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Zywa Feb 25
As we know, people

like to play, preferably --

with favourite thoughts.
Story "Het laatste getuigenis" ("The last testimony", 1946, Belcampo)

Collection "Finethreads"
You like string music?
Wow, I do too,
In fact I used to play.

Do I miss playing?
Well of course I do,
I remorse everyday for my string wings,
And how they were taken from me.
I played Viola for 5 years before high school. I stopped because no one in my group respected me, and my own teacher told me I was a disappointment to the arts.
Zywa Sep 2024
Mama's big rainbow

umbrella keeps me nice and --

dry in the shower.
Poem "In het huis van je vader" ("In your father's house", 2009, Krijn Peter Hesselink)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Antonia Sep 2024
Half of me
has given up
and the other half
hasn’t even started yet
it’s always been like this
myself vs. myself

the battle of two stubborn selves

they take turn
in winning fights
I’m so confused and tired
to root for both
each time

It’s a twisted game.

I play myself.
Zywa May 2024
Demonstration and

imitation, play and learn --

to play together.
Third movement of the composition "Take U" (take the U-turn, 2015, Dirk Veulemans), for clarinet and live electronics, arranged for the two self-built mobile organs; performed by Dirk Veulemans in the Organpark on May 25th, 2024

Collection "org ANP ark" #200
anotherdream May 2024
Should I call myself a traitor
For not honoring my needs
When I fall for you again
When I'm struggling to breathe

In the pool of old regrets
I'm still asking what it means
As I'm sinking to the floor
As I'm drowning to be free

I lament my current ignorance
For forgetting certain things
Like when I lay down in the dirt
From admitting our defeat

There's no basis for return
If you're always in my dreams
I had finally let you go
Until I ruined everything

I shouldn't play with fire
When my heart is made of weeds
But I was so desperate for attention
And the comfort it can bring

So I'll call myself a traitor
Cause I'm only hurting me
When I'm crawling back to you
And am on my hands and knees
In this poem I lament getting back with the girl who caused me so much heartache. It's as if all my effort into moving on from her and recovering was for nothing, because as soon as I talked to her again, I fell right back to square one. After the fact, I have adjusted and just keep my distance but in that moment, I had much regret of communicating with her after years of pain.
Zywa Feb 2024
I flounder, hanging

over grandpa's leg, hello --

super shiny shoes!
Poem "Grootvader" ("Grandfather", 2019, Bart Moeyaert)

Collection "Here &Now&"
Zywa Jan 2024
Splashing, destroying

the puddle by stamping, and --

again, and again.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 1.1

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Zywa Jan 2024
We wear white plastic

slats as a stole, we're playing --

a Roman drama.
Novella "Relaas van 'n moord" ("Account of a ******", 1995, Antjie Krog)

Collection "Germ Substance"
Zywa Apr 2023
If only the little animal could
understand everything
no questions unanswered
when it dies

It does not live long enough
and flying is the time
of hundred wonderful times
of playing to die, the time

of asking again and again why
thus, this or that, and how
curiously cutting and pasting
knowledge, screaming

and throwing away angrily
lying down exhausted
and cry, but still
starting over once more

rearrange or discard
the half answers
and go looking
for new data

always ask another question
principally blind
full of confidence
that there will be an answer
Collection "I am"
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