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Ignatius Hosiana May 2016
A CV's like a baby, it has to
first sit before it crawls and
then it stands before it walks...
step by step till it's grown
and too fat for its
bearer to carry.
Some skip a stage,
but such a miracle's
rare even in the
and business
Tyler Houck May 2016
Patience can be kind.
Allowing things to be right.
Patience can be hard.
Waiting forever for naught.
Patience teaches us lessons.
Kale May 2016
Love is patient
I was told when I was young
But I believe love is not stupid
Don't waste my time
Hoping I would forgive you
Hoping I would wait for you
Because this not a romance novel
Its life.
Tyler Houck May 2016
Here I am, waiting for you,
patiently, just so I can talk.
I hope I can trust you too.

Waiting under the sky’s red hue,
Here I am on top of this rock.
Here I am, waiting for you.

Because of the cold, I can see the dew
Forming on top of a flower near a tiny shamrock.
I hope I can trust you too.

I hope that you are not coming to bid adieu
as I sit here and check this clock.
Here I am, waiting for you.

The amount that I talk to you is unfortunately few,
but my secrets I wish for you to unlock.
I hope I can trust you too.

I see you coming all dressed in blue,
prepared to talk and never to mock.
Here I am, waiting for you.
I hope I can trust you too.
This is my attempt at a villanelle.
Ignatius Hosiana May 2016
Your part,
ask,pray and let the gods
do theirs
Kimiko May 2016
I will keep silent
even after hearing bad rumors
so no one could get hurt
nobody but me

I will keep silent
in the midst of your anger
so i could hear you
more than i hear myself

I will keep silent
in facing my own fears
so no amount of worry
will touch your happy cheers

I will keep silent
even in the banks of my death
so i can only feel your love
more than the pain of regret

just remember...
whenever i keep silent

I'm simply just saying...

Voices are given to us without a price. Some of us even have voices without words. It is our choice to use it or not, for the good or for the better of those we treasure the most. But most importantly, let us not forget that Words mean nothing without action.
Nobody's May 2016
I can hear your voice
And in my head you are so far away

You stare steadily at me
But not in hate
I know you are just waiting
For me to finally say

That I am ready
to wholeheartedly accept your stay

I wish to say yes
Yet I know I won't today

The truth is that I do want you
But today is not the day  

The loving look in your eyes
Tell me you will wait
brandon nagley May 2016
Beautiful thou art
Gorgeous majesty;
Dazzling thou art,
Mine Filipino dream.

Kind thou art-
Soothing mine aches;
Speaking to me in angel-tongue-
O' how I'm one, with thee mine mate.

Jane, mine Jane, I'll sayeth
It again, O' how I'm in love,
With thee mine best friend;
For we shant end, I'm thine-
Thine alone; as thou art mine,
Mine sun that shines, for verily,
O' verily, with thee I am home.

For if thou were never shown
And not given to me by God;
I'd be lost in a pool, of birth-
Pain's of death and loss.

Though we've payed ourn
Cost, of tribulation's-patience;
Mine love, mine dove- O' with thee
I'm in harmony, with thy heart as my
economy, flowing in abundance.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Art- are.
Thee- you.
Sayeth- say.
Shant- shall not.
Thine- yours.
Verily- certainly- truly.
Trupoetry Apr 2016
My heart has skipped a beat before
what you make me feel
is more like hopscotch
or beat breaks in hip hop
you're dope!
not addictive
I won't need rehab
if we don't last
what am I saying?
I'm playing
not last?
everlasting isn't tied to expirations
doesn't expire
or retire
it's a decision made before life
that even when it's not right
it's still light
that's why I hide my face
but I never hide who I am
I blush with you
because there's so much trust with you
your loyalty showed me what love should do
in time of need
you make it all about me
take the back seat to your own dreams
to push me forward
pushing toward it
the ultimate goal
constant reminders
that I am special
to you
to God
a blessing to anyone
who knows me
or knows that they never will quite like you do
one half to my whole
the mate to my soul
Anything worth having is certainly worth waiting for...I'm in no rush, take your time just come on time. xoxo
Dee Apr 2016
I have waited for twenty four years
To finally meet you.
That I won't give you up for a single mistake
or the rush of impatience.
You will find me here
waiting for you
Loving you in silence
Loving you more.
I love you Daniel. :)
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