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the dog
resting peacefully
in his crate
is content
with being
shut in;
only permitted freedom              
at the behest
of another

there was not always
such serenity
behind these bars;
there was howling

cag­ed like that
could not have been
from finding comfort

there were rewards
on occasions
though it was unclear
just why
these were offered
and when
the next might appear

with time
it became easier
to simply accept
the limitation
and wait
for the next
moment of joy
to come around

however long
Rama Krsna Jan 2022
many a night
i lie awake
with remembrances of your silky touch
and a zillion rousing thoughts
racing through my occidental mind.
each time,
longing for that soft embrace
laced with the hope of it all.

just waiting....
for the elusive sleep to descend

© 2022
Burst Dec 2021
I can only provide
The tools
And the knowlage

You are the skill

Weve got all the time in the world

Its real

Go again

Go again
Go again
John McCafferty Nov 2021
All nutrients stopped our connection is lost, dead flowers on show it's cost has grown old.
The shell still shines but insides seem so rotten, are problems afoot now foundations have gone?
Invested energy transferred in a team to entertain, the state of fans patience often the last to remain, others in charge soon slip down to be replaced.

Restrictions enrooted are cause for concern, training affirmed to restart from step one, whilst some mistakes are made to be learnt from. The clarity of a curtain call can affect us all, when feeling the woe at the end of this game, no one likes to be played with in poor taste.
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
m Oct 2021
Dear seedling, one day you will grow
but for now you're tucked into a blanket of snow
seedling, don't lose hope
because one day you'll be a grand oak
and you'll be able to touch the sky
you just need patience, seedling
you're far from passive
it takes a lot of power to sprout through the dirt
don't lose hope
TG Oct 2021
Give me 2 years to be good again,
2 years to build myself,
2 years to love myself,
2 years to completely heal myself,
2 years to be found again,
2 years to be open to anything,
2 years of patience and rest,
2 years of no peer pressure,
2 years to be me again,
see you in 2 years...
allow yourself to heal, listen to your body, give yourself the time.
Because of you
I'm all here
Buried all the pains
Dug a new chapter
Imported new feelings
Seeded hope
Exported all the grievances
Took hold of the promises
Watered the heart
Cementing the broken pieces together
Laminated the smile
And on the wall I nailed it
Began a tireless journey
Wishing for the best
Trusting the eyes
Enjoying the sweet melody
A lullaby I need for a lifetime

Remember those days?
Acting silly and stupid
The ignorance we entertained
The confusion we embraced
Embroidering the hatred
An the mist of pain we got lost
Turning our backs on each other
Anger reddening our eyes
Silence that became a graveyard
Silence that almost murdered our hearts
Intoxicating our feelings
Destroying the taproots of our future
I remember that days
Buried now

Now I smile
For we hold it
In our hands we are molding it
Together moistening the clay
That long ago cracked
With no hope of being a palp again
We have it
We repainted the wall
A new dawn of hope
A beginning of a new chapter
The chills of winter all gone
Summer says hello
With its rain we will puddle
In the mud together
Yes the mud of love we will ***** ourselves
For we buried the past
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
There are those who fight for love
with weapons as weak as wood
these are they who avoid the fire
and would hide if they could
there’s lovers, whose shields are hung
and are dented with dints
defeated by a waging war
that they had no faith in

The war for love is never won
though dressed in iron, steal or tin
when you have no hope in love
neither should you win
The strong have given it their life
in armour as soft as cloth
with a heart that gave all it had
they fought hard and never lost
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