoic and well kept from a distance.

give me purpose.
Tears and Tiger lilies
Arcassin B Jun 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

putting lives on the line for some dough.
poison air reach your lungs and theres
possibilities are endless with this world.
I just hope you see it one day when it
avenues in fire and people get lost.
everybody in a crisis and the weak gets
symbols and trauma turns your mind to
simple idiots when you worship a trump
or bush
Well take a look at what you've done,
Ain't pointing fingers,
No time to run,
Time stand and fight,
Got your whole life,
Circling the outer realms instead of
finding the inner,
Just don't plant no seeds if you love
being a sinner,
Life are on the lines to save weak people
like you and you,
We learn through and through,
That if we feed the demon everyday of
our lives , we could lose the juice,
The choice is up to you,
But I know what I'mma' do.
Jungdok Jun 2018
Maybe, we're not that worthless as we thought we were.
Maybe, we still haven't found our purpose, and it's completely okay to feel lost and unworthy of this life sometimes.
What's not okay is not getting help from other people.
What's not okay is not admitting what you're feeling deep inside and bottling up those emotions until it explodes.
It's okay to be hurt.
It's okay to feel lost.
It's okay to fail.
Your feelings are valid.
You are worth it.
You're worthy of all the good things this world have to offer.
Have a good day!
nawke Jun 2018
What would he live for
if not for the letter to the customer
that he's forwarding the quote to
for a happy client is a happy profit
that he brings home for bacon
is he less of a father if there is not
a duty to perform for his family
is life meaningless if he didn’t work it?

what would a student live for
if not for the exams she's to ace
reading papers on her own volition
for quaint mathematical equation
that she may bring home a graduate  
is she less of a daughter if there is
no honors returned to her parents
is life meaningless if she didn’t learn it?

what would the couple live for
if not for the dreams they’d backpack
into future unknown as flights await
to enchanting a relationship
that brings rejuvenation to ruts
are they less of a couple if there is no
time away from the humdrum
is life meaningless if they didn’t travel it?

what would the barista live for
if not for making beans behind counter
to gay customers delighted by beverage
for which he is paid a salary to stamp his
tuition by an overworked single mom  
is he less of a barista if there is no
fees and books he’s to strive hard for  
is life less meaningful if he didn’t brew it?

what would a baby live for
if not for mommy’s milk bottles, hugs
kisses and adults’ gazes to nurture them
to crawl, walk, jump, hop scotch and cycle
to witness a blossoming  into full adolescent
is the baby less of a child if there are no
9 months to cross and milestones to check off
is life meaningless if it didn’t grow into it?
Stagger Lee Jun 2018
The realms of possibility crash at our feet,
cosmic understanding lights the way,
the stranger in your eyes, the killer on the road,
after the end where do we go, convulsing creatures of darkness spitting up blood,
wild savage men dance in the forest,
a flooding paradox of self realization,
the fuel of life and death, sinful love and enlightened hate,
no one truly sees, our fateful misconceptions,
choking on lies, life smothered by rulers,
the tsar of suffering, the king of false credence,
revolutionary justice, the guillotines judgment,
**** the god in yourselves, mask your perception,
guided by primal fear, what do you see,
cancerous power, the manifestation of destruction,
the Anarchists howl, the crying freedom,
angels of darkness claw at your eyes, chronic seizures of deceit,
the ghetto of love, maniacal streets,
the pigs decapitated head, our time is up, one final scream, our eyes wide shut
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