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Moonlit summer shore
Blackness deep waves sing
He walks
A pencil writes His thoughts
Vivid dream several years ago
Sliced clean
The death of a being
The birth of me
Clean and bleak
Used and bold

White and fiber rich
A landscape
A face
Flowers free
What will it be?

A gloomy face
A glowing city
Infinite possibilities

Etching into me
Swirly, loopy, straight, and wavy
Magnificent lines
Leaping from white
A new power
Endless expression

Unleashed power roams free
Forever on me
I am but one
Piece of paper
Timothy hill Mar 2017
You are white grace of holes.

Schools thank you for your texture.

Pen and pencil, of muse bring him to life what you right is his view.
Logic of word.
Maria Etre Mar 2017
It goes beyond saying
that there is nothing
more liberating
than the moment
the story-filled
tip of my pencil
touches the soft
surface of an innocent  
white paper
Whenever pencil and paper smooches,
Fascinating Illustration is made !
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
If you're ever feeling blue,
sketch a smile onto your face
Draw the curve and dimples, too
But all in pencil, just in case

Just never sketch a smile in pen
For soon the time could come
A day or two or three or ten
When one starts to feel dumb

**** the ever-smile
That can never be wiped, Or scraped, or covered fully
For the mockingish smirk
Would start to look like a ****
And the smiler is now a big bully

And when a dangerous bloke
Asks Ink Face for smoke
And the latter hasn't got any,
The smile of pen is mistook for a poke
And the joke? Well, it's sadly unfunny
Thanks, Graff.
Nickki May21 Sep 2016

I use to get excited about having a new pencil or freshly sharpened one. Point, fine and sharp. Ready for use like a dull point pencil could not do the job.
I swear paper was perfectly made for pencils. Until I met pens, but, they never brought out the best in my penmanship.
But a pencil, it was light as a feather, easy to manipulate, no extra items needed to erase mistakes..
If only life was like a pencil with a clean rubber, we would erase the unwanted and rewrite our best as if it did not affect us. We would stay fine like china but who would sharpen our edges, would it be people or the things we are mostly engaged in.
Who will ensure our rubbers does not smudge pages. Are we in charge of that or are we asking for too much.
In fact a pencil does not have a high life expectancy rate, so am I grateful for my life even though people count the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years and call it time. So yes I appreciate it. But no matter what happens I still enjoy using new pencils.
Kathleen M Jul 2016
Jane holds the pencil in her hand
She uses it to get the thoughts out of her head
Now they won't come out
Time for a new tactic
She swings her clenched fist at her ear
The squelch is felt more than heard
Again and again she gouges the thoughts from her brain
Thoughts pool dark red in her lap
She finally shut them up
Eyes closed
Relaxed sigh
Alone in her head again
Jane fades out
gray rain May 2016
I would say ink runs through my veins
but I prefer to write in pencil.
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