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Michael Stefan Feb 2020
Witness wonder in all forms
It's always happening around you
Randi Sep 2019
The biggest smile
Is the biggest wall
Built to hide
That is all
Darkness swirling
Deep in their skull
Monster whirling
Threwout that dull
Space where there used to be
A genuine smile
That made people happy to see
But now that space is all black
That smile is a mask
One that makes the owner turn back
To see what they used to be
And be sad to think
They'll never go and return
To that old happy smile
That could burn
A spark of happiness in everyone's face

But now they need that happiness
To help them chase
The monster thats creeping
Out of their house
To help get it out
To help round it about
To remove it from their old happy place
Where now they feel scared
Threatened,and wasted

Pay attention to those
Whose attention is drawn
To the big happy smile
That may be a mask thrown on
Julie Mullins Nov 2018
You stay sayin'
People always changing up
On you,

But it's really
You who be
Changing up
On everybody else.

So why you
Being fake as ****?
Why you changing
Faces like underwear?

Why you
Buddy, buddy
One day
Then talkin' ****
The next?

Quit your switch flippin'
And pay attention
Cuz you losin'
The best.
The best has
Given up.
Megan May 2018
I'm in class
instead of paying attention-
doodling instead of listening.

I'm just hearing
the mumbling
of the professor...

he's talk talk talking about...
Doing something
because of something.

But I’m just doodling.
Again not listening.
Again not hearing
Such important details

Of something
Happening somewhere
Because of...

Something bad is happening
Sounds like something that’s happened

I continue to doodle
adding tornados to the scribbles.
Causing mayhem between
Simple blue lines on bleached paper

Just like somewhere
Where something happened
Because of...

Harder like the pressure of the pen
I doodle with
It’s too late

Lecture over.
Don’t get me wrong though I love class and learning! It’s just sometimes it’s like people never listens in class or take their own initiative to learn something and that frazzled me up a little lol
What you stand witness to in others
Is strengthened in them
By the power of your observation
Bria Hunt Apr 2016
The blade brands my skin
As the tears burn my cheeks
And my head pounds more than I can breathe.

This isn't what you think it is.
It isn't a wish for my life to end,
this is a cry for help.


with this final scream left
I will get someone's attention.

Someone will see,
maybe even notice me,
maybe, just maybe,
someone will stay and comfort me!

The pain of life,
the stain of sin,
is the blood that drips
down these pail white bricks.

No one seems to have the strength
to remove even one brick.
To see if I need help
or to see if I'm hurting myself.

I'll scream one more time
To see if someone hears my cry
"I'm hurting myself, I'm hurting myself!"
But no one seemed to lift an eye.
Lost Mar 2016
Here I sit,
Here I sit,
Falling apart,
I'm not the only one.
But because fresh cuts don't don my skin,
I'm ignored.
As if my pain is any less,
at least she has someone.
I'm all
Sitting here surrounded by people,
I'm alone.
No one cares.
I'm not cared for.
I'm not okay.
But they ignore the tears,

Tiny splashes
my keyboard.
so clear,
pay attention

*If only they'd just,

I wish I had the courage to take that blade to my skin again.
Lianna Walters Jan 2015
“How are you doing?”
"I'm good, how are you?"
I'm not okay, I'm never okay, not that you actually care...
"You're so pretty!
"Thank you!"
No I'm not. I'm fat and ugly, everyone knows it.
"I love you."
"I love you, too"
Do you?
"I'll always be here for you. Just call me."
"Thank you, it's good to know I have someone."
Funny, I needed you when I was ready to **** myself, but it went straight to voicemail.
"Do you want anything?"
"No thanks, I already ate."
No thanks, I'm not trying to gain any more weight, Lord knows I don't need to.
"You should go to sleep."
"Alright, goodnight."
Sure, I'll go lay in bed and think about everything wrong with me until 3am, but I sure as hell am getting 0 sleep.
"I need you...."
"Okay, I'll stay for you."
You probably do. But when I need you it's another story.
"You're so quiet!"
"I'm tired."
I'm over-thinking.
"What's up with the sunglasses? It's not even sunny."
"You know I look cool!"
I've been crying and I don't want you to ask why.
"You'll get over this. You're strong."
"Thanks I needed that."
Hahahahahahaha! You're so freaking hilarious!
"Your poetry is so deep!"
"I usually write when I'm listening to sad music- it gets me in the mood."
**I write everything I'm feeling, you just never paid enough attention to know I was feeling that way.
Quotations= what other people say
Italic quotation marks= What I respond'
Bold= What I mean
Jasmine smiles Apr 2014
The scariest sparrow
Hides the bravest soul.
The girl most narrow
Her heart Carries the heaviest toll.
The man with the most beautiful mind
Is labelled useless in society.
The woman most kind
Lacks necessary variety.
The boy most vile
Has the most ambition.
The best bio
Is the worst description.
What did you write in your bio?

— The End —